Swiftblade Possession Technique

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The Swiftblade Possession Technique is an ability used by Swiftblade in The Minish Cap.[1]


Swiftblade uses the Swiftblade Possession Technique to teach Link various skills by taking control of his body and showing him how the move is performed.[2] After this, Link must repeat the action he was shown in order to earn the Tiger Scroll for the ability.

Swiftblade will use this Technique to teach Link four abilities: the Spin Attack, the Rock Breaker, the Dash Attack, and the Down Thrust.

A similar technique is used by his brothers to teach Link their own skills.


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  1. This is the Swiftblade Possession technique of training! — Swiftblade (The Minish Cap)
  2. But one must FEEL the technique, not just hear about it! That's why I will now possess your body so as to demonstrate the technique! — Swiftblade (The Minish Cap)