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Zuko is a recurring character in The Legend of Zelda series.[2] He is a member of Tetra's Pirate Crew.


The Wind Waker

Zuko is in charge of keeping watch for Tetra's Pirate Crew, and as such, he can always be seen carrying a Telescope and is usually atop the lookout platform of Tetra's Ship.

Zuko makes his final appearance in The Wind Waker during the game's ending sequence. After Link and Tetra resurface from the sunken Hyrule Castle, Zuko, along with the rest of the pirate crew and a few other characters, greet the pair aboard their pirate ship before setting sail from Outset Island in search of new lands.

Like the rest of the pirates, Zuko bears a striking resemble to a man portrayed in a wall painting hanging in the sunken Hyrule Castle, which heavily hints that the man could be Zuko's ancestor serving under the orders of a past Princess Zelda.

Four Swords Adventures

Phantom Hourglass

In Phantom Hourglass, Zuko appears again during both the introduction and the ending sequences of the game, and his role is once again very limited. He is last seen when Tetra and Link reunite with the rest of the pirate crew after waking up on top of Ghost Ship.

Other Appearances

Phantom Hourglass (Himekawa)

Zuko is first seen in the Phantom Hourglass manga by Akira Himekawa when he announces that the ship will be entering "that" area soon,[3] the ocean where the Ghost Ship sails.[4] He is shown again when he says a ship approaching,[5] which turns out to be the Ghost Ship itself.[6]


Names in Other Regions
ズコ (Zuko) (TWW)[8]
The French Republic
The Federal Republic of Germany
Zuko (TWW)[9]
The Italian Republic
Zucco (TWW)[7]
The Kingdom of Spain
Zuco (TWW)[12]
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  1. "Zuko is in charge of keeping watch. His sharp eyes can read signs a mile off, but no one really understands what he says, so they rarely know what he's seen." — Figurine (The Wind Waker)
  2. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 258,(TWW) 283 (PH)
  3. "Cap'n! We'll be entering that area soon!" (Phantom Hourglass (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 8)
  4. "Where the Ghost Ship sails." (Phantom Hourglass (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 8)
  5. "A ship! Cap'n... I can see... a ship ahead!" (Phantom Hourglass (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 11)
  6. "It's... the Ghost Ship!" (Phantom Hourglass (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 11)
  7. "Ehi, Zucco! Mi raccomando, occhi ben aperti! Se avvisti qualcosa di strano, urla!" — Gonzo (The Wind Waker)
  8. "ズコさんは ちょっとやらしいです・・・" — Letter (The Wind Waker)
  9. "Hey, Zuko! Pennst du etwa in deinem Ausguck da oben? Sobald du was siehst, laut rufen, kapiert? LAUT!!!" — Gonzo (The Wind Waker)
  10. "Naggi est efféminé et gentil. La barbe de Sénèque me fait peur, mais ses histoires sont très intéressantes. Zucco est un peu mou..." — Letter (The Wind Waker)
  11. "Oooh! Zuco! Sois attentif! Et crie bien fort si tu vois quelque chose! Bien fort!!!" — Gonzo (The Wind Waker)
  12. "¡Eh, Zuco! Abre bien los ojos y, si ves cualquier cosa, grita como si te fuera la vida en ello, ¿entendido?" — Gonzo (The Wind Waker)