Characters in The Wand of Gamelon

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This is a list of the characters from Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon, the non-canon game from the CD-i. Link, Princess Zelda, and other characters that are part of canon are listed only with the information relevant to their place in the game.


Main article: Princess Zelda

Zelda is now the playable character, and retains her personality from Faces of Evil. However, due to her larger role, she is much more heroic and seems to actually care for Link, at least partially. She and Impa go to Gamelon after King Harkinian and Link disappear after they depart for Gamelon to aid Duke Onkled against Ganon. She defeats Ganon's minions, learns of Duke Onkled's betrayal, and then defeats Ganon, rescuing her father. Link was then apparently imprisoned in a mirror, which Zelda smashed, freeing him.


Main article: Link

Link also retains his childish personality from Faces of Evil, but has a much smaller role. He is ordered to go to Gamelon if King Harkinian does not return, and does so, but is apparently imprisoned by Ganon. Later, Zelda smashes a mirror owned by a woman (whose role is unknown), and Link reappears, implying he was trapped within it. A somewhat recurring joke is that Link is constantly hungry throughout the game.

King Harkinian

Main article: Harkinian

Much like Link and Zelda, he is the same as he was in Faces of Evil. This time, he goes to Gamelon to help Duke Onkled (revealed to be his cousin from the instruction manual), who is under attack by Ganon, and orders that if he doesn't return a month, Link should be sent to help. He is later rescued from Duke Onkled (who betrays him) and Ganon, and then condemns Onkled to "scrub all the floors in Hyrule". Zelda, Link, and others then have a feast to celebrate his return.


Main article: Ganon

Similar in appearance and personality to his incarnation in Faces of Evil, Ganon has this time conquered Gamelon, and also blackmails Duke Onkled to betray his cousin, King Harkinian, with threats of destroying Gamelon. He also sends Gibdo, Omfak, Hectan, and other various monsters to defeat anyone who stands in his way. When Zelda confronts him, he blows her away with magic after she exposes him to light. Zelda uses the Wand of Gamelon to mystically summon chains to bind him, and he is inexplicably trapped in what appears to be the Book of Koridai, claiming that "you haven't seen the last of (him)."

Duke Onkled

Main article: Onkled

King Harkinian's cousin and the ruler of Gamelon, Duke Onkled ultimately ends up betraying the King. Ganon blackmails him with threats of destroying Gamelon, and then he is forced to imprison people in Tykogi Tower. When Zelda attacks the Tower and frees the Spaniard, they then force him to reveal the location and entrance to Ganon's lair in Reesong Palace. The King shows no mercy in Onkled's sentence after the defeat of Ganon, forcing him scrub all the floors in Hyrule.


Main article: Impa

Taking the role of Zelda's nurse like in the canon games, Impa first uses the Triforce of Wisdom to ascertain that the King will safely return from Gamelon. When Link and the King go, but do not return, she goes with Zelda to Gamelon. She then essentially fills the role of Gwonam, providing advice, using the Triforce of Wisdom.

The Spaniard

Known by no other name, the Spaniard is a servant of the King. However, after the King is captured, Ganon and Hectan place him in chains, and he is taken to Tykogi Tower. He later reveals to Zelda that Duke Onkled betrayed the King, and at the end of the game, takes Onkled for his sentence.

Lady Alma

A woman encountered sometime during Zelda's quest. She is captured by Wizzrobe, but saved by Zelda. She reveals that Link gave her his canteen in exchange for a kiss. Zelda smashes her mirror at the end, which apparently had Link trapped inside, possibly due to earlier machinations done by Wizzrobe. Link was freed when the mirror was destroyed.


A mummy similar to the canonical enemy of Gibdo, he terrorizes an area by commanding the Gleeok (which is a race of creatures, not a single monster). Zelda fought it and defeated it by using a shroud given to her by the Knitting Woman, which apparently could "scare the wraps (off of it)".


A lion-headed creature that apparently was "guarding the shrine" according to Impa. It could shoot lasers out of its eyes, and its head would turn into giant lips that could spit fire. When Zelda destroyed it, it crumbled into a flock of crows, ravens, and blackbirds.


An old man who served Ganon. He put the Spaniard in chains and took him to Tykogi Tower. Zelda found that one sword slash was sufficient to destroy him, and he dissolved into a pool of blue liquid and a beating heart.

Mayor Kravindish

A bald man with a powdered wig, Kravindish is captured by Onkled's minions and trapped in Tykogi Tower. Zelda then frees him, and he gives her a magic lantern. Later, he is seen with the Baker near Impa.


A man trapped in Tykogi Tower. He is rescued by Zelda and is later seen with Mayor Kravindish and Impa. When Zelda visits his shop, he gives her a free cake out of gratitude.

Knitting Woman

A middle-aged woman who isn't afraid of monsters, and claims "they know better than bothering (her)." She gives Zelda the shroud that can kill Gibdo.

Hungry Girl

A girl who complains that "those darned Moblins have eaten everything", and that she would give anything for an Arpagos Egg. When she is given the egg, she rewards Zelda with a flute.

Water Lady

A woman who lives near the Gohma Pit, she rewards Zelda for jumping it with some water. She then tells Zelda that there is a fisherman trapped in the skull of a fish skeleton.


A strange, greenish man with an odd voice and wild white hair, Zelda saves him by blowing away the rock over the eye socket of the fish skull he was trapped in. He then vows to never go fishing again, and leaves, telling Zelda that she will see him in town. She does, and he has gotten a job as a blacksmith. He then fixes a Firestone to her sword so it can shoot fire.


Sometimes called "the Crazy Shopkeeper" by fans, he is Wand of Gamelon's counterpart to Faces of Evil's Morshu. He appears to be quite sinister and greedy, but his true intentions are unknown.

Fairy Dust Lady

A woman who offers to make Zelda a magic cloak that allows her to "give the monsters a good shot before they see (her)." She makes strange noises when she moves similar to sound effects on early Atari systems, and her eyes change color frequently.

Iron Knuckle

Based on the Iron Knuckles of the second canonical game, he shouts that since Zelda walked past him, she must die. It has been noted his voice and appearance are uncannily similar to Militron of Faces of Evil. He is struck down, breaking apart to reveal a beating heart. Two Armos arrive and quickly decide to leave before Zelda kills them, too.


An elderly, greenish man in a black robe, Wizzrobe is based on the Wizzrobes of the canonical games. He captures Lady Alma, who claims she isn't afraid of him, but he then buries her underneath a pile of stones. He is later defeated by Zelda.

Swamp Wizard

A man who lives in the swamps of Gamelon. He fills the role of the witch from Faces of Evil by giving Zelda the Glove of Power.

Forest Woman

A woman who lives in the forest and offers Zelda an item in exchange for Arpagos Feathers. The item is revealed to be a cape made from the feathers and the shroud used to kill Gibdo. It has properties similar to Roc's Cape. Later on, she gives Zelda the lantern that Ganon is afraid of, and tells her that only the Wand of Gamelon can defeat him.

Three Witches

Three Witches who are obsessed with spreading "lovely evil". They "bring the darkness down", covering all the rooms of the forest in blackness. Zelda later defeats them, and they are blown away by a powerful gust of wind. The defeat of them frees the fairies.


Almost exactly the same as the ones in Faces of Evil, they give Zelda a Life Heart, Fairy Dust, and a bottle of Water of Life, as well as cheering her on.


There are two Armos that are more than just enemies. After the Iron Knuckle is killed, they say that they should get out of there, possibly because they were being enslaved by the Knuckle, or because they don't want to be destroyed by Zelda.