Community talk:Zelda Fansite Directory

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Latest comment: 13 March 2009 by Alter in topic Dating Sites
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Dating Sites

When should the dates be listed for sites? I know for some sites, the blue print of a site was started in 1 year, but it wasn't released or suppose to release until the next year. For example, Zelda in my Pocket was thought up and worked on in 2008, but wasn't scheduled to release until 2009. What year should it fit? Similarly, Zelda Universe was around in late 2000 as a somewhat online website, but it's official release is stated to be in early 2001. I personally think that the site should be listed in the year where it was officially released, as stated by the website, or if it was unreleased, where its expected release was supposed to be. Mases 19:14, 13 March 2009 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Yeah, I'd have to agree with that. Sites should be listed with the year that they were officially released. Not the years that they were in planning.Mandi Talk 19:23, 13 March 2009 (UTC)Reply[reply]
I'd go with when the URL was established. I think that a site is officially started when domains and forums are set up, and the staff are hired. What do you think? Alter  {T C B H } 19:31, 13 March 2009 (UTC)Reply[reply]