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SecminourTheThird is a new guy here at Zelda Wiki. He has many interests in many things,such as drawing,making things,and games. The name Secminour The Third was originally Secminour Van Millisec,a pun on the names of passable times,SEConds,MINutes,hOURs,as the capitalized letters tell. Millisec is a reference to MILLISEConds. Whenever I see a page where I added something on,and my words were revised,as well as pages for subjects with no pages I started modified,that makes me happy,letting me know that my contributions are helping at all. An example of the latter is the page for the Red emblem.

Story on the character

The actual character created from the name Secminour Van Millisec is a very energetic wizard. He often travels the world on his magical vehicle/home/slave-buddy-helper,setting up shop in several places. The previously mentioned magical...transportation of sorts is actually an entity similar to Gohdan from The Wind Waker. It is composed mainly of a large head and two large hands. The stone it is composed of is an orangish stone along with some red stone for the eyes,and white stone for the teeth. Also,the crown that this entity wears is a darker orange. Its hands are the hands of Eyerok, from Super Mario 64. And,it has a large, Wario-esque nose in yet another shade of orange. Its eyes also always seem angry,along with their natural red hue. The name Secminour prefers to call him is The Aztec Sun God Golem,or for short,the Sun Golem or Sunny Gole.

Little comments

  • The Peahats in Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask always make me think of corn,for some reason. Plus,for some reason,I thought their name was spelled "Peaheat."
  • The Seahats in Wind Waker are scary,if not easy to get startled by. Who agrees?
  • I watch Walkthroughs and LPs of games as one of my hobbies.


  • "OH MY GOD!" -NintendoCapriSun,after being surprised by the Ultimate Chimera in his Mother 3 LP.
  • "We have two mushrooms,and a dead person." -Chuggaaconroy,in his Super Mario RPG LP.
  • "Woah! Did the chicken just blow up,or did it go back in the house?" -Someone/Goron50(I think),on their Zelda Four Swords Adventures LP/Walkthrough.