Community:Ocarina of Time Beta Restoration Project

From Zelda Wiki, the Zelda encyclopedia

The Ocarina of Time Beta Restoration Project is a project started by ZeldaMaster90 and his team (Team Beta Triforce) in May, 2008. The goal of the project is to restore the long lost 64DD Zelda also commonly known as the beta of Ocarina of Time to as much as possible than make it as if it had been 100% completed and released to the public. They are supported by Unseen64 and ZeldaInformer. In other words this is a complete overhaul of Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time.


Progress has been previously shown in the forms of numerous videos and screenshots such as the beta castle town video, the graveyard video, and screenshots of other things such as Aria, and equippable medallions.


The project will feature things such as usable medallions, a fishing rod which can be kept, areas such as beta castle town, the Temple of Wind (Japanese name for Wind Temple), Temple of Light, Turtle Rock, as well as beta NPCs such as Aria. The time system featured in the final product of the OoTBRP will be similar to that of MM's as will the NPC interaction with NPCs living daily lives. The size of the areas will also be on the scale of the area size of areas from Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess.


A demo will be released TBA. The demo however will not feature the improved time system or improved NPC interaction.

Where is Team Beta Triforce?

Team Beta Triforce's new site is to be announced whenever their new trailer is released. For now it is to remain unknown publicly.

A note from ZeldaMaster90: I ask you all in the Zelda community to donate to ZeldaInformer so that Team Beta Triforce can keep a strong ally within the Zelda community and make sure any major news about the beta restoration project is brought to you guys. Plus I just love ZI. It's the best Zelda site I have ever been to.