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This template is used to conveniently display an icon inline with text.


    {{Icon|<icon name> }}

  • icon nameRequired — The name of the icon you want to display.


#InputOutputCategories added
1{{Icon|TWWHD Heart}} Heart Icon
2{{Icon|invalid}} [icon]Warning: Invalid icon

Supported Icons

#InputOutputCategories added
Link's Awakening & Link's Awakening DX
3{{Icon|LA Left Arrow}} Left Arrow
4{{Icon|LADX Left Arrow}} Left Arrow
5{{Icon|LA Right Arrow}} Right Arrow
6{{Icon|LADX Right Arrow}} Right Arrow
7{{Icon|LA Up Arrow}} Up Arrow
8{{Icon|LADX Up Arrow}} Up Arrow
9{{Icon|LA Down Arrow}} Down Arrow
10{{Icon|LADX Down Arrow}} Down Arrow
11{{Icon|LA Choice}} Choice
12{{Icon|LADX Choice}} Choice
13{{Icon|LA Broom}} Broom
14{{Icon|LADX Broom}} Broom
15{{Icon|LA Bananas}} Bananas
16{{Icon|LADX Bananas}} Bananas
17{{Icon|LA Dog Food}} Dog Food
18{{Icon|LADX Dog Food}} Dog Food
19{{Icon|LA Fishing Hook}} Fishing Hook
20{{Icon|LADX Fishing Hook}} Fishing Hook
21{{Icon|LA Hibiscus}} Hibiscus
22{{Icon|LADX Hibiscus}} Hibiscus
23{{Icon|LA Honeycomb}} Honeycomb
24{{Icon|LADX Honeycomb}} Honeycomb
25{{Icon|LA Letter}} Letter
26{{Icon|LADX Letter}} Letter
27{{Icon|LA Marin}} Marin
28{{Icon|LADX Marin}} Marin
29{{Icon|LA Necklace}} Necklace
30{{Icon|LADX Necklace}} Necklace
31{{Icon|LA Pineapple}} Pineapple
32{{Icon|LADX Pineapple}} Pineapple
33{{Icon|LA Ribbon}} Ribbon
34{{Icon|LADX Ribbon}} Ribbon
35{{Icon|LA Stalfos}} Stalfos
36{{Icon|LADX Scale}} Scale
37{{Icon|LA Scale}} Scale
38{{Icon|LADX Stalfos}} Stalfos
39{{Icon|LA Stick}} Stick
40{{Icon|LADX Stick}} Stick
41{{Icon|LA Yoshi Doll}} Yoshi Doll
42{{Icon|LADX Yoshi Doll}} Yoshi Doll
Link's Awakening for Nintendo Switch
43{{Icon|LANS A}} [A]IconFile:LANS A Button Icon.png
44{{Icon|LANS B}} [B]IconFile:LANS B Button Icon.png
45{{Icon|LANS X}} [X]IconFile:LANS X Button Icon.png
46{{Icon|LANS Y}} [Y]IconFile:LANS Y Button Icon.png
47{{Icon|LANS R}} [R]IconFile:LANS R Button Icon.png
48{{Icon|LANS +}} + Button
49{{Icon|LANS -}} [-]IconFile:LANS - Button Icon.png
50{{Icon|LANS Up Arrow}} [Up Arrow]IconFile:LANS Up Arrow Icon.png
51{{Icon|LANS Down Arrow}} [Down Arrow]IconFile:LANS Down Arrow Icon.png
52{{Icon|LANS Left Arrow}} [Left Arrow]IconFile:LANS Left Arrow Icon.png
53{{Icon|LANS Right Arrow}} [Right Arrow]IconFile:LANS Right Arrow Icon.png
54{{Icon|LANS Broom}} [Broom]IconFile:LANS Broom Text Icon.png
55{{Icon|LANS Dog Food}} Dog Food
56{{Icon|LANS Fishing Hook}} Fishing Hook
57{{Icon|LANS Hibiscus}} [Hibiscus]IconFile:LANS Hibiscus Text Icon.png
58{{Icon|LANS Honeycomb}} Honeycomb
59{{Icon|LANS Master Stalfos}} Master Stalfos
60{{Icon|LANS Necklace}} Necklace
61{{Icon|LANS Pineapple}} [Pineapple]IconFile:LANS Pineapple Text Icon.png
62{{Icon|LANS Ribbon}} Ribbon
63{{Icon|LANS Scale}} Scale
64{{Icon|LANS Stick}} Stick
65{{Icon|LANS Yoshi Doll}} Yoshi Doll
66{{Icon|LANS Link}} [Link]IconFile:LANS Link Text Icon.png
67{{Icon|LANS Marin}} Marin
Ocarina of Time
68{{Icon|OoT A}} A Button
69{{Icon|OoT C}} C Button
70{{Icon|OoT C Down}} C Down Button
71{{Icon|OoT C Left}} C Left Button
72{{Icon|OoT C Right}} C Right Button
73{{Icon|OoT Z}} Z Button
74{{Icon|OoT Joystick}} Joystick
Ocarina of Time 3D
75{{Icon|OoT3D A}} A Button
76{{Icon|OoT3D B}} B Button
77{{Icon|OoT3D X}} X Button
78{{Icon|OoT3D X Yellow}} X Button
79{{Icon|OoT3D Y}} Y Button
80{{Icon|OoT3D Y Yellow}} Y Button
81{{Icon|OoT3D I}} I Button
82{{Icon|OoT3D II}} II Button
83{{Icon|OoT3D L}} L Button
84{{Icon|OoT3D R}} R Button
85{{Icon|OoT3D Start}} Start Button
86{{Icon|OoT3D Circle Pad}} Circle Pad
87{{Icon|OoT3D Circle Pad Up}} Circle Pad Up
88{{Icon|OoT3D Circle Pad Down}} Circle Pad Down
89{{Icon|OoT3D Circle Pad Left}} Circle Pad Left
90{{Icon|OoT3D Circle Pad Right}} Circle Pad Right
91{{Icon|OoT3D Circle Pad Left Right}} Circle Pad Left Right
92{{Icon|OoT3D Choice Arrow}} Choice Arrow
93{{Icon|OoT3D D-Pad}} D-Pad
94{{Icon|OoT3D D-Pad Down}} D-Pad Down
95{{Icon|OoT3D Gear}} Gear Subscreen
96{{Icon|OoT3D Items}} Items Subscreen
97{{Icon|OoT3D Map}} Map Subscreen
98{{Icon|OoT3D Map Marker}} Map Marker
99{{Icon|OoT3D Green Mark}} Green Mark
100{{Icon|OoT3D Navi}} Navi Button
101{{Icon|OoT3D Ocarina}} Ocarina Button
102{{Icon|OoT3D View}} View Button
103{{Icon|OoT3D Bottom Screen}} Bottom Screen
104{{Icon|OoT3D Red Arrow}} Red Arrow
105{{Icon|OoT3D Yellow Arrow}} Yellow Arrow
Majora's Mask
106{{Icon|MM A}} [A]IconFile:MM A Button Icon.png
107{{Icon|MM B}} [B]IconFile:MM B Button Icon.png
108{{Icon|MM C}} [C]IconFile:MM C Button Icon.png
109{{Icon|MM C Down}} [C Down]IconFile:MM C Down Button Icon.png
110{{Icon|MM C Left}} [C Left]IconFile:MM C Left Button Icon.png
111{{Icon|MM C Right}} [C Right]IconFile:MM C Right Button Icon.png
Majora's Mask 3D
112{{Icon|MM3D A}} A Button
113{{Icon|MM3D B}} B Button
114{{Icon|MM3D X}} X Button
115{{Icon|MM3D X Yellow}} X Button
116{{Icon|MM3D Y}} Y Button
117{{Icon|MM3D Y Yellow}} Y Button
118{{Icon|MM3D I}} I Button
119{{Icon|MM3D II}} II Button
120{{Icon|MM3D L}} L Button
121{{Icon|MM3D R}} R Button
122{{Icon|MM3D ZL}} ZL Button
123{{Icon|MM3D ZR}} ZR Button
124{{Icon|MM3D Start}} Start Button
125{{Icon|MM3D Circle Pad}} Circle Pad
126{{Icon|MM3D Circle Pad Up}} Circle Pad Up
127{{Icon|MM3D Circle Pad Down}} Circle Pad Down
128{{Icon|MM3D Circle Pad Left}} Circle Pad Left
129{{Icon|MM3D Circle Pad Right}} Circle Pad Right
130{{Icon|MM3D Circle Pad Up Down}} Circle Pad Up Down
131{{Icon|MM3D Circle Pad Left Right}} Circle Pad Left Right
132{{Icon|MM3D Gear}} Gear Screen
133{{Icon|MM3D Items}} Items Screen
134{{Icon|MM3D Map}} Map Screen
135{{Icon|MM3D Masks}} Masks Screen
136{{Icon|MM3D Ocarina of Time}} Ocarina of Time Button
137{{Icon|MM3D Pictograph Box}} Pictograph Box Button
138{{Icon|MM3D View}} View Button
139{{Icon|MM3D Bombers' Notebook}} Bombers' Notebook
140{{Icon|MM3D Day}} Morning
141{{Icon|MM3D Night}} Night
142{{Icon|MM3D First Day}} First Day
143{{Icon|MM3D Second Day}} Second Day
144{{Icon|MM3D Final Day}} Final Day
145{{Icon|MM3D Hint Movie}} Hint Movie Icon
146{{Icon|MM3D Hint Photo}} Hint Photo Icon
Oracle of Seasons
147{{Icon|OoS A}} A Button
148{{Icon|OoS B}} B Button
149{{Icon|OoS Control Pad}} Control Pad
150{{Icon|OoS Up Arrow}} Up Arrow
151{{Icon|OoS Down Arrow}} Down Arrow
152{{Icon|OoS Left Arrow}} Left Arrow
153{{Icon|OoS Right Arrow}} Right Arrow
154{{Icon|OoS Cuccodex}} Cuccodex
155{{Icon|OoS Lon Lon Egg}} Lon Lon Egg
156{{Icon|OoS Megaphone}} [Megaphone]IconFile:OoS Megaphone Text Sprite.png
157{{Icon|OoS Mushroom}} [Mushroom]IconFile:OoS Mushroom Text Sprite.png
Oracle of Ages
158{{Icon|OoA A}} A Button
159{{Icon|OoA B}} B Button
160{{Icon|OoA Control Pad}} Control Pad
161{{Icon|OoA Up Arrow}} Up Arrow
162{{Icon|OoA Down Arrow}} Down Arrow
163{{Icon|OoA Left Arrow}} Left Arrow
164{{Icon|OoA Right Arrow}} Right Arrow
165{{Icon|OoA Doggie Mask}} Doggie Mask
166{{Icon|OoA Heart}} Heart
167{{Icon|OoA Stink Bag}} [Stink Bag]IconFile:OoA Stink Bag Text Sprite.png
168{{Icon|OoA Tasty Meat}} [Tasty Meat]IconFile:OoA Tasty Meat Text Sprite.png
169{{Icon|OoA Touching Book}} Touching Book
Four Swords
170{{Icon|FS A}} A Button
171{{Icon|FS B}} B Button
172{{Icon|FS R}} R Button
173{{Icon|FS Control Pad}} Control Pad
174{{Icon|FS Rupee}} Rupee
175{{Icon|FS Red Rupee}} Red Rupee
176{{Icon|FS Rupee Shard}} Rupee Shard
177{{Icon|FS Sword}} Sword
178{{Icon|FS Shield}} Shield
179{{Icon|FS Small Key}} Small Key
180{{Icon|FS Armor Seed}} Armor Seed
181{{Icon|FS Pegasus Seed}} Pegasus Seed
182{{Icon|FS Razor Seed}} Razor Seed
183{{Icon|FS Bombs}} Bombs
184{{Icon|FS Boomerang}} Boomerang
185{{Icon|FS Bow}} Bow and Arrow
186{{Icon|FS Bow and Arrow}} Bow and Arrow
187{{Icon|FS Gnat Hat}} Gnat Hat
188{{Icon|FS Magnetic Glove}} Magnetic Glove
189{{Icon|FS Pegasus Shoes}} Pegasus Shoes
190{{Icon|FS Roc's Cape}} Roc's Cape
Four Swords Anniversary Edition
191{{Icon|FSAE A}} A Button
192{{Icon|FSAE B}} B Button
193{{Icon|FSAE X}} X Button
194{{Icon|FSAE Y}} Y Button
195{{Icon|FSAE L}} L Button
196{{Icon|FSAE R}} R Button
197{{Icon|FSAE Control Pad}} Control Pad
The Wind Waker
198{{Icon|TWW A}} A Button
199{{Icon|TWW A Parry}} A Button (Parry)
200{{Icon|TWW B}} B Button
201{{Icon|TWW L}} L Button
202{{Icon|TWW R}} R Button
203{{Icon|TWW X}} X Button
204{{Icon|TWW Y}} Y Button
205{{Icon|TWW Z}} Z Button
206{{Icon|TWW Control Stick}} Control Stick
207{{Icon|TWW Control Stick Up}} Control Stick Up
208{{Icon|TWW Control Stick Up Animation}} Control Stick Up
209{{Icon|TWW Control Stick Down}} Control Stick Down
210{{Icon|TWW Control Stick Down Animation}} Control Stick Down
211{{Icon|TWW Control Stick Vertical Animation}} Control Stick Up & Down
212{{Icon|TWW Control Stick Left}} Control Stick Left
213{{Icon|TWW Control Stick Left Animation}} Control Stick Left
214{{Icon|TWW Control Stick Right}} Control Stick Right
215{{Icon|TWW Control Stick Right Animation}} Control Stick Right
216{{Icon|TWW Control Stick Horizontal Animation}} Control Stick Left & Right
217{{Icon|TWW Control Stick 4-Way Animation}} Control Stick 4-Way
218{{Icon|TWW C-Stick}} C-Stick
219{{Icon|TWW C-Stick Up}} C-Stick Up
220{{Icon|TWW C-Stick Down}} C-Stick Down
221{{Icon|TWW C-Stick Left}} C-Stick Left
222{{Icon|TWW C-Stick Right}} C-Stick Right
223{{Icon|TWW D-Pad}} D-Pad
224{{Icon|TWW Arrow Up}} Arrow Up
225{{Icon|TWW Arrow Down}} Arrow Down
226{{Icon|TWW Arrow Left}} Arrow Left
227{{Icon|TWW Arrow Right}} Arrow Right
228{{Icon|TWW Heart}} Heart
229{{Icon|TWW Heart Orange}} Heart
230{{Icon|TWW Target}} Target
231{{Icon|TWW Target Orange}} Target
232{{Icon|TWW Note}} Musical Note
The Wind Waker HD
233{{Icon|TWWHD A}} A Button
234{{Icon|TWWHD B}} B Button
235{{Icon|TWWHD L}} L Button
236{{Icon|TWWHD L Stick}} L Stick
237{{Icon|TWWHD L Stick Vertical Animation}} L Stick
238{{Icon|TWWHD Flashing A}} Flashing A Button
239{{Icon|TWWHD R}} R Button
240{{Icon|TWWHD X}} X Button
241{{Icon|TWWHD Y}} Y Button
242{{Icon|TWWHD ZL}} ZL Button
243{{Icon|TWWHD ZR}} ZR Button
244{{Icon|TWWHD Plus}} Plus Button
245{{Icon|TWWHD Minus}} Minus Button
246{{Icon|TWWHD +Control Pad}} [+Control Pad]IconFile:TWWHD +Control Pad Icon.png
247{{Icon|TWWHD Items Screen Arrow Right}} Right Arrow
248{{Icon|TWWHD Down Arrow}} Down Arrow
249{{Icon|TWWHD Left Arrow}} Left Arrow
250{{Icon|TWWHD Right Arrow}} Right Arrow
251{{Icon|TWWHD Up Arrow}} Up Arrow
252{{Icon|TWWHD Heart}} Heart Icon
253{{Icon|TWWHD Eighth Note}} Eighth Note Icon
Four Swords Adventures
254{{Icon|FSA Green Link}} [Green Link]IconFile:FSA Green Link Icon.png
255{{Icon|FSA Red Link}} [Red Link]IconFile:FSA Red Link Icon.png
256{{Icon|FSA Blue Link}} [Blue Link]IconFile:FSA Blue Link Icon.png
257{{Icon|FSA Purple Link}} [Purple Link]IconFile:FSA Purple Link Icon.png
258{{Icon|FSA Up Arrow}} [Up Arrow]IconFile:FSA Up Arrow Icon.png
259{{Icon|FSA Up Arrow Green}} [Up Arrow]IconFile:FSA Up Arrow Green Icon.png
260{{Icon|FSA Down Arrow Green}} [Down Arrow]IconFile:FSA Down Arrow Green Icon.png
261{{Icon|FSA Left Arrow Green}} [Left Arrow]IconFile:FSA Left Arrow Green Icon.png
262{{Icon|FSA Right Arrow Green}} [Right Arrow]IconFile:FSA Right Arrow Green Icon.png
The Minish Cap
263{{Icon|TMC A}} A Button
264{{Icon|TMC A Blue}} A Button
265{{Icon|TMC B}} B Button
266{{Icon|TMC B Blue}} B Button
267{{Icon|TMC L}} L Button
268{{Icon|TMC R}} R Button
269{{Icon|TMC Direction Pad}} Direction Pad
270{{Icon|TMC Direction Pad Up}} Direction Pad Up
271{{Icon|TMC Direction Pad Down}} Direction Pad Down
272{{Icon|TMC Direction Pad Up Blue}} Direction Pad Up
273{{Icon|TMC Direction Pad Down Blue}} Direction Pad Down
274{{Icon|TMC North}} North
275{{Icon|TMC South}} South
276{{Icon|TMC East}} East
277{{Icon|TMC West}} West
Twilight Princess
278{{Icon|TP A}} A Button
279{{Icon|TP B}} B Button
280{{Icon|TP X}} X Button
281{{Icon|TP Y}} Y Button
282{{Icon|TP Z}} Z Button
283{{Icon|TP L}} L Button
284{{Icon|TP R}} R Button
285{{Icon|TP 1}} 1 Button
286{{Icon|TP 2}} 2 Button
287{{Icon|TP +}} + Button
288{{Icon|TP -}} - Button
289{{Icon|TP Stick}} Control Stick
290{{Icon|TP C-Stick}} C-Stick
291{{Icon|TP D-Pad}} D-Pad
292{{Icon|TP Wii Remote}} [Wii Remote]IconFile:TP Wii Remote Icon.png
293{{Icon|TP Wii A}} A Button
294{{Icon|TP Wii B}} B Button (Wii)
295{{Icon|TP Wii C}} C Button (Wii)
296{{Icon|TP Wii Z}} Z Button (Wii)
297{{Icon|TP Wii 1}} 1 Button
298{{Icon|TP Wii 2}} 2 Button
299{{Icon|TP Wii +}} + Button
300{{Icon|TP Wii -}} - Button
301{{Icon|TP Wii Stick}} Control Stick (Wii)
302{{Icon|TP Wii D-Pad}} D-Pad
303{{Icon|TP Arrow Left}} Left arrow
304{{Icon|TP Arrow Right}} Right arrow
305{{Icon|TP Arrow Up}} Up arrow
306{{Icon|TP Arrow Down}} Down arrow
Twilight Princess HD
307{{Icon|TPHD A}} A Button
308{{Icon|TPHD B}} B Button
309{{Icon|TPHD X}} X Button
310{{Icon|TPHD Y}} Y Button
311{{Icon|TPHD L}} L Button
312{{Icon|TPHD R}} R Button
313{{Icon|TPHD ZL}} ZL Button
314{{Icon|TPHD ZR}} ZR Button
315{{Icon|TPHD L Stick}} L Stick
316{{Icon|TPHD R Stick}} R Stick
317{{Icon|TPHD L Stick Right}} [L Stick Right]IconFile:TPHD L Stick Right Icon.png
318{{Icon|TPHD L Stick Horizontal Animation}} [L Stick Horizontal]IconFile:TPHD L Stick Horizontal Icon.png
319{{Icon|TPHD R Stick Press}} R Stick Press
320{{Icon|TPHD +Control Pad Down}} [+Control Pad Down]IconFile:TPHD +Control Pad Down Icon.png
321{{Icon|TPHD +Control Pad Up}} [+Control Pad Up]IconFile:TPHD +Control Pad Up Icon.png
322{{Icon|TPHD GamePad}} GamePad
323{{Icon|TPHD Left Arrow}} Left Arrow
324{{Icon|TPHD Right Arrow}} Right Arrow
325{{Icon|TPHD Up Arrow}} Up Arrow
326{{Icon|TPHD Down Arrow}} Down Arrow
Phantom Hourglass
327{{Icon|PH DS}} Nintendo DS
328{{Icon|PH Arrow Up}} [Up Arrow]IconFile:PH Arrow Up Icon.png
Spirit Tracks
329{{Icon|ST DS}} Nintendo DS
Skyward Sword
330{{Icon|SS A}} A Button
331{{Icon|SS B}} B Button
332{{Icon|SS -}} - Button
333{{Icon|SS +}} + Button
334{{Icon|SS 1}} 1 Button
335{{Icon|SS 2}} 2 Button
336{{Icon|SS C}} C Button
337{{Icon|SS Z}} Z Button
338{{Icon|SS X}} X Icon
339{{Icon|SS Bug}} Bug Location Icon
340{{Icon|SS Control Neutral}} Neutral Control Icon
341{{Icon|SS Control Up}} Control Up Icon
342{{Icon|SS Control Down}} Control Down Icon
343{{Icon|SS Control Left}} Control Left Icon
344{{Icon|SS Control Right}} Control Right Icon
345{{Icon|SS D-Pad Neutral}} D-Pad Neutral Icon
346{{Icon|SS D-Pad Up}} D-Pad Up Icon
347{{Icon|SS D-Pad Down}} D-Pad Down Icon
348{{Icon|SS D-Pad Left}} D-Pad Left Icon
349{{Icon|SS D-Pad Right}} D-Pad Right Icon
350{{Icon|SS Arrow Up}} Arrow Up Icon
351{{Icon|SS Arrow Down}} Arrow Down Icon
352{{Icon|SS Arrow Left}} Arrow Left Icon
353{{Icon|SS Arrow Right}} Arrow Right Icon
Skyward Sword HD
354{{Icon|SSHD A}} A Button
355{{Icon|SSHD B}} B Button
356{{Icon|SSHD X}} X Button
357{{Icon|SSHD Y}} Y Button
358{{Icon|SSHD R}} R Button
359{{Icon|SSHD ZR}} ZR Button
360{{Icon|SSHD L}} L Button
361{{Icon|SSHD ZL}} ZL Button
362{{Icon|SSHD Plus}} Plus Button
363{{Icon|SSHD Minus}} Minus Button
364{{Icon|SSHD Directional Button Down}} [Directional Button Down]IconFile:SSHD Directional Button Down Icon.png
365{{Icon|SSHD Right Stick}} Right Stick
366{{Icon|SSHD Right Stick Up}} Right Stick Held Up
367{{Icon|SSHD Right Stick Down}} Right Stick Held Down
368{{Icon|SSHD Right Stick Left}} Right Stick Held Left
369{{Icon|SSHD Right Stick Right}} Right Stick Held Right
370{{Icon|SSHD Left Stick}} Left Stick
371{{Icon|SSHD Left Stick Up}} Left Stick Held Up
372{{Icon|SSHD Left Stick Down}} Left Stick Held Down
373{{Icon|SSHD Left Stick Left}} Left Stick Held Left
374{{Icon|SSHD Left Stick Right}} Left Stick Held Right
375{{Icon|SSHD Arrow Left}} [Left Arrow]IconFile:SSHD Arrow Left Icon.png
376{{Icon|SSHD Arrow Right}} [Right Arrow]IconFile:SSHD Arrow Right Icon.png
377{{Icon|SSHD Arrow Up}} [Up Arrow]IconFile:SSHD Arrow Up Icon.png
378{{Icon|SSHD Map X}} [Map X]IconFile:SSHD Map X Icon.png
A Link Between Worlds
379{{Icon|ALBW A}} A Button
380{{Icon|ALBW B}} B Button
381{{Icon|ALBW X}} X Button
382{{Icon|ALBW Y}} Y Button
383{{Icon|ALBW L}} L Button
384{{Icon|ALBW R}} R Button
385{{Icon|ALBW Home}} Home Button
386{{Icon|ALBW Arrow Up}} Up Arrow
387{{Icon|ALBW Arrow Down}} Down Arrow
388{{Icon|ALBW Arrow Left}} Left Arrow
389{{Icon|ALBW Arrow Right}} Right Arrow
390{{Icon|ALBW Ravio}} Ravio
Tri Force Heroes
391{{Icon|TFH A}} A Button
392{{Icon|TFH B}} B Button
393{{Icon|TFH X}} X Button
394{{Icon|TFH Y}} Y Button
395{{Icon|TFH L}} L Button
396{{Icon|TFH R}} R Button
397{{Icon|TFH Home}} Home Button
Breath of the Wild
398{{Icon|BotW Armor}} Armor Icon
399{{Icon|BotW Arrow Down}} Down Arrow
400{{Icon|BotW Arrow Left}} Left Arrow
401{{Icon|BotW Arrow Right}} Right Arrow
402{{Icon|BotW Arrow Up}} Up Arrow
403{{Icon|BotW A}} A Button
404{{Icon|BotW B}} B Button
405{{Icon|BotW Home}} Home Button
406{{Icon|BotW L}} L Button
407{{Icon|BotW -}} - Button
408{{Icon|BotW +}} + Button
409{{Icon|BotW Power}} Power Button
410{{Icon|BotW R}} R Button
411{{Icon|BotW X}} X Button
412{{Icon|BotW Y}} Y Button
413{{Icon|BotW ZL}} ZL Button
414{{Icon|BotW ZR}} ZR Button
415{{Icon|BotW GamePad}} GamePad Icon
416{{Icon|BotW D-Pad Down}} D-Pad Down Icon
417{{Icon|BotW D-Pad Left Right}} D-Pad Left Right Icon
418{{Icon|BotW D-Pad Left}} D-Pad Left Icon
419{{Icon|BotW D-Pad Right}} D-Pad Right Icon
420{{Icon|BotW D-Pad Up Down}} D-Pad Up Down Icon
421{{Icon|BotW D-Pad Up}} D-Pad Up Icon
422{{Icon|BotW D-Pad}} D-Pad Icon
423{{Icon|BotW L Stick Click}} L Stick Click Icon
424{{Icon|BotW L Stick Left}} L Stick Left Icon
425{{Icon|BotW L Stick Right}} L Stick Right Icon
426{{Icon|BotW L Stick Up}} L Stick Up Icon
427{{Icon|BotW L Stick Down}} L Stick Down Icon
428{{Icon|BotW L Stick Horizontal}} L Stick Horizontal Icon
429{{Icon|BotW R Stick Click}} R Stick Click Icon
430{{Icon|BotW R Stick Left}} R Stick Left Icon
431{{Icon|BotW R Stick Right}} R Stick Right Icon
432{{Icon|BotW R Stick Up}} R Stick Up Icon
433{{Icon|BotW R Stick Down}} R Stick Down Icon
434{{Icon|BotW R Stick Horizontal}} R Stick Horizontal Icon
435{{Icon|BotW R Stick Vertical}} R Stick Vertical Icon
Tears of the Kingdom
436{{Icon|TotK A}} [A]IconFile:TotK A Button Icon.png
437{{Icon|TotK B}} [B]IconFile:TotK B Button Icon.png
438{{Icon|TotK X}} [X]IconFile:TotK X Button Icon.png
439{{Icon|TotK Y}} [Y]IconFile:TotK Y Button Icon.png
440{{Icon|TotK L}} [L]IconFile:TotK L Button Icon.png
441{{Icon|TotK R}} [R]IconFile:TotK R Button Icon.png
442{{Icon|TotK ZL}} [ZL]IconFile:TotK ZL Button Icon.png
443{{Icon|TotK +}} [+]IconFile:TotK + Button Icon.png
444{{Icon|TotK -}} [-]IconFile:TotK - Button Icon.png
445{{Icon|TotK L Stick}} [L Stick]IconFile:TotK L Stick Icon.png
446{{Icon|TotK R Stick}} [R Stick]IconFile:TotK R Stick Icon.png
447{{Icon|TotK L Stick Down}} [L Stick Down]IconFile:TotK L Stick Down Icon.png
448{{Icon|TotK Directional Button Up}} [Directional Button Up]IconFile:TotK Directional Button Up Icon.png
449{{Icon|TotK Directional Button Down}} [Directional Button Down]IconFile:TotK Directional Button Down Icon.png
450{{Icon|TotK Arrow Down}} [Down Arrow]IconFile:TotK Arrow Down Icon.png
451{{Icon|TotK Arrow Left}} [Left Arrow]IconFile:TotK Arrow Left Icon.png
452{{Icon|TotK Arrow Right}} [Right Arrow]IconFile:TotK Arrow Right Icon.png
453{{Icon|TotK Shine}} Intact Weapon icon
Echoes of Wisdom
454{{Icon|EoW A}} [A]IconFile:EoW A Button Icon.png
455{{Icon|EoW B}} [B]IconFile:EoW B Button Icon.png
456{{Icon|EoW X}} [X]IconFile:EoW X Button Icon.png
457{{Icon|EoW Y}} [Y]IconFile:EoW Y Button Icon.png
458{{Icon|EoW L}} [L]IconFile:EoW L Button Icon.png
459{{Icon|EoW R}} [R]IconFile:EoW R Button Icon.png
460{{Icon|EoW ZL}} [ZL]IconFile:EoW ZL Button Icon.png
461{{Icon|EoW ZR}} [ZR]IconFile:EoW ZR Button Icon.png
462{{Icon|EoW +}} [+]IconFile:EoW + Button Icon.png
463{{Icon|EoW -}} [-]IconFile:EoW - Button Icon.png
464{{Icon|EoW L Stick}} [L Stick]IconFile:EoW L Stick Icon.png
465{{Icon|EoW R Stick}} [R Stick]IconFile:EoW R Stick Icon.png
466{{Icon|EoW R Stick Click}} [R Stick Click]IconFile:EoW R Stick Click Icon.png
467{{Icon|EoW Directional Button Up}} [Directional Button Up]IconFile:EoW Directional Button Up Button Icon.png
468{{Icon|EoW Directional Button Left}} [Directional Button Left]IconFile:EoW Directional Button Left Button Icon.png
469{{Icon|EoW Directional Button Right}} [Directional Button Right]IconFile:EoW Directional Button Right Button Icon.png
470{{Icon|EoW Directional Button Horizontal}} [Directional Button Horizontal]IconFile:EoW Directional Button Horizontal Button Icon.png
471{{Icon|EoW Triangle}} [Triangle]IconFile:EoW Triangle Icon.png
472{{Icon|EoW Energy}} [Energy]IconFile:EoW Energy Icon.png
473{{Icon|EoW Heart}} Heart
474{{Icon|EoW Heart 5}} [Heart 5]IconFile:EoW Heart 5 Icon.png
475{{Icon|EoW Heart 10}} [Heart 10]IconFile:EoW Heart 10 Icon.png
476{{Icon|EoW Heart 15}} [Heart 15]IconFile:EoW Heart 15 Icon.png
477{{Icon|EoW Carry Speed Up}} Carry Speed Up
478{{Icon|EoW Chill-Proof}} Chill-Proof
479{{Icon|EoW Damage Reduction}} [icon]Warning: Invalid icon
480{{Icon|EoW Dive Time Up}} Dive Time Up
481{{Icon|EoW Energy Consumption Reduced Lv. 1}} Energy Consumption Reduced Lv. 1
482{{Icon|EoW Energy Consumption Reduced Lv. 2}} Energy Consumption Reduced Lv. 2
483{{Icon|EoW Energy Consumption Reduced Lv. 3}} Energy Consumption Reduced Lv. 3
484{{Icon|EoW Energy Recovery}} Energy Recovery
485{{Icon|EoW Extra Energy Appearance Up}} Extra Energy Appearance Up
486{{Icon|EoW Fairy Appearance Up}} Fairy Appearance Up
487{{Icon|EoW Fire-Proof}} Fire-Proof
488{{Icon|EoW Glow}} Glow
489{{Icon|EoW Heart Appearance Up}} Heart Appearance Up
490{{Icon|EoW Horse Attack Up}} Horse Attack Up
491{{Icon|EoW Ice-Proof}} Ice-Proof
492{{Icon|EoW Jump Height Up}} Jump Height Up
493{{Icon|EoW Knockback Reduced}} Knockback Reduced
494{{Icon|EoW Knockback Spin}} Knockback Spin
495{{Icon|EoW Lightning-Proof}} Lightning-Proof
496{{Icon|EoW Material Appearance Up}} Material Appearance Up
497{{Icon|EoW Might Crystal Detection}} Might Crystal Detection
498{{Icon|EoW Quicksand-Proof}} Quicksand-Proof
499{{Icon|EoW Rupee Appearance Up}} Rupee Appearance Up
500{{Icon|EoW Slip Reduction}} Slip Reduction
501{{Icon|EoW Swim Speed Up}} Swim Speed Up
502{{Icon|EoW Wall-Climb Speed Up}} Wall-Climb Speed Up
503{{Icon|EoW Winding Speed Up}} Winding Speed Up
504{{Icon|EoW Windproof}} Windproof
SoulCalibur II
505{{Icon|SCII Arrow Up}} Arrow Up
506{{Icon|SCII Arrow Down}} Arrow Down
507{{Icon|SCII Arrow Left}} Arrow Left
508{{Icon|SCII Arrow Right}} Arrow Right
509{{Icon|SCII Arrow Up Left}} Arrow Up Left
510{{Icon|SCII Arrow Up Right}} Arrow Up Right
511{{Icon|SCII Arrow Down Left}} Arrow Down Left
512{{Icon|SCII Arrow Down Right}} Arrow Down Right
513{{Icon|SCII Hold Arrow Up}} Hold Arrow Up
514{{Icon|SCII Hold Arrow Down}} Hold Arrow Down
515{{Icon|SCII Hold Arrow Left}} Hold Arrow Left
516{{Icon|SCII Hold Arrow Right}} Hold Arrow Right
517{{Icon|SCII Hold Arrow Up Left}} Hold Arrow Up Left
518{{Icon|SCII Hold Arrow Up Right}} Hold Arrow Up Right
519{{Icon|SCII Hold Arrow Down Left}} Hold Arrow Down Left
520{{Icon|SCII Hold Arrow Down Right}} Hold Arrow Down Right
521{{Icon|SCII Horizontal Attack}} Horizontal Attack Button
522{{Icon|SCII Vertical Attack}} Vertical Attack Button
523{{Icon|SCII Kick}} Kick Button
524{{Icon|SCII Guard}} Guard Button
525{{Icon|SCII Hold Horizontal Attack}} Hold Horizontal Attack Button
526{{Icon|SCII Hold Vertical Attack}} Hold Vertical Attack Button
527{{Icon|SCII Hold Kick}} Hold Kick Button
528{{Icon|SCII Hold Guard}} Hold Guard Button
529{{Icon|SCII Horizontal Attack Slide}} Horizontal Attack Button Slide
530{{Icon|SCII Vertical Attack Slide}} Vertical Attack Button Slide
531{{Icon|SCII Kick Slide}} Kick Button Slide
532{{Icon|SCII Guard Slide}} Guard Button Slide
533{{Icon|SCII Neutral}} Neutral
534{{Icon|SCII High Attack}} High Attack
535{{Icon|SCII Mid Attack}} Mid Attack
536{{Icon|SCII Special Mid Attack}} Special Mid Attack
537{{Icon|SCII Low Attack}} Low Attack
538{{Icon|SCII Unblockable Attack}} Unblockable Attack
539{{Icon|SCII Throw}} Throw
540{{Icon|SCII Attack Throw}} Attack Throw
541{{Icon|SCII Special Movement}} Special Movement
542{{Icon|SCII Switch to Stance}} Switch to Stance
543{{Icon|SCII Guard Break}} Guard Break
544{{Icon|SCII Guard Impact}} Guard Impact
545{{Icon|SCII +}} +
546{{Icon|SCII (}} (
547{{Icon|SCII )}} )
548{{Icon|SCII ,}} ,
Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland
549{{Icon|FPTRR Item}} Item
550{{Icon|FPTRR Kitchen}} Kitchen
551{{Icon|FPTRR Tool}} [Tool]IconFile:FPTRR Tool Sprite.png
Link's Crossbow Training
552{{Icon|LCT A}} A Button
553{{Icon|LCT B}} B Button
Nintendo Land
554{{Icon|NL Gamepad}} [Gamepad]IconFile:NL Gamepad Icon.png
NES Remix series
555{{Icon|NESR Down}} Control Pad Down
556{{Icon|NESR B}} B Button
Hyrule Warriors
557{{Icon|HW Y}} [Y]IconFile:HW Y Button Icon.png
Hyrule Warriors Legends
558{{Icon|HWL A}} A Button
559{{Icon|HWL B}} B Button
560{{Icon|HWL X}} X Button
561{{Icon|HWL Y}} Y Button
562{{Icon|HWL L}} L Button
563{{Icon|HWL R}} R Button
564{{Icon|HWL ZL}} ZL Button
565{{Icon|HWL ZR}} ZR Button
566{{Icon|HWL Circle Pad}} Circle Pad
567{{Icon|HWL +Control Pad}} +Control Pad
568{{Icon|HWL +Control Pad Up}} +Control Pad Up
569{{Icon|HWL +Control Pad Down}} +Control Pad Down
570{{Icon|HWL +Control Pad Left}} +Control Pad Left
571{{Icon|HWL +Control Pad Right}} +Control Pad Right
572{{Icon|HWL +Control Pad Up Down}} +Control Pad Up Down
573{{Icon|HWL +Control Pad Left Right}} +Control Pad Left Right
574{{Icon|HWL C Stick}} C Stick
Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition
575{{Icon|HWDE A}} A Button
576{{Icon|HWDE B}} B Button
577{{Icon|HWDE X}} X Button
578{{Icon|HWDE Y}} Y Button
579{{Icon|HWDE L}} L Button
580{{Icon|HWDE R}} R Button
581{{Icon|HWDE ZL}} ZL Button
582{{Icon|HWDE ZR}} ZR Button
583{{Icon|HWDE SR}} SR Button
584{{Icon|HWDE SL}} SL Button
585{{Icon|HWDE -}} - Button
586{{Icon|HWDE +}} + Button
587{{Icon|HWDE D-Pad Left}} D-Pad Left
588{{Icon|HWDE D-Pad Right}} D-Pad Right
589{{Icon|HWDE D-Pad Left Right}} D-Pad Left Right
590{{Icon|HWDE D-Pad Up}} D-Pad Up
591{{Icon|HWDE D-Pad Down}} D-Pad Down
592{{Icon|HWDE D-Pad Up Down}} D-Pad Up Down
593{{Icon|HWDE Left Stick}} Left Stick
594{{Icon|HWDE Left Stick Press}} Left Stick Press
595{{Icon|HWDE Right Stick}} Right Stick
596{{Icon|HWDE Right Stick Press}} Right Stick Press
597{{Icon|HWDE SR + A}} SR + A Button
598{{Icon|HWDE SR + B}} SR + B Button
599{{Icon|HWDE SR + X}} SR + X Button
600{{Icon|HWDE SR + Y}} SR + Y Button
601{{Icon|HWDE SR + Minus}} SR + Minus Button
602{{Icon|HWDE SR + Plus}} SR + Plus Button
603{{Icon|HWDE SR + SL}} SR + SL Button
604{{Icon|HWDE SR + D-Pad Down}} SR + D-Pad Down
605{{Icon|HWDE SR + D-Pad Up}} SR + D-Pad Up
606{{Icon|HWDE SR + D-Pad Left Right}} SR + D-Pad Left Right
607{{Icon|HWDE SR + Left Stick Press}} SR + Left Stick Press
608{{Icon|HWDE SR + Right Stick Press}} SR + Right Stick Press
Cadence of Hyrule
609{{Icon|CoH A}} A Button
610{{Icon|CoH B}} B Button
611{{Icon|CoH X}} X Button
612{{Icon|CoH Y}} Y Button
613{{Icon|CoH L}} L Button
614{{Icon|CoH R}} R Button
615{{Icon|CoH ZL}} ZL Button
616{{Icon|CoH ZR}} ZR Button
617{{Icon|CoH +}} + Button
618{{Icon|CoH -}} - Button
619{{Icon|CoH D-Pad Up}} D-Pad Up
620{{Icon|CoH D-Pad Down}} D-Pad Down
621{{Icon|CoH D-Pad Left}} D-Pad Left
622{{Icon|CoH D-Pad Right}} D-Pad Right
623{{Icon|CoH L Stick}} L Stick
624{{Icon|CoH R Stick}} R Stick
625{{Icon|CoH Flippers}} [Flippers]IconFile:CoH Flippers Text Sprite.png
626{{Icon|CoH Cadence}} Cadence
627{{Icon|CoH Impa}} Impa
628{{Icon|CoH Link}} Link
629{{Icon|CoH Octavo}} Octavo
630{{Icon|CoH Shadow Link}} Shadow Link
631{{Icon|CoH Shadow Zelda}} Shadow Zelda
632{{Icon|CoH Skull Kid}} Skull Kid
633{{Icon|CoH Yves}} Yves
634{{Icon|CoH Zelda}} Zelda
Super Mario Maker 2
635{{Icon|SMM2 Left Stick}} [Left Stick]IconFile:SMM2 Left Stick Icon.png
636{{Icon|SMM2 Up Arrow}} [Up Arrow]IconFile:SMM2 Up Arrow Icon.png
637{{Icon|SMM2 Y}} [Y]IconFile:SMM2 Y Button Icon.png
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity
638{{Icon|HWAoC L}} [L]IconFile:HWAoC L Button Icon.png
639{{Icon|HWAoC R}} [R]IconFile:HWAoC R Button Icon.png
640{{Icon|HWAoC Y}} [Y]IconFile:HWAoC Y Button Icon.png
641{{Icon|HWAoC ZR}} [ZR]IconFile:HWAoC ZR Button Icon.png
Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition
642{{Icon|NWCNES B}} [B]IconFile:NWCNES B Button Icon.png
643{{Icon|E Circle}}
644{{Icon|E Square}}
645{{Icon|E Triangle}}


This template supports placeholders for icons that haven't yet been uploaded. See the template source comments for instructions on how to add icon placeholders.

Current list of placeholders [purge]

IconFilePage CountPages
EoW MarkerFile:EoW Marker Icon.png8ImpaKing of Hyrule?Log (Item)Minister LefteSearching for EveryoneThe Legend of Zelda: Echoes of WisdomThe Mysterious RiftsTri
EoW YFile:EoW Y Button Icon.png7EchoShimmerSword of Might Lv. 2The Mysterious RiftsTriTri RodTri's Power
TotK XFile:TotK X Button Icon.png7Hero's Path ModeKey ItemKey Items in Tears of the KingdomLadderOperation InstructionsParagliderTips and Tricks
MM CFile:MM C Button Icon.png6Fierce Deity LinkGreat Fairy's SwordInventoryMilk (1/2)Ocarina of Time (Item)Stone Mask
EoW AFile:EoW A Button Icon.png6BombchuBombs of Might Lv. 2Old BedRestingWarpingWind Cannon
EoW Heart 5File:EoW Heart 5 Icon.png5Milky SmoothieRefreshing Mixed SmoothieSalted Milky SmoothieSweet Refreshing SmoothieTough Smoothie
TotK YFile:TotK Y Button Icon.png5Jump SlashMistakes in The Legend of Zelda SeriesOperation InstructionsQuick SelectTips and Tricks
EoW Heart 10File:EoW Heart 10 Icon.png5Milky Sweet SmoothieMixed Milky SmoothieMixed Tough SmoothieRefreshing Milky SmoothieSweet Tough Smoothie
TotK Arrow RightFile:TotK Arrow Right Icon.png5Death Mountain West Site StationEquestrian Riding CourseMine-Cart LandRevali's LandingYunoboCo HQ East Cave
TotK Arrow LeftFile:TotK Arrow Left Icon.png5Chief's HallEquestrian Riding CourseHateno SchoolMine-Cart LandYunoboCo HQ East Cave
EoW ZRFile:EoW ZR Button Icon.png4EchoShimmerTriTri Rod
TotK AFile:TotK A Button Icon.png4GallopingRestingSittingTips and Tricks
LANS RFile:LANS R Button Icon.png4Marin and Tarin's HouseShieldSuhniSystem
TPHD L Stick Horizontal AnimationFile:TPHD L Stick Horizontal Icon.png4Frog LurePopper LureSpinner LureSwimmer Lure
MM BFile:MM B Button Icon.png3Bubble BlastOcarina of Time (Item)Swamp Shooting Gallery Guy
LANS BroomFile:LANS Broom Text Icon.png3ChristineFishing HookGrandma Yahoo
HWAoC LFile:HWAoC L Button Icon.png3Fire RodMini-MapThe Battle of Hyrule Field
LANS XFile:LANS X Button Icon.png2Cave at Toronbo ShoresJoonya
SSHD Arrow RightFile:SSHD Arrow Right Icon.png2Data:Translations/SSHD/LocationsResidential Quarter
LANS PineappleFile:LANS Pineapple Text Icon.png2Chef BearPapahl
EoW Arrow LeftFile:EoW Left Arrow Icon.png2Business Scrub's Smoothie ShopSign
EoW TriangleFile:EoW Triangle Icon.png2EchoThe Mysterious Rifts
EoW Directional Button UpFile:EoW Directional Button Up Button Icon.png2Energy GaugeSwordfighter Form
LANS Right ArrowFile:LANS Right Arrow Icon.png2Data:Translations/LANS/LocationsGraveyard
TPHD +Control Pad DownFile:TPHD +Control Pad Down Icon.png2Collection ScreenLetters
HWAoC YFile:HWAoC Y Button Icon.png2Fire RodThe Battle of Hyrule Field
LANS Down ArrowFile:LANS Down Arrow Icon.png2Data:Translations/LANS/LocationsGraveyard
PH Arrow UpFile:PH Arrow Up Icon.png2Isle of the DeadTombstone
EoW ZLFile:EoW ZL Button Icon.png2Hylian ShieldShimmer
SSHD Directional Button DownFile:SSHD Directional Button Down Icon.png2SkydivingWing Ceremony
TP Wii RemoteFile:TP Wii Remote Icon.png2Sumo Wrestlin'The Way of Sumo, Part II
EoW Arrow RightFile:EoW Right Arrow Icon.png2Business Scrub's Smoothie ShopSign
TotK LFile:TotK L Button Icon.png2Ancient PowerTips and Tricks
TotK BFile:TotK B Button Icon.png2SprintingTips and Tricks
TotK RFile:TotK R Button Icon.png2Diving to ZeldaTips and Tricks
SSHD Arrow LeftFile:SSHD Arrow Left Icon.png2Data:Translations/SSHD/LocationsResidential Quarter
LANS LinkFile:LANS Link Text Icon.png1Walrus
OoS MegaphoneFile:OoS Megaphone Text Sprite.png1Talon's Cave
FSA Left Arrow GreenFile:FSA Left Arrow Green Icon.png1The Coast
OoS MushroomFile:OoS Mushroom Text Sprite.png1Talon's Cave
FSA Down Arrow GreenFile:FSA Down Arrow Green Icon.png1The Coast
FPTRR ToolFile:FPTRR Tool Sprite.png1Shovel
FSA Up ArrowFile:FSA Up Arrow Icon.png1The Coast
TPHD +Control Pad UpFile:TPHD +Control Pad Up Icon.png1Mansion Map
HWAoC RFile:HWAoC R Button Icon.png1Lightning Strike
TotK ZLFile:TotK ZL Button Icon.png1Tips and Tricks
LANS Up ArrowFile:LANS Up Arrow Icon.png1Fishing Hole
HWAoC ZRFile:HWAoC ZR Button Icon.png1Sooga School of Swordsmanship
SMM2 Left StickFile:SMM2 Left Stick Icon.png1Bomb
TotK Arrow DownFile:TotK Arrow Down Icon.png1Chief's Hall
EoW Directional Button RightFile:EoW Directional Button Right Button Icon.png1Tri
OoA Stink BagFile:OoA Stink Bag Text Sprite.png1Stuffed-Up Tokay
SMM2 Up ArrowFile:SMM2 Up Arrow Icon.png1Bomb
NL GamepadFile:NL Gamepad Icon.png1Monita
SSHD Map XFile:SSHD Map X Icon.png1Waterfall Cave
SSHD Arrow UpFile:SSHD Arrow Up Icon.png1Data:Translations/SSHD/Locations
FSA Blue LinkFile:FSA Blue Link Icon.png1Death Mountain Foothills
EoW XFile:EoW X Button Icon.png1Bow of Might Lv. 2
LANS YFile:LANS Y Button Icon.png1Cave at Toronbo Shores
FSA Red LinkFile:FSA Red Link Icon.png1Death Mountain Foothills
TotK L Stick DownFile:TotK L Stick Down Icon.png1Tips and Tricks
MM AFile:MM A Button Icon.png1Ocarina of Time (Item)
FSA Right Arrow GreenFile:FSA Right Arrow Green Icon.png1The Coast
FSA Up Arrow GreenFile:FSA Up Arrow Green Icon.png1The Coast
LANS AFile:LANS A Button Icon.png1Joonya
TotK -File:TotK - Button Icon.png1Tips and Tricks
HW YFile:HW Y Button Icon.png1Wolfos
MM C DownFile:MM C Down Button Icon.png1Inventory
EoW +File:EoW + Button Icon.png1Amiibo in Echoes of Wisdom
TPHD L Stick RightFile:TPHD L Stick Right Icon.png1Barnes
TotK R StickFile:TotK R Stick Icon.png1Tips and Tricks
OoA Tasty MeatFile:OoA Tasty Meat Text Sprite.png1Stuffed-Up Tokay
FSA Green LinkFile:FSA Green Link Icon.png1Death Mountain Foothills
SMM2 YFile:SMM2 Y Button Icon.png1Bomb
MM C LeftFile:MM C Left Button Icon.png1Inventory
TWWHD +Control PadFile:TWWHD +Control Pad Icon.png1Miiverse
EoW R StickFile:EoW R Stick Icon.png1Tri
TotK Directional Button DownFile:TotK Directional Button Down Icon.png1Tips and Tricks
EoW BFile:EoW B Button Icon.png1Wind Cannon
FSA Purple LinkFile:FSA Purple Link Icon.png1Death Mountain Foothills
TotK Directional Button UpFile:TotK Directional Button Up Icon.png1Tips and Tricks
EoW EnergyFile:EoW Energy Icon.png1Energy Gauge
TotK L StickFile:TotK L Stick Icon.png1Tips and Tricks
MM C RightFile:MM C Right Button Icon.png1Inventory
LANS HibiscusFile:LANS Hibiscus Text Icon.png1Papahl
LANS -File:LANS - Button Icon.png1Joonya
EoW Heart 15File:EoW Heart 15 Icon.png1Milky Tough Smoothie
CoH FlippersFile:CoH Flippers Text Sprite.png1Snorkel
NWCNES BFile:NWCNES B Button Icon.png1Iron Knuckle
EoW LFile:EoW L Button Icon.png0
LANS Left ArrowFile:LANS Left Arrow Icon.png0
EoW R Stick ClickFile:EoW R Stick Click Icon.png0
TotK +File:TotK + Button Icon.png0
EoW RFile:EoW R Button Icon.png0
EoW Directional Button LeftFile:EoW Directional Button Left Button Icon.png0
EoW Directional Button HorizontalFile:EoW Directional Button Horizontal Button Icon.png0
EoW -File:EoW - Button Icon.png0
EoW L StickFile:EoW L Stick Icon.png0
LANS BFile:LANS B Button Icon.png0
The above documentation is transcluded from Template:Icon/Documentation. (edit | history)