The Shadow Prince

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The Shadow Prince is a book released for the Nintendo Adventure Books series. Released in 1992, it follows the "choose-your-own-adventure" format, which means the reader could choose what the characters did and thus direct the story. In total, there are 11 different endings, one of which is the only "true" ending, while the rest are endings in which Link dies under different circumstances. As the reader follows along, they will receive various items that may or may not help them along the adventure; moreover, they will also receive or lose points depending on the actions they take. Adding up all the points they receive at the end allows the reader to see their "Triforce Protector Rating." If, however, the reader chooses the wrong path, they will receive a page ending with the words "GAME OVER," indicating they must start the adventure all over again and choose a different path. The book also contains various puzzles which the reader must solve in order to help them figure out which path to take or to foreshadow what will happen next.

In The Shadow Prince, Link and Princess Zelda meet a strange knight known as Sir Charles from the kingdom of Moria. Although the princess and the King of Hyrule are all quick to trust Charles, Link gets suspicious of his actions from the moment he meets the knight from Moria. Link must choose his actions carefully as he tries to gather enough proof to unmask the false knight in front of the princess and the king.


See also: A flowchart of all possible paths in The Shadow Prince

The book begins with Link traveling with the use of his horse Cloud through the Midoro Swamp, thinking to himself that he must find out what Charles of Moria is up to. Just then, he gets ambushed by a Moblin mob. The book then travels back to show the Moblin Boss, who tells his troops that they must capture Link and Princess Zelda to not let Ganon, their leader, down. Meanwhile, Link and Zelda are walking in the woods. Suddenly, the two of them get ambushed by Moblins, and although they defeat quite a few of them, Zelda runs out of arrows for her bow and ultimately gets knocked out by a rock thrown at her. Link goes after her but trips and tumbles to the ground, and just as he is about to be killed by a Moblin, a tall, dark man known as Charles saves him by commanding the Moblin to leave. He helps Link up and then notices the unconscious Zelda, who wakes up immediately after Charles kneels at her side.

Although Link is eager to part ways with the "irritating stranger," Charles introduces himself and goes on to say that he is traveling around and doing good deeds as part of Morian custom, and once he has done enough, he will become Moria's king. Just as Zelda invites Charles to go to North Castle and meet her father, she begins to feel dizzy and sits down. Charles volunteers to take her to the castle, but Link hesitates and waits before taking a decision of whether letting him take her back to the castle or if he should get help first.

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If Link runs back to the castle for help

Link decides to go get help since Zelda shouldn't move until a doctor checks her; moreover, he does not like the idea of bringing a complete stranger to the palace, for he could be one of Ganon's spies. He returns to North Castle and brings a doctor back. They then see that Zelda has now stood up and excitedly says to Link that Charles defeated a Darknut and caused the two other Darknuts to run away in fear, leaving only "Rubies" behind. Link, trying not to feel envious, asks the Doctor to check if Zelda is alright; however, he mentions that she is alright. Zelda then suggests they should get back home, since Charles agreed to go to the palace for a visit and she is anxious to introduce him to her father. Link, upset, picks up the rubies and then follows them back to North Castle.

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If Link lets Charles take Zelda back to the castle

Zelda pulls Link aside and asks him why he's acting strange, reminding him that Charles has proved he's their friend. Link eventually holds out his hand to Charles and tells him that he appreciates his help. The knight from Moria places Zelda in the saddle and the two gallop to North Castle while Link runs along beside them, trying to not let Charles see that he's running out of breath. Out of nowhere, however, a Darknut charges at Charles, and he confidently faces the enemy, having two weapons to choose from: his sword or battle-axe.

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If Charles uses his axe

Charles uses his axe to deflect the Darknut's attacks. Zelda tells Link to help Charles, but for some reason he is unable to draw his sword since it seems to be stuck to the sheath. Zelda decides to help Charles herself, and the two together defeat the Darknut, with Zelda sarcastically thanking Link for his help. Before they leave towards the castle, Link picks up the Red Darknut Arrow, saying it has powerful magic.

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If Charles uses his sword

Charles pulls out a silver sword and tells Zelda to relax, saying his great-grandfather used that sword in the Grindle-Morian Civil War. All the while, Link is unable to pull his sword from the sheath since it seems to have gotten stuck. Charles fights the Darknut as Link still tries to unsheath his sword, but just then, Charles accidentally slashes the roots of a Quaker Tree, causing an earthquake. Just then, the group drops twenty feet into an Underground Tunnel that Link knows is full of Stalfos. He then notices a piece of paper sticking out of a rock and tells Zelda and Charles he's found a map, hoping that it's not fake.

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If the map is real

Link hopes the map is real and tells the pair to follow him after examining the routes just as the Stalfos begin to approach them. Eventually, they exit the tunnel, but Zelda realizes that she lost the Rubies she took before leaving the castle. Charles and Zelda hop on Herald when just then Link notices that the Morian knight dropped a Golden Compass. He begins to say something to Charles when the young hero realizes that the knight and the princess are already trotting away. Link keeps the compass in his pocket and decides he will give it to him later.

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If the map is fake

Six Stalfos are quickly approaching when Link decides that the map is fake due to it being in an easy hiding place. He tells Zelda and Charles to follow him, and although Zelda tries to stop him, they have no choice but to run after him. With the Stalfos pursuing them, Link tries to get the group out of the tunnel, but trips on a Stalfos since the tunnel is so dark. The page ends with a Game Over as Zelda cries to Link saying that he picked the wrong path, claiming that they'll die at the hands of the Stalfos.

Link begins to fall behind Zelda and Charles, and starts to think of all the strange events that have happened ever since Charles arrived: how the Moblins, who outnumbered Charles twenty to one, ran away just because he commanded them to, and the fact that Darknuts had never appeared outside of a cave or a castle.

When the group arrives to the castle, Charles meets the King of Hyrule, who notices Charles's Necklace and asks if he may see it. Charles tells him he rather didn't, since it is part of Morian lore that he cannot take it off until he becomes king. Before the knight can continue, Dowser, the court hound, runs in and licks both Link's and Zelda's face, but growls at Charles and then lunges for Charles's throat. Zelda pulls the dog back and Link begins to wonder why Dowser, who is always nice to new people, does not like Charles.

During dinner, Charles brags with tales of his travels, saying he defeated twenty Octoroks with a swing of his axe, to which Link remarks that Octoroks are easy and is not impressed. When the meal is over, Link suggests to the King to have an indoor archery match in order to "teach [Charles] a thing or two."

Link nervously awaits his turn, and just as Charles is about to go up to the line, he asks that Zelda hold his scarf for good luck, part of a Morian custom. Zelda agrees, and Charles makes a bullseye. Now even more nervous since his reputation as Hyrule's mightiest warrior is at stake, Link begins to choose an arrow when Impa walks towards him and tells him to use the Green Arrow that she puts in his hand, saying it is enchanted with magic. Link now has three arrows to choose from: the Red Darknut Arrow, Impa's Green Arrow, or his usual Blue Arrow.

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If Link chooses the Red Darknut Arrow

Link chooses the Darknut arrow, reminding himself that it has powerful magic, although he admits that its hidden powers are unclear and only hopes it will help him. Link fires the arrow; however, halfway through its course, it emanates red smoke and flies towards the ceiling, twirling in circles. The arrow then heads towards Link, who manages to dodge it at first, but then trips on a chair. The page ends with a Game Over as Link rolls over just as the arrow is headed straight towards him.

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If Link chooses Impa's green arrow

Link, trusting Impa, chooses her green arrow and confidently steps up to the line, telling Charles to observe how a master marskman does it. He shoots his arrow but falls way off from the bullseye, and the king declares Charles the winner. Link looks back at Impa and asks what happened, to which Impa just shakes her head and tells him that the arrow that she gave him was indeed magical, and that maybe some powerful force must have thrown it off, making Link suspicious of Charles even more.

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If Link chooses his usual blue arrow

Link chooses the blue arrow since he knows he must defeat Charles fairly. Shaking endlessly, he fires the arrow, which lands just left of the bullseye. Charles is declared the winner, with Link in second place. Impa tells Link that he should have used her arrow, and whispers to him that Charles is in possession of strong magic. Agreeing, Link nods his head, but is unsure if his magic is good or evil.

The king congratulates Charles and asks Zelda if it would be too premature to show the knight of Moria the Triforce of Wisdom. Zelda hesitates, stating that they cannot afford to lose the Triforce of Wisdom to Ganon. The shocked king asks Zelda if she believes that Charles is linked to Ganon and goes on to tell Charles that he wishes to show him the Triforce. Link, who was listening nearby, turns to Impa in outrage. Impa tells him to calm down and hands him a piece of paper into his hand that will guide him on what he should do. The piece of paper, however, is written in ancient Hyrulean Number-Letter Code. When Link deciphers it, it contains the word "Forestall."

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If Link acts forthwith

Link, ignoring the advice, charges up to Zelda and the king and argues that Charles cannot be trusted. Angrily, the king silences Link, and although the young hero begins to bring up his argument again, the king states that Link should realize that there are other heroes in the world who are just as good as him. Zelda then asks that Link apologize to Charles before they show him the Triforce of Wisdom, and the young hero reluctantly does so.

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If Link forestalls

Link hopes he won't be sorry for keeping quiet. Impa then gives him a clock, saying he might need it, although she doesn't explain its use. She tells him to hurry to the Triforce Room and advises him to keep an eye out for any clues that might tell them what Charles is up to.

The king, Charles, Zelda and Link head to the Triforce Room. Zelda explains that the Triforce of Power is in Ganon's hands while the Triforce of Courage is buried deep in Link's heart. The king goes on to say that if the Triforce of Wisdom were to fall in the wrong hands, it could bring ruin upon Hyrule. Charles takes a Morian oath and promises to protect the Triforce, and the king then dubs him a knight of Triforce. Link now has two choices: keep quiet or say something to the king.

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If Link says something to the king

Link interrupts the king and asks him if he has lost his mind, saying they've only known Charles for one day. The king, however, does not care what Link thinks, and once again silences him while wondering what has gotten into Link. Charles comments that he might be restless and needs "to work off steam." The king agrees and decides to make Link his new tax collector, sending him to the Water Town of Saria first thing in the morning.

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If Link keeps quiet

Link hurries back to Impa and tells her that the king has trusted Charles with the Triforce. Impa then tells the young hero that he must hold Charles up to the Mirror of Truth, which will allow them to see Charles's true self. However, Impa says no one truly knows where the mirror is, and informs him that it was last seen in Water Town of Saria. Link is hesitant to leave Charles alone in North Castle, but Impa reminds him that they don't know if Charles is truly evil, and gives him a Golden Whistle that might help on the way. Link can now either decide to go to Saria Town, or stay in North Castle.

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If Link stays at North Castle

Link decides to say in the castle to keep an eye out for Charles and the Triforce. Later that night, the young hero hears Zelda's and Charles's footsteps and witnesses the two of them having a conversation that involves Charles explaining more Morian customs to the princess. Link then follows Charles downstairs and into the woods, but just then the Morian knight turns around. The young hero must now choose to hide behind a boulder or a tree.

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If Link hides behind the boulder

Link races up the hill to hide behind the boulder, and just as he dives to hide, he turns around to find a pack of Tektites have surrounded him. He easily defeats one, but is then grabbed by the rest of the monsters. The page ends with a Game Over with Link being killed by the Tektites.

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If Link hides by climbing the tree

Link dashes down the hill and climbs the tree to hide in one of its branches just as Charles walks right underneath him to make sure no one is around. The Morian knight then goes back to sit down with the satisfaction that he is alone.

Link continues to watch Charles who begins to call forward to the "creatures of the night," crying out in a strange and hideous tongue. This causes for a pack of Bots to appear, and although Link is eager to climb down and fight Charles, he realizes that if he does, he will never find out what Charles is up to.

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If Link waits in the tree

Link watches as Charles talks with the Bots, but he can't hear a thing, and soon afterwards Charles begins to head to the castle. Just as the young hero begins to drop down from the tree, his left pocket rips and loses all items he had; however, he finds Rubies buried in the mud after he tries to search for his stuff.

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If Link fights

Link drops down from the tree and demands that Charles stop his evil magic, challenging him to a fight. Confused, the Morian knight tells the young hero that he just wants to be his friend, and gives him a Blue Ring as part of a Morian custom of exchanging gifts. As part of the exchange, Link reluctantly hands him the Golden Whistle given to him by Impa. Afterward, Link and Charles go back to North Castle as the young hero realizes he is overwhelmed with the urge to sleep.

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If Link chooses to go to Saria by Impa's advice or is forced to go there by the king

Link reluctantly decides to go to Saria. The next morning, he saddles his horse, Cloud, and rides out. He begins to take the route via Midoro Swamp, but remembers that it is infested with Moblins, Octoroks, and Goriyas, and he can't take a risk now that he's on a mission. He also has a choice of bypassing the swamp and going through Ruto Town instead, and although he must pass Moruge Swamp, it is still safer than Mido; however, this path takes more time, and Link wants to finish this mission as soon as possible and return to North Castle.

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If Link takes the Ruto detour

Link decides to take the safe route and takes the detour. Just as he arrives to Ruto, he bumps into an Old Man and gives him a key. The old man goes on to say that he shouldn't go through Ruto on his way to Saria since there is a traffic jam, and the old man disappears before Link can ask any questions. Skeptical on how the old man knew he was going to Saria, he takes the key and continues traveling.

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If Link goes through the Midoro Swamp

Deciding he has no time for detours, Link goes through the Midoro Swamp; however, as he is traveling, he gets surrounded by a pack of Moblins.

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If Link has the Golden Whistle

Quickly, Link takes out the Golden Whistle given to him by Impa, and after he covers his horse's with his cloak, he blows he whistle, causing for a high-pitched whine to pierce through. The Moblin bent down in pain and ask him to stop, and just then Link notices a Magic Potion in one of the Moblin's belts. The beast gives him the potion in exchange that he stops whistling. Link blows the whistle one last time, causing it to shatter. Instantly, Link rides away with Cloud, leaving the Moblins behind.

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If Link doesn't have the Golden Whistle

Link searches in his pockets, but finds nothing. A Moblin then grabs his foot, and although Link tries to escape by reaching up to a low-hanging branch from a nearby tree, the branch snaps off due to his weight and causes him to land in the middle of the pack of Moblins. The page ends with a Game Over as one of the big Moblins licks his lips and gets ready to kill Link for dinner.

Link eventually reaches the town of Saria, but no one answers to open the gate. Here, he reaches into his pocket, having either the key given to him by the old man or the magic potion given to him by the Moblin in the Midoro Swamp.

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If Link has the key

Link uses the key to open the gate and finds himself in a busy town square. An Old Woman then waddles towards him and asks if he's Link. Link notices that her eyes are clear as glass, and the old woman points to an apple tree that will make Link's eyes as clear as hers. The young hero approaches the tree, which is surrounded by a wide moat bubbling with green slime and sending off a nauseating odor. Noticing two long, thick planks nearby, he realizes that neither of those is long enough to reach across the moat, and there is no way to join them together.

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If Link figures out how to cross the moat

Link finds a way to cross the moat, and just as he is reaching for an apple, he notices something shining in a tree branch. He pulls it down and realizes it's the Mirror of Truth, which is what the old lady meant by clear eyes. Link leaps onto his horse and hurries back to North Castle.

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If Link doesn't figure out how to cross the moat

Link notices the tree full of apples off in the distance and his mouth begins to water; however, he then notices that the tree is surrounded by a moat of slime, thinking that it is probably best to keep away from the tree. He thanks the would-be helper and decides to leave Saria Town, but just then realizes that all the Rubies and items he had in his pocket have been stolen.

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If Link has the magic potion

Link takes out the magic potion and pours it into the keyhole of the locked gate, causing for it to open instantly. Out of the crowd, a mustachioed man enthusiastically approaches Link and announces the whole town that Link has arrived, which causes for them to surround the young hero. Link then asks who the man is and how he knew he was coming, and the man introduces himself as Nilbom the Tailor, pointing in the direction of his shop. He goes on to say that the king sent word that Link was on the way, and guesses that if the young hero is looking for something, he will find it in the town meeting hall. Just as Link is following Nilbom, his looks to the tailor shop's window and realizes that Nilbom's name is "Moblin" backwards.

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If Link follows Nilbom

Link tells Nilbom he is looking for something and decides to follow the man. He opens the door to the town hall and lets Link walk in first; however, Nilbom then shuts the door behind him and locks it, saying that Ganon will be glad to hear that Link has been captured. The walls then begin to move toward Link, and the book ends with a Game Over as Link desperately tries to open the door in vain.

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If Link doesn't follow Nilbom

Link notices a tree full of apples off in the distance and his mouth begins to water; however, he then notices that the tree is surrounded by a moat of slime, thinking that it is probably best to keep away from the tree. He thanks the would-be helper and decides to leave Saria Town, but just then realizes that all the Rubies and items he had in his pocket have been stolen.

Link, finally back in his room, goes to bed to sleep. The next day, Impa wakes him up and tells him that the king has called a Royal Council, mentioning it has to do with Ganon. Before Link heads off, she warns him that if the king needs a champion, he might pick Charles over Link.

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If Link has the compass

Angered that Charles might be chosen over him, Link puts his hands in his pockets and remembers the compass that fell from Charles's belt. He then tells Impa that the compass might tell them something about Charles. However, Impa realizes that it is no ordinary compass, for instead of the usual directions of N for North and S for South, it has G's, A's, and so on. She then discovers there are directions on the other side of the compass, and after Link and her decode the compass's message, they find out it spells out "GANON SHALL RULE." Just then, the trumpets play to announce the starting of the council, and Impa urges Link to go but to not do anything harsh since they do not know enough about Charles yet.

The King of Hyrule says there have been strange reports from the citizens of Hyrule stating that an entire gang of Darknuts were spotted in the Jungle of Favors, and that a recent thunderstorm caused for Goriyas to fall from the sky. Fearing for the safety of the Triforce of Wisdom, the king says that they must move the sacred triangle to the Fifth Castle of Ancient Hyrule, which is southeast of North Castle past deserts, rivers and swamps. When Zelda asks who will deliver the Triforce of Wisdom there, the king mentions he has two heroes in mind: Link and Charles. Anxiously, Link awaits the king's decision, and it is soon revealed that Charles will be the one to take the Triforce to the Fifth Castle.

Link furiously reminds the king of all the brave deeds he has done and claims that Charles can't be trusted because he is evil. The king raises his hand and silences Link, saying he better have proof to back up the serious charge he has raised against Charles.

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If Link doesn't have the Mirror of Truth

Link admits he has no concrete evidence, but the king interrupts him before he can finish, saying he is tired of his petty envy and it's time to teach him some manners by banishing him to the Tower for three days. As the guards take him away, he sees a smirk on Charles's lips. Impa then comes and hugs Link to tell him goodbye, and reminds him that he has a way to escape; however, the guards take Link away before Impa can finish.

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If Link has the clock and uses it

Link gets locked up in the cell and checks his pockets to find the clock that Impa gave him, which can briefly stop time for everyone except its bearer. He uses the clock to halt time and uses a toothpick to push the key out the keyhole; afterward, the young hero slides a paper under the door to drag the key back in, which he uses to unlock the door just as the clock is about to return time to its normal pace. Link then quickly heads out the door.

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If Link has the golden whistle and uses it

Link is locked up in the cell, but remembers that he has the Golden Whistle that impa gave him and decides to blow on it. The whistle makes a piercing sound, which makes the whistle to instantly shatter in Link's hands. However, inexplicably, a black vortex closes in on him, and when Link wakes up, he is standing in the Triforce room with the king and Princess Zelda, meaning he has successfully traveled back in time. The king is speaking to Charles and dubs him a knight of the Triforce. Link groans and remarks that he has seen this before, but wishes he could remember what he is supposed to do now.

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If he has neither the clock or whistle or doesn't use it

Link gets locked up in the cell and checks his pockets, but finds nothing of worth, asking himself what Impa meant. Link gazes out the window and sees Charles riding away, and just as he is disappearing into the woods, his horse turns into a giant, winged lizard. The page ends with a Game Over as Link realizes that Charles is Ganon himself and has escaped with the Triforce.

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If Link has the Mirror of Truth

Link takes out the Mirror of Truth from his pocket, causing Charles to take a step back. The king tells Link that he can use the mirror, but if it doesn't show something of value, then he will be furious at Link. This causes the young hero to hesitate, for he might be wrong about the mirror.

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If Link waits to use the mirror

Link, now doubtful about using the mirror, begins to think what the king's punishment could be if he is wrong about Charles. Suddenly, however, Charles knocks the mirror off Links hands and causes it to shatter as it hits the floor. Blue smoke then begins to fill the room while Charles laughs and takes away the Triforce, saying it will be in fine hands with Ganon. The page ends with a Game Over when the king admits to Link before he passes out that he was right and now Hyrule is doomed forever.

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If Link uses the mirror immediately

Link takes a chance and holds the mirror up to Charles. Instead of showing Charles's face, the mirror shows the image of Ganon himself. Charles grabs Zelda and holds a dagger to her throat and warns Link to stay back. Just as Link is about to attack Charles, the king sends him a signal using the Sign Language of the Hyrulean Royal Guard.

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If Link takes the signal as a sign that he must attack

Charles pushes Zelda away as Link begins to attack the knight, who easily deflects his attack. Link gets knocked back and Charles clutches the young hero's face in his hands. The page ends with a Game Over as Link begins to see everything turning into a deep, poisonous green.

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If Link takes the signal as a sign that he should wait

Zelda's pale face makes Link stop, and Charles commands that everyone should go to the other side of the room. He grabs the Triforce, drags the princess out the door , and locks the door as he leaves. After the Hylian warriors knock down the door, Zelda yells to Link that Charles is going to the castle with the Triforce and urges him to hurry.

Link rushes through the door, but just then Impa yells out to him and tells him to follow her. They reach her chambers and Impa informs Link that she used her rune dice and found out a message that tells her about Charles's true identity.

Link says that he has already found out that Charles is Ganon, but thanks her anyway and goes off to chase after Ganon. He mounts Cloud and follows Charles's tracks to Midoro Swamp. Eventually he bumps into Charles who has a troop of Moblins behind him, all surrounding Link.

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If Link has the blue ring

Link confidently reaches into his pocket and pulls out the blue ring that Charles gave him, causing for the knight and the Moblins to take a step back. The young hero then reminds Charles that it was the magic ring that he gave Link as a token of friendship, and Charles begins to look nervous. Link guesses that from the way Charles is reacting that the ring must be powerful, but Charles just mocks him when suddenly blue smoke rises from the ring. This causes the young hero to begin to feel weak and eventually collapses. The page ends with a Game Over as Charles laughs at Link and pokes the young hero's weakened body.

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If Link doesn't have the blue ring

The Moblin close in on Link, who draws his sword. He then notices Charles's necklace, which he always believed it had some sort of magic power. He begins to think that he should go after it and try to unleash its power; however, he then hesitates, thinking it might be full of black magic that could just make things worse.

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If Link fights by sword

Link reminds himself that black magic has caused him trouble too many times in the past, and decides to stick with his sword. He is successful in fighting off the first few Moblins that attack him, but eventually three of them come from behind and grab him, with Link unable to escape. The page ends with a Game Over as Charles approaches the young hero with an evil laughter and tells him that the game is over.

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If Link goes for the necklace

The Moblins then charge forward, but Link jumps to his feet on Cloud's back and does a somersault over the monsters and lands in front of Charles. He cuts the necklace in two, which causes for Charles to fall on his knees and exposes Ganon, who is weakening. Before disappearing into thin air, he claims to Link that he will defeat him, and all that is left is a pile of Charles's clothing. The Moblins run away after they see Ganon vanish, and the young hero then takes the Triforce of Wisdom and hurries back to North Castle.

Wondering what everyone will say when he gets back to the palace, he realizes the castle is completely dark. He checks every room but sees that no one answers. Eventually he walks into the banquet hall, where a crowd surprises him and applaud him for saving Hyrule. The king thanks him for defeating Ganon and for bringing back the Triforce of Wisdom safely. Link thanks Impa for her help and Zelda, embarrassed, approaches the young hero and confesses what an "idiot" she was, to which Link replies by saying that maybe she'll now "appreciate the talent here at home." Zelda makes a sarcastic remark, causing for the pair to laugh. The book ends with the king throwing an arm around Link's shoulder and saying that it's time to celebrate.



