Prize Postcard

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Prize Postcards are recurring Items in The Legend of Zelda series.[1] They are mailed out in Postboxes to win various prizes.


Phantom Hourglass

In Phantom Hourglass, Link receives the Prize Postcard from the Man of Smiles after defeating the enemies in his ship. The Prize Postcard remains in Link's inventory until he deposits it in a Mailbox. He can hold only one Prize Postcard at a time, but can obtain more by visiting the Man of Smiles again after mailing it.

It is always preferable that Link loses the draw. In winning, the young hero will not receive anything other than "Congratulations" and a "picture" that is not seen or used, but if loses, he will obtain a random Ship Part as a consolation prize.

This is one of the game features to rely on the internal clock of the Nintendo DS system. Beginning at midnight following the deposit of a Prize Postcard, the Postman will notify Link on whether he won or lost the drawing at any Mailbox.

Spirit Tracks

The Prize Postcards in Spirit Tracks can be purchased at various Shops in stacks of ten. Link can carry up to 99 Prize Postcards and can mail up to 20 per day to increase his chances of receiving prizes, such as Treasures. Like in Phantom Hourglass, he will be notified of the outcome by the Postman after midnight.


Names in Other Regions
The French Republic
Carte de loterie[4]
Carte Récompense[6]
The Federal Republic of Germany
The Italian Republic
Bliglietto lotteria[2]
Latin America
SpanishLALatin American
Postal del Sorteo[5]
The Kingdom of Spain
Postal del sorteo[7]
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.



  1. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 135 (PHPhantom Hourglass | STSpirit Tracks)
  2. Bliglietto lotteria — Collection Screen (Phantom Hourglass, Italian version)
  3. Lotteriepostkarte — Collection Screen (Phantom Hourglass, German version)
  4. Carte de loterie — Collection Screen (Phantom Hourglass, European French version)
  5. Postal del Sorteo — Collection Screen (Phantom Hourglass, Latin American Spanish version)
  6. Carte Récompense — Collection Screen (Phantom Hourglass, Canadian French version)
  7. Postal del sorteo — Collection Screen (Phantom Hourglass, European Spanish version)
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Mailed Items
Postal Service