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This module is used by maintenance templates to generate any number of game-specific maintenance categories. It is also used to auto-generate documentation for said templates.

local p = {}

local Franchise = require("Module:Franchise")
local utilsArg = require("Module:UtilsArg")
local utilsMarkup = require("Module:UtilsMarkup")
local utilsPage = require("Module:UtilsPage")
local utilsTable = require("Module:UtilsTable")

function p.Categories(frame)
	local templateName =
	local templateType, category, subcategoryFormat, communityCategory = frame.args[1], frame.args[2], frame.args[3], frame.args[4]
	local templateSpec = p.Templates[templateName]
	if not templateSpec and templateType then
		templateSpec = p.Templates[templateType]
	if not templateSpec then
		error(string.format("No template spec found for template name '%s' or template type '%s'", templateName, templateType))
	local args, err = utilsArg.parse(frame:getParent().args, templateSpec)
	local games = utilsTable.concat( or {}, args._games or {})
	local result = p.printCategories(category, subcategoryFormat, communityCategory, games)
	if err then
		result = result..utilsMarkup.categories(err.categories)
	return result

function p.printCategories(category, subcategoryFormat, communityCategory, games)
	if utilsPage.inNamespace({"User", "Zelda_Wiki", "Help", "Guidelines"}) then
		return ""
	local categories = "[["..category.."]]"
	if utilsPage.inNamespace("Community") then
		communityCategory = communityCategory or string.format(subcategoryFormat, "Community")
		categories = categories.."[["..communityCategory.."]]"
		return categories
	if subcategoryFormat and games then
		for i, game in ipairs(games) do
			local gameName = Franchise.shortName(game)
			if gameName then
				categories = categories.."[["..string.format(subcategoryFormat, gameName).."]]"
	return categories
p.Templates = {
	["Block"] = {
		params = {
			[1] = {
				name = "games",
				type = "string",
				enum = Franchise.enum(),
				split = true,
				trim = true,
				nilIfEmpty = true,
				desc = "A comma-separated list of game codes indicating which game(s) the article or section pertains to."
		examples = {
			{"OoS, OoA"},
	["Inline"] = {
		usage = "To use this template, insert the following immediately after punctuation, as if [[Guidelines:References|adding a reference]].",
		params = {
			[1] = {
				name = "games",
				type = "string",
				enum = Franchise.enum(),
				split = true,
				trim = true,
				nilIfEmpty = true,
				desc = "A comma-separated list of game codes indicating which game(s) the statement pertains to."
		examples = {
			{"OoS, OoA"},
	["Clarify"] = {
		usage = "To use this template, insert the following immediately after punctuation, as if [[Guidelines:References|adding a reference]].",
		params = {
			[1] = {
				name = "games",
				type = "string",
				enum = Franchise.enum(),
				split = true,
				trim = true,
				nilIfEmpty = true,
				desc = "A comma-separated list of game codes indicating which game(s) the statement pertains to."
			reason = {
				type = "string",
				desc = "An explanation of what is unclear or vague about the statement. This will appear in the template's tooltip.",
	["Lacking Images"] = {
		params = {
			[1] = {
				name = "games",
				type = "string",
				enum = Franchise.enum(),
				split = true,
				trim = true,
				nilIfEmpty = true,
				desc = "A comma-separated list of game codes indicating which game(s) the article or section pertains to."
			reason = {
				type = "string",
				desc = "An explanation of what images are needed.",
		examples = {
			{"OoS, OoA"},
			{"TWWHD", reason = "Missing images of the second floor"},
	["Improve"] = {
		params = {
			[1] = {
				name = "date",
				type = "string",
				desc = "The date the template was placed on the article. The month and year will do (e.g. December 2013).",
			[2] = {
				name = "games",
				type = "string",
				enum = Franchise.enum(),
				split = true,
				trim = true,
				nilIfEmpty = true,
				desc = "A comma-separated list of game codes indicating which game(s) the article or section pertains to."
		examples = {
			{"December 2013", "OoS, OoA"},
	["Incomplete"] = {
		paramOrder = {"type", "reason", "subcat", "subcat2", "games"},
		params = {
			type = {
				type = "string",
				desc = "The type of incomplete content. Ex: listing, section.",
				default = "article",
			reason = {
				type = "content",
				desc = "Reason why this article is incomplete. Brief and specific.",
			subcat = {
				type = "string",
				desc = "For adding the article to a different sub-category, if needed. (Supersedes <code>type</code>)",
				enum = {"listing", "nomenclature"},
			subcat2 = {
				type = "string",
				desc = "For adding an additional sub-category.",
				enum = {"listing", "nomenclature"},
			games = {
				type = "string",
				enum = Franchise.enum(),
				split = true,
				trim = true,
				nilIfEmpty = true,
				desc = "A comma-separated list of game codes indicating which game(s) the article or section pertains to."
		examples = {
				type = "section",
				reason = "A description of what's missing",
				games = "TWW, TWWHD",
				subcat2 = "listing",
	["Verify"] = {
		usage = "To use this template, insert the following immediately after punctuation, as if [[Guidelines:References|adding a reference]].",
		params = {
			[1] = {
				name = "games",
				type = "string",
				enum = Franchise.enum(),
				split = true,
				trim = true,
				nilIfEmpty = true,
				desc = "A comma-separated list of game codes indicating which game(s) the statement pertains to."
			reason = {
				type = "string",
				desc = "To explain in further detail what needs verification.",

return p