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About My Name

Minikitkat (minē-kit-kat) happens to be one of my earliest forms of my name. When I was much younger I was considerably small for my age, thus this is where "Mini" comes from. Do not confuse "Kitkat" to be directly from the candy. "Kitkat" is a shortened version of Kitty-cat (My favourite animal). Believe it or not, I made Kitkat before I even knew what Kit-kat candies even were!

Minikitkat is only my username whereas Lua Kitty is simply my name (Only because Minikitkat is one word)!

Lua Kitty, (Loo-ə kid-ē) is my latest form and is still being used today! Lua is a programming language that I have been studying for quite some time now and have become very advanced in it. Since I love cats, I added "Kitty" in it!


Hey! I am Minikitkat! Also known as Lua Kitty! To clear some thing up I am not a girl which most people take from my obsession with cats! (Not quite an obsession but Okay?) The first Zelda game was Ocarina of Time. Possibly when I was around 5 or 6 years old. Yeah I started a long time ago! I Completed Twilight Princess about 4 months ago, And I must say, It is the best video game I have ever played! Epic storyline! Amazing characters (Midna is my favourite!) <3. I also love the scenery and models! I especially loved the combat and boss fights! Currently I am almost done with a A Link to the Past! This is possibly going to be my second favourite Zelda game! (More to come soon!)

What I am skilled at

I specify in all things from Twilight Princess. Specifically the Hylian Language! Currently I am fluent in all characters from the alphabet and I am still working on my handwriting and strokes for the Hylian alphabet. I am also looking to learn other Hylian languages. But I'm learning to do the English based alphabets rather than Japanese based like Ocarina of Time. I tried decoding the Twili language but got nowhere and concluded it is purely symbols and not a language. I am yet to decipher Midna's verbal language.