Bodyguard Salon

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The Bodyguard Salon is a location in Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland. It is a place where Tingle can find Bodyguards, who he can hire to help him fight monsters.

There is a Bodyguard Salon on every island except Hometown Prairie, run by the Salona. Each salon will offer Tingle three possible Bodyguards to hire. If Tingle desires an alternative Bodyguard to those on display, he may ring the desk-bell and change the line-up for a fee. This fee increases from continent to continent.

When making a contract, the Salona charge a commission. This fee allows Tingle to talk to a bodyguard, and means that unlike other haggling opportunities in the game he will not lose large amounts of rupees if he does not offer enough.

Although each salon appears identical, the doormat changes from island to island.