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What to know about Alexander

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Hey there everyone, this is Alexander from Zelda Dungeon, also known as Aroku over at Zelda Universe.

General Rambling/Introduction

Just to give a basic background on who I am, I'm currently 15 years old and I reside in Boston, MA. I am a HS Sophomore who plans to go on to study Music in college and hopefully become a music teacher/director.

Delving into the Legend

The first game in the Legend of Zelda series I had played was Ocarina of Time, and it still holds a special place in my heart, if you will, to this day. I remember being a young lad, only about 6, 7, or 8, and my brother had rented a Nintendo 64 and Ocarina of Time. At first, I showed little interest but then as I played the game more and more, I came to enjoy it. I still remember being scared of Ganondorf and running out of the room....those were the days I suppose.

I'll add more soon, so hold tight.