EX Ancient Horse Rumors

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EX Ancient Horse Rumors

EX Ancient Horse Rumors screenshot from Breath of the Wild
Quest Giver Super Rumor Mill V3
Prerequisite(s)Exit the Great Plateau
Location Highland Stable

"EX Ancient Horse Rumors" is a Side Quest in Breath of the Wild.[1] It is exclusive to The Champions' Ballad DLC Pack.


The Side Quest is obtained upon reaching exiting the Great Plateau and loading the overworld of Hyrule Kingdom, which can be done by Warping, reloading a save file, dying, or leaving an Ancient Shrine. When the Quest is activated, Link will be tasked with finding a copy of the Super Rumor Mill EX, which is located at Highland Stable, for information on Ancient Horse Gear.[2][note 1]

At the Stable, Link can find the Super Rumor Mill V3 at the table inside. Within, Traysi discusses Ancient Horse Gear.[3] Originating from Hyrule's distant past, this Horse Gear includes a Bridle that increases a Horse's stats and a Saddle that can summon a Horse to its owner's side.[4] The Bridle is rumored to be south of Hyrule Ridge, under a cherry blossom tree on a mountain where creatures gather.[5] The Saddle is rumored to be near the spring of a Horse spirit.[6]

Following these tales, Link can find the Ancient Bridle in a metallic EX Treasure Chest buried under the cherry blossom tree on Satori Mountain. The Ancient Saddle is in a metallic EX Treasure Chest buried behind Malanya Spring. Each Treasure Chest can be dislodged from the ground using the Magnesis Rune, allowing Link to acquire the Horse Gear within. The Side Quest is completed once both pieces of Ancient Horse Gear have been obtained.[7]


Stage Description
1 Rumor has it there's a bridle that enhances a horse's skill and a saddle that can summon your horse right to you. Does this supposed ancient horse gear really exist?

Apparently Highland Stable has a copy of Super Rumor Mill EX, which details some rumors about this rare horse gear.
2 You read Super Rumor Mill EX: Volume 3! According to this special issue, there's a bridle that enhances your horse's skill and a saddle that summons your horse to your side.
One is supposedly under a cherry blossom tree at a mountain where creature gather, and the other is at a spring where a horse spirit resides.

If you believe the rumors, try to find the hidden treasure!
Treasure chests remaining: 2
3 You read Super Rumor Mill EX: Volume 3! According to this special issue, there's a bridle that enhances your horse's skill and a saddle that summons your horse to your side.
One is supposedly under a cherry blossom tree at a mountain where creature gather, and the other is at a spring where a horse spirit resides.

If you believe the rumors, try to find the hidden treasure!
Treasure chests remaining: 1
Complete You found the ancient horse gear at Satori Mountain and Malanya Spring!

Equip your horse with the Ancient Bridle for a longer-lasting gallop. Equip the Ancient Saddle and your horse will come running whenever you call, no matter how far you are.
Believing those rumors really paid off!


Names in Other Regions
Ex 古の馬具のウワサ (Ex Inishie no bagu no uwasa) 
The Republic of ChinaThe Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of ChinaThe Macao Special Administrative Region of China
Ex 古代馬具的謠傳 (Ex Gǔdài mǎjù de yáochuán) 
The Kingdom of the Netherlands
Paardenuitrusting EX[8]Horse Equipment EX
The French Republic
EX Le harnachement antique 
The Federal Republic of Germany
EX: Antikes fürs Pferd 
The Italian Republic
Bardatura ancestrale (EX) 
The Republic of Korea
Ex 고대 마구의 소문 (Ex Godae maguui somun) 
The Russian Federation
«EX Древняя сбруя» («EX Drevnyaya sbruya») 
Latin America
SpanishLALatin American
Extra: Arreos ancestrales 
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.

See Also


  1. It is possible to activate the second stage of this Side Quest by reading the Super Rumor Mill V3 without triggering any of the loading conditions for its activation.


  1. EX Ancient Horse Rumors
    Highland Stable
    — Adventure Log (Breath of the Wild)
  2. Apparently Highland Stable has a copy of Super Rumor Mill EX, which details some rumors about this rare horse gear. — Adventure Log (Breath of the Wild)
  3. Ancient horse gear is real, and it's FABULOUS! — Super Rumor Mill V3 (Breath of the Wild)
  4. Apparently, there's some incredible horse gear from Hyrule's distant past. I'm talking the long, long ago, folks! A bridle that increases your horse's skill and a saddle that can instantly summon your horse to your side. — Super Rumor Mill V3 (Breath of the Wild)
  5. The bridle is south of Hyrule Ridge, beneath a cherry blossom tree at a mountain where creatures gather. — Super Rumor Mill V3 (Breath of the Wild)
  6. The saddle is at a mysterious spring where a horse spirit resides. — Super Rumor Mill V3 (Breath of the Wild)
  7. You found the ancient horse gear at Satori Mountain and Malanya Spring! — Adventure Log (Breath of the Wild)
  8. Paardenuitrusting EXl — Adventure Log (Breath of the Wild)