Monster Outpost

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Monster Outposts,(TotKTears of the Kingdom)[1] also known as Monster Encampments,(BotWBreath of the Wild)[2] and Enemy Camps,(BotWBreath of the Wild)[3] are recurring location in The Legend of Zelda series. Monster Outposts go unnamed in Echoes of Wisdom.

Features and Overview

Breath of the Wild

Monster Encampments are small camps occupied by Monsters. They may have watchtowers to spot nearby Enemies and prey, and may be home to Outpost Chests. More complex versions of Monster Encampments known as Monster Strongholds also appear, which are depicted as either multistory structures or skull-shaped rocks.

Tears of the Kingdom

Monster Outposts are small Monster camps, commonly found in the Depths. Monster Outposts in the Depths typically surround Zonaite Deposits, where they are mined by the occupants. Skull-shaped rocks and multistory structures are a more advanced type of Monster Outpost known as Monster Strongholds.

Echoes of Wisdom

Monster Outposts appear throughout Hyrule. They are typically inhabited by Moblins and Boarblins, though Outposts atop Eldin Volcano are also occupied by Lizalfos. At the heart of each Outpost there is an Outpost Chest that will only unlock once all of the Monsters connected to the Outpost have been defeated. Monster Outposts will eventually repopulate and their Outpost Chests will be refilled after a period of time.


Names in Other Regions
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Other Names

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See Also


  1. As a legendary treasure hunter, I am more than happy to share some tips with you. If you can reach a place that is really high up, you can see a lot, right? That makes it easy to pick your next destination. Maybe you want to explore some strange area or some ruins? Or maybe you want to clear out a monster outpost? Hyrule is a vast land with much to explore, and if you've got a destination picked out, you're in good shape. I wish I had a map that I could mark my destinations on... But recent events have really changed the landscape. I doubt any of the maps we used to use are accurate anymore. — Calisa (Tears of the Kingdom)
  2. Creating a Champion, Dark Horse Books, pg. 407
  3. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Explorer's Guide, Nintendo of America, pg. 66
  4. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom—The Complete Official Guide, Piggyback Interactive Limited, pg. 14