
From Zelda Wiki, the Zelda encyclopedia
Revision as of 15:04, 11 May 2018 by KokoroSenshi (talk | contribs) (Tried fix: boilerplate names not showing properly in dropdown list)
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 * WikitextAutocompleter
 * Provides Autocomplete (a dropdown list) for wiki editing such as for 
 * completing templates
 * Uses
 * Notes:
 * - Won't work with CodeEditor since it doesn't use a textarea but that's fine
 *   since CodeEditor won't be used for wikitext
 * Bugs:
 * - Overlapping strategies, e.g. "{{Template1|param1|para{{Templ"; it seems 
 *   both run, but the earlier strategy in the array registered appears?

if (mw.config.get("wgAction") == "edit") {
	/** Global Variables */
	strategies = []; // Array of strategies
	templates = {}; // Contains all the parameter arrays/definitions
	autoComplete = {}; // Contains supporting variables, e.g. initialismsArray, createTemplateStrategy()
	/** Supporting definitions */
	/* Array of Standard Initialisms */
	autoComplete.initialismsArray = [];
	var readInitialisms = function(callback) {
		$.get( "", function( data ) {
			var initialisms = [];
				.match(/\|\|[a-zA-Z0-9-+& ]*\n/g)
				.forEach(function(value, index){
				var name = value.slice(2).trim();
			autoComplete.initialismsArray = initialisms; // Leave autoComplete.initialismsArray empty until fully filled
			if (typeof callback === "function") callback();
	/* Call it, optionally with a callback if needed */
	readInitialisms(); // No specific need for the callback yet?
	/** Template parameter definitions */
	/* Template:Color */
	templates.Color = {};
	$.get( "", function( data ) {
		var colorsArray = [];
			.match(/\|[a-zA-Z0-9 ]*/g)
			.forEach(function(value, index){
				var name = value.slice(1).trim();
		templates.Color = {
			"1": colorsArray
	/* Template:KSTest */
	templates.KSTest = {
		"1": ["testparam1value1","testparam1value2","testparam1value3"],
		"2": ["testparam2value1","testparam2value2","testparam2value3"],
		"3": ["testparam3value1","testparam3value2","testparam3value3"]
	/* Template:Icon */
	templates.Icon = {};
	$.get( "", function( data ) {
		var iconsArray = [];
			.match(/\n\|[a-zA-Z0-9-+ ]*/g)
			.forEach(function(value, index){
				var name = value.slice(2).trim();
		templates.Icon = {
			"1": iconsArray
	/* Template:Exp Game */
	templates["Exp Game"] = {};
	templates["Exp Game"].getParams = function(paramNum) {
		return autoComplete.initialismsArray; // Assumes an integer paramNum > 0
	/** Attempt to make a strategy to list all templates */
	autoComplete.templatesArray = [];
	// Getting a list of every template in the wiki
	var killSwitchCount = 10;
	var templateListQuery = {
		"action": "query",
		"format": "json",
		"prop": "",
		"list": "allpages",
		"apnamespace": "10",
		"aplimit": "max"
	var api = new mw.Api();
	var templateListQueryAjax = function() {
		api.get( templateListQuery ).done( function ( data ) {
			if (killSwitchCount < 0) return;
			console.log( data.query.allpages );
			data.query.allpages.forEach(function(current) {
			if ("continue" in data) {
				templateListQuery["continue"]   = data["continue"]["continue"];
				templateListQuery.apcontinue = data["continue"].apcontinue;
		} );
	autoComplete.templateListStrategy = 
		id: "TemplateList",
		match: /(\{\{)([^#<>{}_\[\]\|]*)$/, // if greedy, might match "{{Template}}{{", instead of "{{"; added invalid article title characters
		search: function (term, callback) {
			console.log("term: " + term);
			var nameArray = autoComplete.templatesArray.filter(function(currentValue) { return currentValue.startsWith(term); });
			callback(nameArray); // List of possible completions ("names")
		template: function (name) {
			var displayName = name;
			return displayName; // What to display in the list
		replace: function (name) {
			var replacementString = "$1" + name;
			return replacementString; // What to replace the matched typed text with
	/** Allow boilerplate to be autocompleted */
	console.log("declare boilerplate objects");
	autoComplete.boilerplateMap = {};
	autoComplete.boilerplateNameArray = [];
	// Getting a list of every boilerplate in the wiki
	killSwitchCount = 10;
	var boilerplateListQuery = {
		"action": "query",
		"format": "json",
		"prop": "",
		"list": "allpages",
		"apnamespace": "450", //Boilerplate namespace
		"aplimit": "max"
	var boilerplateListQueryAjax = function() {
		api.get( boilerplateListQuery ).done( function ( data ) {
			if (killSwitchCount < 0) return;
			console.log( data.query.allpages );
			data.query.allpages.forEach(function(current) {
			if ("continue" in data) {
				boilerplateListQuery["continue"]   = data["continue"]["continue"];
				boilerplateListQuery.apcontinue = data["continue"].apcontinue;
			} else {
				// Callback stuff
				autoComplete.boilerplateNameArray.forEach(function(boilerplateName, index){
					console.log("" + boilerplateName + "?action=raw");
					$.get( "" + boilerplateName + "?action=raw", function( data ) {
						autoComplete.boilerplateMap[boilerplateName] = 
		} );
	console.log("run boilerplate ajax");
	autoComplete.boilerplateStrategy = 
		id: "boilerplate",
		match: /(\\\\Boilerplate\:)([^#<>{}_\[\]\|]*)$/, // invalid article title characters
		search: function (term, callback) {
			console.log("term: " + term);
			var nameArray = Object.keys(autoComplete.boilerplateMap).filter(function(currentValue) { return currentValue.startsWith(term); });
			callback(nameArray); // List of possible completions ("names")
		template: function (name) {
			var displayName = name;
			return displayName; // What to display in the list
		replace: function (name) {
			var replacementString = autoComplete.boilerplateMap[name];
			return replacementString; // What to replace the matched typed text with
	/** Registering strategies */
	autoComplete.currentHeader = ""; // An attempt to generate a dropdown menu header to describe the parameter in some way, to accompany choices, or when there are no preset choices.
	autoComplete.getTextcompleteScript = function() {
		console.log( "Loading textcomplete..." );
		$.getScript( "", function( data, textStatus, jqxhr ) {
			//console.log( [ data, textStatus, jqxhr.status ] ); // Data returned, Success, 200
			console.log( "Loaded textcomplete. (Warning: May not be executed yet)" );
			// Textarea object:
			Textarea = Textcomplete.editors.Textarea; // Global Variable
	/* Note: The param arrays need not exist before strategy is registered */
	autoComplete.registerStrategies = function() {
		var editor = new Textarea(document.getElementById("wpTextbox1"))
		  , options = {
				dropdown: {
					maxCount: 5000,
					header: function() { return autoComplete.currentHeader; },
					style: { "margin-top": (-parseFloat($("body").css("margin-top")))+"px" }
		  , textcomplete = new Textcomplete(editor, options);
		/** Register strategies */ // The earier strategy in the list will appear if both match (both still run I think)
	autoComplete.createTemplateStrategy = function() {
		console.log("/* createTemplateStrategy - start */");
		// Get text preceding text cursor, 
		// like
		var getBeforeCursor = function(/**textarea*/) { 
			textarea = document.getElementById("wpTextbox1");
			return textarea.selectionStart !== textarea.selectionEnd ? null : textarea.value.substring(0, textarea.selectionEnd);
		var getLastTemplateOpenBracketPos = function(text) { // Assumes no "{{{" and "}}}" (perhaps ok even with these, anyway?), nor <nowiki> tags that would render "{{" or "}}" escaped/inactive,
			var count = 0
			  , index = text.length - 2
			  , foundBracketPair
			  , chars;
			while (index >= 0) {
				chars = [text.charAt(index), text.charAt(index+1)];
				foundBracketPair = false;
				if (chars[0] === '}' && chars[1] === '}') {
					foundBracketPair = true;
				} else if (chars[0] === '{' && chars[1] === '{') {
					foundBracketPair = true;
				if (count < 0) return index;
				if (foundBracketPair) index -= 2; else index -= 1;
			return -1;
		var templateStrategy = 
			id: "Templates",
			match: /(\|)([^\|]*)$/,
			search: function (term, callback) {
				console.log("/* Template parameter choice search - start */");
				var text = getBeforeCursor();
				console.log(" * Text before cursor: " + text);
				text = text.slice(0, text.length - term.length);
				console.log(" * Text before term: " + text);
				var templateStartPos = getLastTemplateOpenBracketPos(text);
				var templateBody = text.slice(templateStartPos + "{{".length);
				console.log(" * templateBody: " + templateBody);
				var templateName = templateBody.slice(0,templateBody.indexOf("|")); // Assumes stuff like {{Test|, not {{Test{{aTemplate}}|
				console.log(" * templateName: " + templateName);
				 * Remove the templates [TODO: and tables] (there are no unmatched template brackets within this string?)
				 * - Loop a regex removal of {{..}} pairs, inside out
				 * - There should be no unmatched pairs due to having called 
				 *   getLastTemplateOpenBracketPos(text)
				 * - Use "?" in the regex to "lazy" match, or else it matches 
				 *   the biggest {{...}}, which renders the following method 
				 *   non-functional
				 * - The match will only have one "}}" at the end, due to ltr 
				 *   lazy regex search?
				 * - Then remove the rightmost/innermost {{...}} that includes 
				 *   this "}}", by reversing so the pair is on the left side of 
				 *   the string, lazy matching, then reversing back
				var templateBodyTrimmed = templateBody;
				while (templateBodyTrimmed != (templateBodyTrimmed = templateBodyTrimmed.replace(/\{\{[^]*?\}\}/g, function (match) {
						var matchInner = match.slice(2, match.length - 2); // Remove outer braces
						if (matchInner.includes("{{")) { 
							// Remove the last (inner) pair of "{{" and "}}"
							return match.split("").reverse().join("") // Reverse
									.replace(/\}\}[^]*?\{\{/, "") // Pairs become "}}...{{" when the string is reversed
									.split("").reverse().join(""); //Reverse back
						} else {
							return "";
				// Count the number of "|" in text to determine which number 
				// parameter (e.g. "{{templateName|param1|param2|currentparam" )
				var paramNum = 0;
				for (var i=0; i<templateBodyTrimmed.length; i++) if (templateBodyTrimmed.charAt(i) == '|') paramNum++;
				console.log(" * paramNum: " + paramNum);
				var paramArray = [];
				if (templates[templateName] !== undefined) {
					if (typeof templates[templateName].getParams === "function") {
						paramArray = templates[templateName].getParams(paramNum);
					} else {
						if (templates[templateName][paramNum] !== undefined)
							paramArray = templates[templateName][paramNum];
				console.log(" * paramArray: " + paramArray);
				autoComplete.currentHeader = templateName + " " + paramNum; // testing out header
				var nameArray = paramArray.filter(function(currentValue) { return currentValue.startsWith(term); });
				console.log(" * nameArray: " + paramArray);
				console.log("/* Template parameter choice search - end */");
				callback(nameArray); // List of possible completions ("names")
			template: function (name) {
				var displayName = name;
				return displayName; // What to display in the list
			replace: function (name) {
				var replacementString = "$1" + name;
				return replacementString; // What to replace the matched typed text with
		console.log("/* createTemplateStrategy - end */");
		return templateStrategy;
	/* Load Textcomplete then register the strategies */