Frozen Grotto

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The Frozen Grotto,[1] also known as the Icy Cave,[2] is a Dungeon in Cadence of Hyrule.

Entrance to the Grotto

The Frozen Grotto is located in the middle of Lake Hylia, where it is surrounded by water. A Sheikah Stone sits just outside its entrance.

Themes and Navigation



With less than two Champions defeated
With two or more Champions defeated


Names in Other Regions
The Italian Republic
Spelonca ghiacciata[3]Frozen cave
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.

See Also


  1. "Frozen Grotto" — N/A (Cadence of Hyrule)
  2. "I see an icy cave... Your fate is to brave the cold and enter it." — Fate (Cadence of Hyrule)
  3. "Spelonca ghiacciata" — Sign (Cadence of Hyrule, Italian localization)