Black Bow Guard

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Black Bow Guards are Enemies in Cadence of Hyrule.[1]


Black Bow Guards are stronger than the Blue Bow Guard and Green Bow Guard. They can only be found in dungeons where they move to the beat of the music. They share their movement pattern with the other guards as they prefer to move in the shape of a circle and move on every other beat, always crouching for one beat before hopping to an adjacent tile on the second beat.

If their path is blocked off by an object or enemy on a beat, they will immediately hop away in the opposite direction on the next beat without crouching, then resume their normal beat pattern for two beats by crouching and hopping away one more time before attempting to form another circle. Upon seeing Cadence, Link, Yves, or Zelda, they will become aggressive and chase them. If any of the heroes are standing at least two tiles ahead of them, they will draw their bow on one beat then release their arrow on the following beat.


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See Also


  1. "Defeated By: Black Bow Guard" — Game Over (Cadence of Hyrule)