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Octoroks are recurring Enemies in The Legend of Zelda series.(ALttP | LA | OoT | MM | OoS | OoA | FS | TWW | PH | ST | SS | ALBW | ZA | SSBU | NWCNES)[3][4][5][6][7][name references needed] Octoroks go unnamed in Hyrule Warriors.


Octoroks are octopus-like monsters best known for their method of attack; shooting rock projectiles from their cylindrical snouts in short intervals. They are common in Overworlds such as Hyrule, but occasionally appear inside Dungeons. The characteristics of Octoroks and their method of attack varies from game to game, as does the habitat in which they are encountered. In their two-dimensional appearances, Octoroks are generally land-dwelling creatures that slowly crawl and occasionally shoot rocks. They usually appear more porcine or spider-like and are one of the more common and weaker enemies in the games. They can be defeated by any conventional weapon, such as the Sword, Bow and Arrow, Bombs, or Boomerang.

In their three dimensional appearances, however, Octoroks are often aquatic creatures that live in lakes or seas, much like their real-world counterparts. They emerge and spit rocks at Link from afar, immediately submerging underwater if he comes too close. These Octoroks can often be defeated by deflecting their rocks back at them with the Shield,[8] or by shooting projectile weapons at them.

Octoroks normally do not attack unless threatened, spitting rocks as a natural means to defend their territory.[9]

A number of variants of Octoroks have also appeared in the series, with notable varieties including Winged Octoroks, Golden Octoroks, and Octomines. Big Octos are significantly larger Octoroks that often appear as Sub-Bosses. Big Octorok, a normal-sized Octorok fought while Link is Minish-sized, also appears as a Boss in The Minish Cap.

The Legend of Zelda

The Legend of Zelda Manual Descriptionhide ▲
The Legend of Zelda logo
A type of octopus that lives above ground. There are two types, red and blue. Watch out for the blue ones. They're mean. They spit out rocks at Link.

Octoroks are encountered throughout the Overworld of Hyrule in The Legend of Zelda, and are one of the earliest monsters Link can encounter on his quest. They slowly crawl about in an aimless path, and randomly shoot rocks in either of the four cardinal directions; these rocks can be blocked by the Shield if Link is facing in their direction. Octoroks come in red and blue varieties, with the blue being the stronger one. When defeated, red Octoroks may drop either a Heart, a Fairy or one Rupee, while blue Octoroks may drop either a Heart, one Rupee, four Bombs or a Clock.[note 1]

The Adventure of Link

The Adventure of Link Manual Descriptionhide ▲
The Adventure of Link logo
A type of octopus that lives above ground. They bounce and attack by spitting out rocks.

Octoroks appear as Overworld enemies in The Adventure of Link, most commonly found in Caves and tunnels. Unlike their previous appearance, they possess the ability to jump, and shoot rocks with each hop they make. While they are much more active and aggressive in their attacks, they are still relatively weak enemies whose rocks can be blocked with the Shield. Red and blue Octoroks appear, with the blue variety being the stronger of the two.

In the Japanese Famicom Disk System version, blue Octoroks also appear inside Palaces. In the overseas release, however, blue Aneru take their place instead, behaving similarly to Octoroks.

A Link to the Past

Octoroks return to their roots in A Link to the Past as grounded enemies encountered in the Overworld of Hyrule, though they behave slightly differently compared to their previous incarnations. Octoroks move in straight lines as they quickly scurry about, stopping only to unleash a barrage of rocks in every direction. Their quick and sudden movements and aggressive onslaught makes them harder to predict and defend against; however, like their previous incarnations, their rocks can be blocked with the Shield. They are common in eastern Hyrule, close to the Eastern Palace, near to the entrance to Zora's Waterfall, and in the Great Swamp.

A rare variant known as Octoballoons appear on the southeastern ledge of Lake Hylia. They explode into Puffers when approached or struck. The Dark World counterparts of Octoroks are Slaroks, which behave identically but are significantly stronger.

Link's Awakening

Octoroks in Link's Awakening appear similarly to those in The Legend of Zelda; slow enemies that crawl along the ground and occasionally shoot a single stone. They can be found all over Koholint Island, but are especially prolific at Toronbo Shores. As slow, weak enemies, they are easily dispatched with the Sword; however, when Link first arrives to the Shores in search for his Sword, he may encounter some without a weapon. Their stones can be blocked with the Shield when it is held up, serving as Link's only defense against them until he retrieves his Sword.

Winged variants, known as Winged Octoroks, also appear and are first encountered in Ukuku Prairie. They are able to fly overhead to evade Link's Sword, usually landing behind him to attack.

Ocarina of Time

Octoroks in Ocarina of Time look and behave differently compared to their earlier incarnations, as purple octopuses with glowing, green eyes that lurk in the water instead of on land. These Octoroks are the first of the "aquatic" Octoroks, who emerge from bodies of water to attack Link from afar with their projectile stones. When approached, they will immediately submerge underwater to avoid harm. Since they cannot be attacked directly or stunned, Octoroks can only be killed by either shooting Arrows at them, or by using the Shield to deflect the rocks they spit back at them, which will defeat them in one hit. They can be found in Lake Hylia as well as Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly.

A much larger Octorok known as Big Octo appears as the Sub-Boss Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly. This Octorok crawls around a cramped space rather than residing underwater, and attempts to crush and shove Link as it moves.

Majora's Mask

Tatl's Commenthide ▲
Tatl says:

You know about the Octorok, right? All you have to do is deflect that rock it spits out.

Octoroks in Majora's Mask appear identical to their appearance in Ocarina of Time. They live in bodies of water, and can normally only be killed by shooting Arrows at them or by deflecting their shots with the Shield. Like most enemies, Octoroks can also be frozen into a solid block of ice by shooting at them with Ice Arrows.[11] Once frozen, they can then be used as platforms to cross wide gaps of water until they thaw out. This is used to cross a body of water in the Great Bay Temple, and most notably at the Ikana River to cross over to the upper portion of Ikana Canyon — both places where Octoroks can be found. In Majora's Mask 3D, these Octoroks appear blue and sparkle to visually indicate that they can be frozen by the Ice Arrows.

Big Octos also appear in Majora's Mask in the Southern Swamp, blocking several passages to other locations of the Swamp.

Oracle of Seasons

Octoroks appear in Oracle of Seasons identical to their appearance in Link's Awakening. They are commonly found throughout the lands of Holodrum. A blue-colored variety also appears, which is stronger and more durable than the regular red variety.

The Octo Ring can be worn to give Link the appearance of a green Octorok.

A Golden Octorok also appears in Oracle of Seasons, appearing after Link has spoken to an Old Man wearing a golden robe. This Golden Octorok can be found in Spool Swamp in the Summer. This variety is much more aggressive and far stronger than the ordinary varieties.

Oracle of Ages

Octoroks appear in Oracle of Ages identical to their appearance in Link's Awakening. They are commonly found throughout the lands of Labrynna. A blue-colored variety also appears, which is stronger and more durable than the regular red variety.

The Octo Ring can be worn to give Link the appearance of a green Octorok.

Four Swords

Octoroks in Four Swords appear much like their incarnations in Link's Awakening, Oracle of Seasons, and Oracle of Ages. They slowly wander different areas and shoot rocks at intruders. They are relatively weak enemies, and can be easily defeated with the Sword. They can be found in the Sea of Trees and Vaati's Palace.

The Wind Waker

Tingle's Commentshide ▲
Freshwater Octorok
Tingle says:

Oh! An Octorok!

Use your shield to reflect its rock barrage back at it!

show more...
Saltwater Octorok

An Octorok!

It'll shoot bombs! I think you should run!

After obtaining the Boomerang

An Octorok!

It'll fire bombs at you! Fire back with projectiles!

Octoroks come in two types in The Wind Waker: a freshwater and a sea-inhabiting type. Both types of Octorok behave identically to those from Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, emerging from their respective bodies of water to shoot a spiked rock, which can then be deflected using either the Shield or by striking it with the Sword. The deflected rock will instantly defeat the Octorok as it hits. Freshwater Octoroks are characterized by their purple color and swirling pattern on their mantle. They most notably appear in the rivers leading up to the Forest Haven. Sea-inhabiting Octoroks are pink and have a spiked, shell-like mantle. They also differ in that the projectiles they spit are explosive. They are encountered only in the Great Sea.

Gigantic variants known as Big Octos also appear throughout the Great Sea. They emerge from whirlpools and attack Link as the whirlpool gradually brings him and the King of Red Lions into its mouth. They can only be defeated by shooting Bombs into their eyes with the Cannon or by firing Arrows from the Hero's Bow.

Four Swords Adventures

Main article: Blue Octorok

Octoroks are encountered in a few stages in Four Swords Adventures, most commonly near large bodies of water such as The Coast and The Swamp. They are typically found congregating in groups, attacking occasionally as they patrol their territory. They come in three color varieties; red, blue, and the rare purple. The red variety simply scurries about and shoots rocks, while the blue variety behaves more like the Octoroks from A Link to the Past, stopping to shoot a barrage of rocks in every direction. Purple Octoroks are the most hostile, consciously aiming at the Links and unleashing a flurry of rocks at them.

The Minish Cap

Octoroks in The Minish Cap behave much like their Four Swords incarnation. They can be found throughout Hyrule in various areas, most commonly around the different sections of Hyrule Field and Lon Lon Ranch. They come in red and blue varieties; red Octoroks are docile creatures, rarely shooting rocks unless Link is in close proximity to them. The blue variants, however, common to Lake Hylia, are much more aggressive and constantly expel rocks around them even when Link is not near.

Golden Octoroks also appear in The Minish Cap as a much rarer and more violent variety. They appear once Link has Fused Kinstones with certain people across Hyrule.

An ordinary Octorok covered in vines is also faced as the Boss of the Temple of Droplets; however, it appears gigantic due to Link being Minish-sized, and is therefore called the Big Octorok.

Phantom Hourglass

Octoroks in Phantom Hourglass come in two distinct varieties: a short and squat land-dwelling variant akin to their traditional appearance, and a sea-inhabiting type very much like those in The Wind Waker.

Land Octoroks appear as slow-moving red creatures. They spit rocks at Link whenever he is nearby, and are typically encountered in small groups. They are basic enemies who can be killed by most weapons, but can also be momentarily stunned with the Boomerang. They are uncommon enemies that are usually encountered inside Caves or Dungeons as opposed to the surface. They appear in the basement of Astrid's house on the Isle of Ember, inside the Temple of Fire, on Molida Island, and in the Temple of Courage.

Ocean Octoroks differ, being are significantly larger,[12] and pink-colored with an oversized, yellow mantle bearing a swirling symbol. Like those of The Wind Waker, they appear from the depths of the sea to attack.

In addition to the two types, there are also Octomines, which lurk underwater. Cyclok is a giant, flying Octorok that appears as the Boss of the Temple of Wind.

Hyrule Historia states that the Octoroks and their variants are the minions of Bellum (who was notably referred to as Grande Octo/Big Octorok during development).[13][14]

Spirit Tracks

Octoroks in Spirit Tracks appear the same as those in Phantom Hourglass, with both a land and water-based variant. The land Octoroks are identical to those in Phantom Hourglass, and are encountered inside the Snow Temple and in a Cave at the Trading Post. A large group of them can also be found on a small island at the Ocean Sanctuary, where they constantly shoot rocks across a strip of land. These Octoroks also appear in the first level of the Take 'Em All On! mini-game at Castle Town.

Mini Freezards, such as those in the Snow Temple, can be melted away with fire to reveal land-dwelling Octoroks beneath their frozen bodies. The "eye" of a Mini Freezard is actually the underlying Octorok's snout.

Ocean Octoroks are similar to the sea-based variety from Phantom Hourglass,[15] but appear red with a green mantle. They emerge from the watery depths to attack Link from afar.

Octives are a variant of Octoroks that behave similarly to the aquatic-based variety, but are encountered solely in the Snow Temple. Ergtoroks are another variety that are a variant of Octives, lurking in sand instead. Octomines also appear and are encountered beneath the waves of the Ocean Realm.

Skyward Sword

Octoroks in Skyward Sword have a similar behavior to aquatic Octoroks from previous games, but are encountered on land instead of in water, and are even found in the Sky. The ground-based variety hide themselves in the ground and poke their heads out to spit rocks when Link is near. Like aquatic Octoroks, their attacks can be deflected back at them with the Shield. Octoroks (Grass), which cloak themselves with tufts of grass, can be found in the Faron Woods. Octoroks (Rock) instead cover themselves with a large Rock. Other than their choice of camouflage, they are identical.

A Link Between Worlds

Octoroks in A Link Between Worlds are based on those from A Link to the Past, but no longer fire rocks in each direction at once. Octoroks instead scurry about their territory, stopping to fire a single rock from their mouths. As with the Octoroks from A Link to the Past, they can be commonly found in eastern and southern Hyrule.

In Lorule, a friendly Octorok named Octo plays Octoball Derby with the Derby Boy and the Derby Girl. Instead of shooting rocks, it uses its talent to throw balls. Slaroks also appear as the Lorulean counterpart of Octoroks.

Tri Force Heroes

Main article: Water Octorok

A red species of Octoroks known as Water Octoroks appear in Tri Force Heroes. They are encountered in bodies of water and spit rocks at the Links. In addition to this, regular Octoroks return in the Den of Trials alongside an unnamed purple variant that can Curse the Links upon contact.

Breath of the Wild

Octoroks appear in many different varieties in Breath of the Wild, including Water Octoroks, Forest Octoroks, Rock Octoroks, Snow Octoroks, Treasure Octoroks, and in Master Mode, Sky Octoroks. All of them except for Sky Octoroks are characterized by their ability to shoot rocks at Link, though they each go about this in different ways. For all but Rock Octoroks, Link can shoot their various coverings to force them to reveal themselves. In Master Mode, Sky Octoroks can be found holding plank platforms that hold Treasure Chests and enemies.

Tears of the Kingdom

Echoes of Wisdom

The wind-up Octorok
This articlesection contains information about an unreleased video game.
It is likely to contain information of a speculative nature and the content may change dramatically as more information becomes available.
Main article: Water Octorok

Water Octoroks appear throughout Hyrule. Princess Zelda can also find a wind-up mechanical Octorok. When activated, it shoots explosives in whichever direction it faces. This mechanical Octorok can be carried around and used as a weapon.

Other Appearances

The Legend of Zelda TV Series

An Octorok in "The White Knight" episode

Octoroks appear in several episodes of the The Legend of Zelda TV series. They first appear in "The White Knight" after a Tinsuit calls an Octorok from the Underworld, which grabs a swordless Link and throws him into a nearby barn. The hero then takes out a Magic Rope and ties it around the Octorok, but the octopus-like foe begins to run away as it drags Link with him. Fortunately, Prince Facade appears and halts the Octorok in its path, blocking one of the Octorok's attacks with his shield and quickly defeating it with a shot from his crossbow. An Octorok also briefly appears in "Kiss'n Tell", where the foe uses its tentacles to trip Princess Zelda and thus take her into the Underworld.

In "Doppelganger", while Link and Zelda are in the Underworld chasing Zelda's evil clone, three Octoroks begin to shoot rocks at them. Link grabs the Princess and uses the Force Field Ring as the two fall, zapping the Octoroks in the process. In their final appearance in "The Moblins are Revolting", Octoroks join the struggle formed by the Brotherhood of Underworld Monsters, where they try to attack the North Castle. A Moblin commands that various Vires carry several Octoroks so that they can fire bombs inside the castle; however, the Octoroks are accidentally defeated with arrows shot by a group of Stalfos.

Interestingly, in "The White Knight" and "The Moblins Are Revolting" episodes, Octoroks shoot light balls that explode when they come in contact with something; however, in the "Doppelganger", they can be seen shooting the usual rocks instead.

The Legend of Zelda (Valiant Comics)

An Octorok from the comic

Octoroks make several minor appearances throughout the issues of The Legend of Zelda comics by Valiant Comics published by Valiant Comics. Their depiction is almost identical to their artwork from The Adventure of Link. They first appear in "Missing in Action" as one of the enemies that go after Princess Zelda and the Triforce of Wisdom. "To the First Power" also shows these foes capturing Link outside one of the Underworld entrances under the orders of a Wizzrobe. Octoroks once again appear in "Queen of Hearts", where they battle against Link and Queen Seline to keep them from breaking the magic container that will give the queen her magical powers back.

Super Mario-kun

The Crystal Trap

Octoroks appear after Princess Zelda frees Link from the Crystal in The Crystal Trap. If the heroes choose to leave the Midoro Palace, they will struggle since Link feels too weak to walk. They eventually reach a forest and decide to rest, but suddenly Octoroks ambush them, and although Zelda tells Link that they should run away, the young hero feels too tired and thus must stay and fight. Choosing to stay and fight results in Zelda and Link taking cover from the Octoroks' attacks, with Link giving the Princess some advice to defeat the Octoroks. By the use of her bow, Zelda defeats the monsters, but is exhausted from the battle. They then witness a Pink Fairy glowing out from the corpse of one of the dead Octoroks. The Fairy thanks the heroes for freeing her from the monsters and rewards them by showing them where to find the weapon that will defeat Ganon: the Spear.

If the heroes choose to run away, Zelda will put her arm around Link's shoulders and begin to run. Trying to pull Link with all her might, she fails since she cannot outrun the Octoroks' attacks while carrying Link. A rock strikes Zelda's leg, causing the heroes to collapse and giving the foes a chance to surround them. The page ends with a Game Over as Zelda realizes she cannot hope to defeat all of the Octoroks by herself.

The Shadow Prince

The Shadow Prince briefly mentions the Octoroks when Charles of Moria is bragging of his accomplishments as a knight. He comments about the time that he defeated twenty Octoroks with just one swing of his ax, although Link is unimpressed by this feat, saying that "Octoroks are easy prey."

The Faces of Evil

Octoroks appear as enemies in The Faces of Evil, The Wand of Gamelon and Zelda's Adventure. In the first two games, Octoroks appear as large enemies encountered on land that spit arching stones. They have a considerably high amount of health, requiring several Sword strikes to defeat, but can also be instantly defeated by throwing a Bomb at them or by using the Power Glove. In The Faces of Evil, they can be found in Firestone Lake and Fortress Centrum. In The Wand of Gamelon, they are exclusively found on the shores of Tykogi Tower.

Zelda's Adventure

In Zelda's Adventure, Octoroks bare a much closer resemblance to real-world octopuses. They are usually encountered near bodies of water, most notably in the Shrine of Water. They however do not spit rocks at Zelda. They take several hits of the Wand to defeat.

Link's Awakening (Cagiva)

In the Link's Awakening manga by Ataru Cagiva, while looking for his Sword, Link is attacked by an Octorok, making him fall from a cliff into Toronbo Shores. There, hes attacked by a group of Octoroks, forcing him to run away. Once Link retreives his Sword, the Owl appears, scaring the Octoroks away.

Super Smash Bros. Melee

The Octorok enemy from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS

In Super Smash Bros. Melee, Octoroks appear as enemies in the Underground Maze level of Adventure Mode. They can, but rarely, be found in other modes in boxes. Like in the Zelda games, Octoroks will start shooting rocks at the approaching fighter. For every Octorok a player KOs, 150 points are added to their Octorok KO Bonus. These Octoroks are only found on land, despite being based on the aquatic Octoroks found in Ocarina of Time. They also appear as a Trophy.

# Trophy First Game / Move Description How to unlock
The Legend of Zelda
These common enemies made their debut in the very first Legend of Zelda game and have been a staple of every game in the series since. They shoot rocks from their mouths at high velocity, but the projectiles are simple to block and do very little damage. Octoroks have low stamina, so they don't pose much of a threat to good fighters. Random

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Octoroks appear as a Sticker.

Sticker Artwork from Effect in The Subspace Emissary Usable by

Ocarina of Time [Leg] - Attack +4 This sticker is only usable by Link, Zelda, Ganondorf and Toon Link

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS

They appear as enemies in the Smash Run mode and as a Trophy in their Skyward Sword incarnation as the grass-variety.

# Trophy Appears in Description How to unlock
204 N/A Skyward Sword This monster looks kinda like an octopus, but it shoots rocks out of its mouth. They've been around since the very first Legend of Zelda game, and the Ocotorok from Skyward Sword appears in this version of Smash Bros. They'll hide ungerground, emerging to fire at nearby fighters. If you're quick, you can run forward and pluck them out. Random

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

An Octorok appears as a Spirit in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Octorok — Spirit Battle Information
Primary Spirit
Team Power Grab | 1800 Rank ★ NOVICE Fighter(s)
Stage Great Bay Theme "Termina Field" Diddy Kong Team ×4
Rule(s) Hazard(s)
 • The enemy's neutral special has increased power
 • The enemy favors neutral specials
Octorok — Spirit Information

No. 179
Lv. 1
Type GRAB Strength 547
Rank ★ NOVICE Defense 536
Slot(s) Power 1126
Trait Fire Weakness
Increases the damage taken from fire and explosion attacks.

An Octorok appears as a Primary Spirit in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland

In Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland, a creature similar to Octoroks called Octopuses appear in the hidden mini-games run by Salona. Instead of shooting rocks, the Octopuses shoot balls, which Tingle must deflect back at various targets behind them. Appearance-wise, they are red and resemble the traditional Octoroks found in the 2D Zelda games, with the characteristics of those found in Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask.

There is also an ingredient Tingle can acquire called Salty Octopus, which also looks similar to an Octorok.

Hyrule Warriors

Octoroks appear while loading an Adventure Mode Map Battle in Hyrule Warriors. Their appearance is based on the red Octorok from The Legend of Zelda. An Octorok will move between Link and the Triforce and shoot a rock at Link before being defeated. While Link is holding the Triforce, a second Octorok will then appear behind Link and shoot another rock at him, causing him to drop the Triforce. Link will then run away and the Octorok will chase after him.

Cadence of Hyrule

Octoroks appear as enemies in Cadence of Hyrule where they move to the beat of the music. They can inhabit waters as well as dry land, hiding until Cadence, Link, Yves, or Zelda walks in front of them, in which they will emerge and become vulnerable to attack for four music beats. After emerging, they will fire a rock projectile at the heroes on the second beat, and remain exposed for two more beats before returning underground or underwater. There are a total of three varieties of Octorok, including the Yellow Octorok and Black Octorok.


Octoroks appear in the Game & Watch: The Legend of Zelda version of Vermin. They replace the moles from the original as the creatures Link keeps away with his mallets.

Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition

Octoroks appear in the Party Mode challenge "Octorok Onslaught".


  • At the time of the release of The Wind Waker, Octoroks had appeared in every game in The Legend of Zelda series so far, which is referenced in their Figurine description with the line, "Winner of the Perfect Attendance Award". However, as Octoroks were absent from Twilight Princess, this was changed to "Series: Exemplary enemy" in The Wind Waker HD.[citation needed] They have appeared in every game since.
  • Toadpolis from Twilight Princess behave similarly to the aquatic Octoroks, and are also defeated in the same manner; by deflecting their projectiles back at them. Spumes from Skyward Sword also have a similar behavior.


Names in Other Regions
  • オクタロック (Okutarokku) (TLoZ | TAoL | ALttP | OoT | TWW | SS)[26][27][28][29][30][31]
  • オクタロック (赤) (Okutarokku (Aka)) (CoH)[25]
  • Same as English.
  • Okutarokku (red)
The People's Republic of China
八爪投石怪 (Bā zhǎo tóu shí guài) (TLoZ)[35]Octopus slinger
The Kingdom of the Netherlands
Octorok (TLoZ)
The French Republic
Octorok (TLoZ | TWW)[33][34]
The Federal Republic of Germany
Oktorok (TWW)[32] 
The Italian Republic
Octorok (TLoZ | TAoL | ALttP | LA | LADX | OoT | OoT3D | MM | MM3D | OoS | OoA | FS | TWW | FSA | ALBW | CoH)[16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24]
The Kingdom of Spain
Octorok (TWW)[36]
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.

Other Names

These names, though from official English sources, are not considered Canon by Zelda Wiki as they contradict a name or names from a higher-priority source.


See Also


  1. If Link defeats 10 enemies without getting hit or teleporting with the Flute, then the 10th enemy defeated will drop five Rupees. However, if the 10th enemy is defeated with a Bomb, then it will drop four Bombs. If Link defeats 16 enemies without getting hit or teleporting, then the 16th enemy will drop a Fairy. After the 16th enemy, Link must get hit and reset the counter to zero in order to achieve this effect again. Defeating Armos, Like Likes, Keese, or Gels will not be counted.[10]


  1. "Octoroks, Tektites / Leevers too"The Legend of Zelda US rap commercial , YouTube, retrieved October 24, 2014.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX—Prima's Official Strategy Guide, Prima Games, pg. 100
  3. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 195 (TLoZ | TAoL | ALttP | LA | LADX | OoT | OoT3D | MM | MM3D | OoS | OoA | FS | TWW | TWWHD | FSA | TMC | PH | ST | SS | ALBW)
  4. "Loop zo mogelijk naar rechts en dood de Arpagos en Octoroks." (Walk to the right if possible and kill the Arpagos and Octoroks.) (CD Interactief vol. 2 no. 11, HUB Uitgevers, November 1995, pg. 31)
  5. "M13: Twee Deelers en een Octorok." (M13: Two Deelers and an Octorok.) (CD Interactief, HUB Uitgevers, January/February/March 1999, pg. 6 (ZA))
  6. "Octorok" — Spirit List (Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)
  7. "Octorok Onslaught" — Party Mode (Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition)
  8. "Octorok: Bounce back the rocks they spit at you!" — Navi (Ocarina of Time)
  9. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 104
  10. n.a., Forced Drops , redcandle.us, published n.d., retrieved August 17, 2017.
  11. "If you could somehow step on top of that Octorok, I bet you'd be able to climb onto that central pillar. But the Octorok is so squishy and it keeps squirming around...There's gotta be something you can do!" — Tatl (Majora's Mask)
  12. The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass—Prima Official Game Guide, Prima Games, pg. 28
  13. Hyrule Historia page 204
  14. Hyrule Historia page 203
  15. The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks—PRIMA Official Game Guide, Prima Games, pg. 35
  16. The Legend of Zelda manual, Italian localization, pg. 30
  17. "Sconfiggi tutti gli Octorok!" (Defeat all the Octoroks!) — Level 1 (Remix II) (NES Remix 2, Italian localization)
  18. Enciclopedia di Hyrule, Magazzini Salani, pg. 195
  19. "Octorok" — Navi (Ocarina of Time 3D, Italian localization)
  20. "Questo è un octorok." — Tatl (Majora's Mask 3D, Italian localization)
  21. "Diventi un Octorok" — Vasu (Oracle of Seasons, Italian localization)
  22. "Diventi un Octorok" — Vasu (Oracle of Ages, Italian localization)
  23. "Octorok
    Habitat: Arcipelago dei Boschi, mare.
    Stagione: tutte.
    " — Nintendo Gallery (The Wind Waker)
  24. "Causa della sconfitta: Octorok" — Game Over (Cadence of Hyrule, Italian localization)
  25. "敗因: オクタロック (赤)" — Game Over (Cadence of Hyrule, Japanese localization)
  26. Hyrule Encyclopedia, Tokuma Shoten Publishing Co., Ltd., pg. 165
  27. The Adventure of Link manual, pg. 30
  28. Nintendo Official Guidebook: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Vol. 1, Shogakukan, pg. 125Nintendo Official Guidebook—The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past & Four Swords, Shogakukan, pg. 18
  29. Nintendo Official Guidebook—The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Shogakukan, pg. 143
  30. "オクタロック
    生息場所 森の島、大海原
    シリーズ 皆勤賞
    " — Nintendo Gallery (The Wind Waker)
  31. Hyrule Encyclopedia, Ambit Ltd., pg. 165
  32. "Oktorok
    Heimat: Tanntopia, die See
    Hat noch in keinem Teil gefehlt!
    " — Nintendo Gallery (The Wind Waker)
  33. The Legend of Zelda manual, pg. 29
  34. "Octorok
    Lieu de résidence: Ile aux Forêts, mer.
    Spécialiste des attaques à répétition.
    " — Nintendo Gallery (The Wind Waker)
  35. 塞尔达传说:百科全书, New Star Press, pg. 164
  36. "Octorok
    Hábitat: Isla del Bosque, mar
    ¡Éste nunca falla!
    " — Nintendo Gallery (The Wind Waker)
  37. Nintendo Fun Club News vol. 1 no. 2, Summer 1987, pg. 1
  38. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past—Nintendo Player's Guide, Nintendo of America, pg. 54
  39. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time—Perfect Guide, Versus Books, pg. 46