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Azusa is a character in Ripened Tingle's Balloon Trip of Love.[name references needed] She is one of Tingle's love interests.


Azusa is a train fanatic who first appears in Page 5, behind the abandoned train station. She is taking photos of the garage where the Tinliner is in, in that moment, Tingle approaches to talk to her, however, Azusa gets scared, and runs away, leaving the place until the page is finished.

After obtaining the Tingle Balloon, Tingle can return to the Page 5, where Azusa can be found in the basement of the garage behind the station. Since her hearts are locked from the beginning, Tingle must give her first a train model found in Page 9, in order to successfully start a Love Push. After Tingle wins her first heart, she will move to Page 9, where she stays until the royal dance. Azusa is seen in the end credits with the Tinliner, now named the Azusa No. 2, and been transformed to match her face instead of Tingle's.


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