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Not sure how to get all the sidebars and stuff I've seen on other pages so this'll have to do. Thought I'd create a user page in case it may prove to be a good idea. Perhaps not the most well-thought out rationale ever, but I think it'll suffice.

I'll put a few random facts here, I think. Coincidentally, if anyone knows how to make this more 'professional' or whatnot, please let me know. Thank you. After all, I haven't been on here in over a year so I've likely forgotten what little I knew then.

Random Info

Favorite dungeon in the series: The Water Temple in Ocarina of Time. I guess I can see why most people don't like it but I loved it. I look for excuses to go back there, honestly.

Favorite boss in series: Thus far, that would be Volvagia. The most epic game of whack-a-mole I've ever played. And I didn't have to put a quarter in or anything!

Least favorite boss in series: Moldorm, in LttP. I hate it with a passion and mostly survive by sheer luck. I know -what- to do, but doing it...that's another matter entirely that usually gets me tossed off a platform a few dozen times. Curse that worm-thing.

Games owned: The first two games, along with Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask were all part of a gamecube special thing I got at a GameStop. I am extremely glad I got it.

A Link to the Past (GBA) Link's Awakening Twilight Princess (GameCube) The Minish Cap

Looking to buy anything not for DS or Wii - neither of which I own - as I find them, so hopefully this list will be expanding at some point. Maybe I'll get a DS or Wii at some point solely for the Zelda games (and FFIII in the DS's case).

Least favorite regular enemies:

Iron Knuckles - Only faced them in OoT so far but I freak out each time. I'm glad if I ONLY spend one fairy on these things.

Beamos - incredibly annoying things. And for some reason really make me aprehensive to face them. Maybe it's the fact I'm used to them being more or less indestructable.

Wallmasters - Especially creepy in OoT. Only got grabbed by one once. Ironically it was Navi's warning that threw me off. Ah well. It happens. Of course that's not the only time I bumped into them, just the only time they got the 'upper hand'.

Traps - primarily the motion-triggered variety. I've had trouble with them on a few occasions. Not the worst things out there but definately a thorn (or large protruding metal spike in most cases) in my side.

Peahats - OoT variety were spinning vegetative death. My strategy with them was to avoid if at all physically possible and if for some reason (such as my breaking a mirror while I walk under a ladder with a black cat crossing my path, let's say) I -do- wake one up, my strategy mutates into run screaming at top speed in the opposite direction. Both work so far.

I'm sure there's more that I should add but I can't think of them right now.

Favorite game: Hard to say between Ocarina of Time - which has to be one of the best games ever made in my opinion - and Twilight Princess - which I loved absolutely but had a few rough spots it was hard to get past.

Favorite enemies to fight: Darknuts in Twilight Princess. They were among my absolute favorite battles. They weren't too incredibly hard but neither were they easy fights. If there's two or more, I really have to stop and consider what I plan to do to take them down without taking too much damage in the process.

Least favorite dungeons: The Fire Temple. That for me was an exercise in torture. Long, complicated, and I didn't enjoy some of the situations that it presented, though I can't remember which ones anymore as it's been a while. I just really didn't like it. I remember a big boulder room and one with flame walls as particularly distasteful to me. Now that I come to think of it, I wonder if that explains my dislike of the larger basement room in the Arbiter's Grounds with the spike barrier traps. It seems to be the same basic principle.

The City in the Sky. I have accrophobia and apparenly that can be triggered by the video game. For reasons I couldn't begin to explain, it's less disturbing to have a bottomless, pitch-black abyss beneath me than it is to have sky and clouds. The pillars that will slide free when you clawshot to them didn't really help matters much, either. I got through it but I wasn't exactly eager to visit for old time's sake.

A few random thoughts: I think that the ghoul rats have to be one of the creepiest enemies. The fact that I can only see them when sensing things is disturbing enough but they look almost transparent in some respects. It's like having ghost rats climbing all over you. Pretty disturbing if you really think about it.

Also the Oocaa are sort of disturbing looking. They're bird like with human faces. And apparently their children are disembodied heads that fly? It's just slightly unnerving I guess. Maybe I'm alone in that one.

As a final (for now anyway) random thought, the artwork for Bubbles in Ocarina of Time really reminds me of the 'Deathbat' logo that the band Avenged Sevenfold uses. If you took away the flames, they might be virtually identical.

And with that I'll quit the ranting for now. If I think of anything else worth mentioning, I'll add it at a later date.

Ragnarok 03:34, 4 January 2011 (EST)