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While his name is Holmes, Advent is a true title. Short for Adventure, he seeks to travel out into the world and experience the epic that is his name's origin.

About Holmes

Since noone really knows what's on Holmes mind, they assume that he's just wierd in his forms of thinking and acting. Serious and sincere on the inside, He wants to get rid of the depression and anger that has been given to him. He knows more than most humans would give him credit for, though his weakness is to hide it in himself.


A true skater and prep at heart, mostly because of his good side view of the present, he'll go along with risks and have fun at a high level. His friends are what keep him stable, and he hangs out with them frequently.


With the assigned task to self of seeing and channeling worldy energy and emotion into a higher level of knowledge, artistry, and personality, he leaves no challenge left behind.