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Not to be confused with the Deku Butler from Majora's Mask.

The Butler is a character in The Wind Waker, who acts as the devoted guardian of the Cabana of the Private Oasis.[1][name references needed] As it turns out, he's not a character of flesh and blood at all, but is actually a painting on the Cabana's front door.[2] The door's handle is modeled as the Butler's outstretched hand.


When Link first arrives at the Cabana, the Butler is exceedingly rude and elitist, and accuses him of trespassing.[3][4][5] Above all, he is loyal to "the master.",[5] so when Link presents him with the Cabana Deed, the Butler's attitude turns reverent.[6] When in the presence of his master, he can actually be quite self-effacing,[7] and manages to imply insulting things with graceful politeness.[8]

The Butler is well versed in the amusements of nobility and he will explain the basics of the puzzle if Link asks.[9][10] If Link manages to complete a puzzle, he says he is "among the most talented gamesmiths of the noble classes" and will reward him with 50 Rupees as an expression of his "respect and admiration" for his skills.[11] He has 16 different puzzles for Link to try, but asks Link to vacate the Cabana while he sets up the next one, so exactly how he manages to replace the pieces and the completed picture across from it is unknown.[12]

From inside the Cabana, the front door is painted like the Butler's back, facing outdoors. Several wooden cutouts of the Butler grace the Cabana's inside, including one of him dressed in a maid's outfit beside a bathtub.


Names in Other Regions
執事 (Shitsuji) (TWW)[14] 
The French Republic
Majordome (TWW)[16] 
The Federal Republic of Germany
Verwalter (TWW)[15] 
The Italian Republic
Maggiordomo (TWW)[13]Butler
The Kingdom of Spain
Mayordomo (TWW)[17] 
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See Also


  1. "There was a very dignified butler standing before the door, and I snapped his photo without even thinking... That aside, I am certain this is someone's private cabana." — Lenzo (The Wind Waker)
  2. "I am sorry to have bothered you with such a trifling thing! Most terribly sorry! Ah! All of a sudden, I have become painfully aware of my existence as a door. Wah! Waaaaaah!" — Butler (The Wind Waker)
  3. "...And just what do you want me to do with that bit of rubbish!? You disrespectful, unwashed imp!" — Butler (The Wind Waker)
  4. "Ewww! Unclean! Most foul! Don't lay those grungy hands..." — Butler (The Wind Waker)
  5. 5.0 5.1 "Eh-HEM! This cabana belongs to the master, and the master alone! You grimy, trespassing little scoundrel! Away with you! AWAY, I say!" — Butler (The Wind Waker)
  6. "Why that's the... Are you... Are you the new master?! ...Are you Master Link? Ah... I am so pleased to hear that name!" — Butler (The Wind Waker)
  7. "Bzzzt! Of course! Bzzzt! Sorry to bother you with such trifling things, Master! Awfully sorry!" — Butler (The Wind Waker)
  8. "My goodness gracious... Master has some difficulty circulating blood to his brain, does he not? Most unfortunate. I shall explain again, Master." — Butler (The Wind Waker)
  9. "Ah, Master! Do you have an interest in the amusements of nobility?
    Well, in that case, would you care to hear an explanation of the game?
    " — Butler (The Wind Waker)
  10. "Please tilt Control Stick 4-Way up, down, left, or right to move the panels and try to arrange the picture. I will place the final panel in the top-right space to complete the painting. Oh, and Master! Please bear in mind that this game is for amusement only. If you are successful, all I can offer as a reward is money! Do remember that!" — Butler (The Wind Waker)
  11. "Well done, Master... Well done, indeed! You are among the most talented gamesmiths of the noble classes! I offer you this as an expression of my respect and admiration of your skills. Please accept it! Use it wisely. Heart" — Butler (The Wind Waker)
  12. "I must apologize. It will take me just a moment to prepare the next picture. Please, if you could briefly wait outside..." — Butler (The Wind Waker)
  13. "Davanti all'entrata c'era un maggiordomo. In un lampo, ho catturato la sua immagine e sono fuggito a gambe levate. Sarà la villa di un ricco signore..." — Lenzo (The Wind Waker)
  14. "扉の前に立派な執事が立っていて
    " — Lenzo (The Wind Waker)
  15. "Vor der Tür stand ein stolz aussehender Verwalter, sodass ich ganz hingerissen auf den Auslöser gedrückt habe! Ich frage mich nur, wem dieses Anwesen wohl gehört?" — Lenzo (The Wind Waker)
  16. "Devant la porte se tenait un majordome. J'ai pris le cliché comme ça... Ce doit sans doute être une résidence secondaire?" — Lenzo (The Wind Waker)
  17. "En la puerta había un mayordomo con aire de pocos amigos. ¡Saqué la luminografía y salí corriendo! Debe de ser el chalé de fin de semana de alguien." — Lenzo (The Wind Waker)