User:Captain Cornflake@legacy41957168

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Capn as of mid-December 05

Life Bio

In southern New England, born and raised
On the Internet is where I spent most of my days Chillin out, ranting, and trolling the tools While shooting down dumbasses who thought they were cool And with a couple of trolls, with the rules we ignored Started making trouble on a message board We post one little meme and the mods got scared and said "You're not going to get away with that shit from Bel-Air!"

ZU Bio

The Capn is one of ZU's more 'interesting' members, critically acclaimed for his clever and effortless ownages on the forums throughout the second half of his tenure on the forums. However, every story has a beginning at some point, and that is where I will begin.


Contrary to popular belief, Capn has been around long before Zelda Universe existed, and has been there the whole time. The fact the registration date on his forum profile says "April 2003" is just a lie. He was there before Lars had a chance to look at the forums he had just created. In fact, through a miraculous showing of magic, php scripting, and bourbon, created Lars' forum account and set the administrator password. Being the kind person he was, he used his thoughts to transmit the password into Lars' brain. This was confirmed in a later autobiography written by Lars:

  • And then, just as I was about to cry myself to sleep, I heard a magical word: Rosebud. It beckoned me to my computer, upon where I entered it in, and it let me onto my forums! - Lars Christian Simonsen, from the autobiography Rhino Horn Stockpile Management: A Lars Story

Once upon a time, phpBB was a horribly coded pile of trash. Actually, that was all the time. Word of advice, kids, and that's never use phpBB. Despite his almost supernatural presence on the site, going about and downloading all the images from ZU onto school computers for no apparent reason at all other than to just download them, the shoddily coded forum system couldn't detect awesomeness through a sixth sense like other forum members could. They knew something great was there, and they clamored to see it. However, upon going to reveal himself to this world, he discovered that phpBB required him to register, putting him on the same level of status as the peons. Upon hitting the 'register' button, the forums couldn't take the sheer load of greatness, and crashed for 2 months. Simply put, it could not handle the strain. Upon this, Lars decided it would be time to get vBulliten. After the installation, a flood of people had their registration dates changed, and were each bribed with being allowed to live, in order to cover up this strange, yet predictable, happening.


Throughout August of 03 until about April of 04 that the Capn sat about, just being there. It was then that he realized that being there wasn't good enough. The occasional post and such didn't do much. It was time for a change. Unfortunately for one man, the change was going to take its first victim.

That 1 man was big_al, a weeny democratic crybaby who whined incessently about how much he disliked George Bush and the Republican party. A liked newb, he somewhat was, but not for much longer, when Capn pounced (along with fellow conservative Bobslob) on one of his threads whining about Bush, in a fierce display of ownage. This developed his taste for blood, and the days of being a peaceful and kind person was over. Somewhat.

Some notable things happened in the next few months. First off, big_al changed his name to Squall15, simply because big_al had so much shame attatched to the name he had to abandon it, thanks to Capn's subsequent efforts. However, it wasn't enough as Squall's rampant liberal brainlessness was exposed to the community, earning him that season's 'Biggest Asshole' award. His credibility was down the drain, and stayed low for awhile after that. Later on, he would change his name to 'Nox,' and thanks to Capn's indirect training, became a productive member and an assistant to his trolling that would become so popular later on.

Another thing happened, and that was in July of 04, when Capn created his very first duplicate account, Hornball Harry at his friend Ben's house. (Who some people may also know as Skeletor on Together, they wreaked havok for 3 good hours, causing chaos and making fun of perpetual dumbass, Zelink, who at the time had a fascination with hidden Java compilers in the forum code, which he believed would allow people to use high-tech programming languages in their signatures. Another good portion of posts was spent playfully messing around with then moderators SearanoX (who is now an Admin) and The Merchant (who has since dissapeared off the face of the earth) Though Hornball Harry was banished, it served as a powerful learning tool for the Capn.

Random Stuff Happens

Late summer and early fall 04 was marked by Capn becoming a regular in the #zelda IRC channel. It was here he grew to know everybody. Namely Hindmost, who he would set as a role model of sorts.

This time was also marked by a brief tenure working for a site called Zelda X. Of course, his talents were too great, and left on extremely negative terms, including threatening the webmaster with a lawsuit for copyright infringement in order to have all the grand amounts of work he did taken down.

It was fall of 2004 that Capn's healthy mentality started to degrade, after the arrival of what he referred to as "a flood of people that deserve to be punched in the neck." And thus, Capn's new role in the community was formed, especially after making 1000 posts and earning a custom rank, which he set to 'Puncher of Necks' in order to let everybody know that the only man on ZU who had the authority to punch people in the neck was indeed Captain Cornflake, the Puncher of Necks. After the banning of Kedsy, and later on Hindmost, he found himself as the unlikely 'hero' of the boards. Many members proclaimed Capn's unique style of pissing people off and shutting people up so grand, that he is the reason for every member who signed up that never posted, for never posting. (Scientific evidence proves that everybody who signed up before Capn and never posted could actually predict the future. In an interview in the Plok-Fleaman Magazine, one man who signed up in May of 2002 and never posted, claimed that the night he registered, he fell asleep, and had an out of body experience where he saw a giant cornflake spanking his lifeless body with a 2x6) Most people on the forums noticed that a large portion of Capn's posts were trolling in many senses, which included harassment of Zelink, 8bit, and hundreds of other members he can't remember. Serious Discussion was soon closed down, under the claim people were too immature. However, the real deal was that whenever Capn made a post, it was so awesome that it caused the server to go offline for 5 minutes.

It was also around spring 05 that Capn befriended milk, who was one of the few new users that signed up in 2005 that understood the majority of the community needed to be smacked. "Funnier Than Cancer," Capn's infamous rank, appeared around this time, pissing people off whose relatives had died due to cancer.

A Degrading Sanity

As the number of users was reaching the tens of thousands, Capn went through a nervous breakdown. Displeased with his frequent going to ZU, and his hatred to the majority of the users, he spammed a thread with tons of image macros from his imfamous Photobucket album. Warnings quickly accumulated, and he was given a temporary ban. He restructured his internet life, spending more time posting on Hooligans of the Night (Which he viewed as a much more intelligent community, lacking a population of 13 year olds, and everybody being so mature yet laid back that moderation is rarely necessary) and working on his own site. However, for some reason, the temp ban was revoked, leaving Capn struggling to break the habit of going back to ZU. After a mere 2 weeks, and plenty of pestering from members like Nox and Leminnes, he made a glorious return, of what many people would recognize as the second coming. However, it was apparent his mind was in a severe state of unrest.

Around this time marked the arrival of Capn's infamous ZU Death List, which was a long txt file containing all the names of members who needed to die. With the help of #zelda, a hefty list was comprised of many people whom nobody could stand.

One of the standout moments of the summer was the so-called 'war' that a bunch of InvisionFree forums declared on ZU, thanks to Capn's trolling in the advertising forum. The spark was lit at last, when Capn made some remarks about one forum which happened to belong to a member by the name of 'fortuneshiek.' While some of his posts in the thread were deleted, fortuneshiek's gigantic outrage, as well as many of the hate PM's he sent to Capn, were enough to warrant a ban, being the first member Capn had actually trolled so much that their reaction caused them to get banned and Capn go scot-free.

This set off what many people recall as 'unbridled idiocy wrapped in horse shit,' as fortuneshiek cried to his InvisionFree friends at a forum nobody liked by the name of 'Masters of Hyrule.' Members there had made duplicate accounts on ZU and protested FS's banning, spamming the advertising board, and whining about Capn being allowed to continue trolling ZU (though technically, no rules were being broken on his part) Investigation of the Masters of Hyrule forum revealed that they believed that they were at jihad against the ZU forums. However, all it boiled down to was a bunch of whiney 13 year olds who had no lives. Within a few weeks, it all died down, though everybody quit caring long before that.

The 'Troll to 2000' marathon was simple: Capn would troll his was to 2000 posts. And it was a raving success, with roughly 85% of his posts from June to August being what many would use as a template to success. He would secretely confide that he more or less felt expected to do this. Near the end of August, internet salvation would come in the form of another ban, which stuck. Since then, Capn's involvement with the forums would be minimal.

Fun in the Fall

It was in mid-October that Capn decided that things were too boring. People were getting, well, dummified. With well over 25 thousand members, 12 year olds were signing up in droves, with horrid additudes and giant egos. SPANKER OF MEN was the result of that, and it was part of a massive 3-pronged attack that to this day lives in infamy.

  • Part 1: SPANKER OF MEN (Capn) would derail topics. And things had progressed since the days of Hornball Harry. N00bs were shot down in flames, egos were trashed, the SD board was rampaged, and overall, a giant mess was made.
  • Part 2: milk, since Capn's earlier banning, had progressed quite a bit in the harshness department. People were yelled at, often without reason at all. It was this unpredictability he had that almost put him on the same level as Capn. Almost.
  • Part 3: The main entree. The infamous Hacking Scare, upon which 4 retards were flooding the board with posts about how a friend of theirs was going to hack ZU. After the mods had calmed everything down, Capn (under the AIM screename fetusman4711) IM'ed justin3, claiming to be a friend of the hacker, who was going to hack and destroy ZU. To show he was serious, 'fetusman' 'hacked' Capn's site,, which was actually Capn replacing the homepage to look like somebody hacked it, to this page The goal, however, was not to scare, ZU, oh no. It was to own justin3 and his little friends. And justin3 fell right into Capn's trap: He posted another thread on ZU However, Capn was prepared. He swapped the home page again, to this page, revealing the truth! Chaos ensued, causing justin3 to write up a giant paragraph of cuss words and sexual innuendo. This last thread was locked, and soon afterward, both the SPANKS account, as well as milk, were banned.

Back again?

In January 2006, Capn returned briefly to troll with Emperor Hindmost. Serious discussion was raided, as was the Advertising board, in which he used his immense skill at web design to berate newbs who thought their InvisionFree forum was going to be the next IGN.

Justin3 has been a continued target of Capn's major Post-August trolling attacks. One such time was the infamous Justin3 Pretends to Cyber with 13 Year Olds incident, which is just as pathetic as the title makes it out to be, and thanks to Capn's ingenous undercover work, exposed it. (You can read the project log by Clicking Here)

In mid-March 2006, reports of Justin3 impersonating Capn over AIM began spreading through the internet. Evidently, he thought he could pass as The Capn despite having a horrible vocabulary and a screename that Capn wouldn't be caught dead with. To combat this, an account was created on ZU for the sole purpose of humiliating Justin3. A thread was found, where J3 actually (and quite pathetically) tried to own Kagun/Wind (which is pretty hard to fail at in the first place) and Capn pounced! Read the archived thread Needless to say, Justin3 was reminded who was the boss in the relationship, and wisely decided to quiet down.

A few other accounts have also popped up since, with Capn making just a few posts for each.

April Fools Day Hijinks

One of the many infamous 'PADDLIN' posts

In celebration of April Fools Day, Capn had a prank in mind. That prank was write up a fake story on the Xbox 360 and then get it listed on digg It was a raving success, drawing in over a thousand diggs and 14 thousand unique hits just in that weekend. Sites and forums across the internet were also reported to have covered and linked to the story, only spreading the chaos.

On ZU, Capn was unbanned for the 2006 April Fools Day prank, which let him roam wild and incite chaos across the forums. One of his activities for the day was carry over a meme that enjoyed brief popularity on 4chan, and that was the 'PADDLIN' posts, which involved a picture of Jasper Beardly from the Simpsons, holding a paddle, with a caption underneath threatening paddlin's for various actions performed by forum members. (Inspired by episode 2F19 - The PTA Disbands)

Other Community Involvement

Despite the goings-on on the forums, the chat is a whole different animal. He is actually friends with most of the people that run the community, even though he trolls it. Capn has stayed a regular there since his joining in 04. In Feb 06, he was given half-operator status in the #zelda chat room, due to his extreme awesomeness and dis-tolerance of people that aren't cool. For awhile, he was a sysop of this very wiki, but do to his extreme lack of caring, he isn't anymore.

It should also be noted that his own site, has become a vets forum of sorts, with most of the decent people remaining on ZU registered on his site, occasionally posting and tearing apart the arcade.


Favorite games include Pac-Man Collection, Zelda: A Link to the Past, Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2, Halo PC, Perfect Dark, Plok! and Donkey Kong Country 2.

Favorite bands include Led Zeppelin, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, Audioslave, Pink Floyd, Metallica and Breaking Point.

Cool Facts

Has the largest cock of anybody on ZU.

Listens to a variety of music, such as classic rock, grunge and hard rock.

Has his own national holiday, Capnmas.

He lives in the same state as Correk.


The Capn's long-running gaming site. It has been a personal project of his since 2000, but launched it as a real gaming site of his in July 2003.

The Capn's ZU forum profile

Cornflake Design The Capn's personal web design site. Portfolio and stuff like that.