Tektites are jumping, one-eyed mites or spider-like creatures in all aspects pertaining to appearance and behavior, changing little between games. Due to their carapaces and spindly legs, some iterations of Tektites closely resemble the Japanese spider crab. These foes tend to appear in small groups, and have the tendency to leap around the landscape. These creatures normally inhabit mountainous areas, Dungeons, and sometimes lakes. Despite their wide range of mobility and adaptability to various surroundings, they are usually fragile enemies that can be defeated with one or two Sword attacks. Projectile weapons, such as the Slingshot, Bow, or Hookshot, are also useful, especially for defeating Tektites that may be out of reach. Some incarnations are able to skim and leap across the surface of water like pond skaters. Tektites typically come in two colored varieties; red or orange Tektites and blue Tektites. These colors are often used to signify their strengths and behavior.
The Legend of Zelda
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These spidery things jump about all over the place. Red ones move about a lot and blue ones move only a little. Tektites have little fighting power.
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Tektites in The Legend of Zelda can jump and scale normally impassable mountain walls. They come in a red and a blue variety, with the red variety leaping around more frequently than the blue. When defeated, red Tektites may drop either a Heart, a Fairy, or one Rupee, while blue Tektites may drop either a Heart, one Rupee, five Rupees, or a Clock.[note 1]
The Adventure of Link
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Tektites in The Adventure of Link are heavily armored, resisting nearly all attacks save for the Fire spell. They can shoot fireballs from their eyes.
A Link to the Past
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Link's Awakening
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Ocarina of Time
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Resembling a pond skater in action, this creature hops across the surface of water, jumping higher every third hop.
Tektites appear in Jabul Waters. They have light-blue carapaces and are capable of standing on Water. Tektites move by hopping around atop Water. With every third hop, they jump higher.[4] When copied as an Echo, they have an Echo cost of two.
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Tektites as seen in the animated series
Tektites make an appearance in two episodes of the The Legend of Zelda TV series. In "The White Knight", various Tektites arrive at the castle and attack Prince Facade. While Facade is taking care of the Tektites, Moblins come in and kidnap Zelda. In "That Sinking Feeling", Tektites are shown to be capable of shooting spider webs out of their mouth. As Link and Zelda are enjoying a picnic, they are interrupted when an Underworld entrance begins to raise and a gang of Tektites come out from it.[6] Link and Zelda are successful in defeating a few of them, but then several Tektites wrap the princess up in spider webs while the young hero loses his Crissword to one of the foes that sneaked up behind him. Link eventually manages to defeat all of the foes and rescue the princess.
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In The Shadow Prince, Link encounters various Tektites if he chooses to hide behind a boulder to prevent from being seen by Charles of Moria. Link races up a hill to hide behind the boulder, and just as he dives to hide, he turns around to find a pack of Tektites have surrounded him. He easily defeats one, but is then grabbed by the rest of the monsters. The page ends with a Game Over with the young hero getting killed by the Tektites.
Tektites have built-in gyro-sensors that prevent them from ever getting dizzy. Their shells are highly resistant, so try to slice through the gaps or shoot straight for the eye.
Tektites appear in Nintendo Land in Battle Quest. They have highly resistant shells, thus requiring that the sword be sliced through the gaps of their shells. The gaps can be either horizontal or vertical, and requires different directional strikes.
The Tektite also appears as one of the 200 Prizes that can be won with Coins. Interacting with the Prize animates the Tektite, and Monita will comment on it.
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Tektites appear as enemies in Cadence of Hyrule where they move to the beat of the music. They can only move diagonally onto any tile, including up and down short cliffs and objects. They move every three beats, crouching on the second beat before hopping onto another tile on the third beat.
As both have the same amount of health, the same vulnerabilities, and the same movement patterns including floating on water, red and blue Tektites in Twilight Princess appear to be a rare case of purely cosmetic variants of an enemy.
Names in Other Regions
テクタイト (Tekutaito)(TLoZThe Legend of Zelda | TAoLThe Adventure of Link | ALttPA Link to the Past | EoWEchoes of Wisdom)[12][13][14]
Tektite (TLoZThe Legend of Zelda | TAoLThe Adventure of Link | ALttPA Link to the Past | LALink's Awakening | LADXLink's Awakening DX | MMMajora's Mask | FSFour Swords | EoWEchoes of Wisdom | CoHCadence of Hyrule)[7][8][9][10]
텍타이트 (EoWEchoes of Wisdom)
레드 텍타이트 (Redeu Tektaiteu)(CoHCadence of Hyrule)[23]
Red Tektaiteu
Acarite (EoWEchoes of Wisdom)
SpanishLALatin American
Tektite (EoWEchoes of Wisdom | CoHCadence of Hyrule)[24]
Tektite (EoWEchoes of Wisdom | CoHCadence of Hyrule)[26]
↑If Link defeats 10 Enemies without getting hit or teleporting with the Recorder, then the 10th Enemy defeated will drop five Rupees. However, if the 10th Enemy is defeated with a Bomb, then it will drop four Bombs. If Link defeats 16 Enemies without getting hit or teleporting, then the 16th Enemy will drop a Fairy. After the 16th Enemy, Link must get hit and reset the counter to zero in order to achieve this effect again. Defeating Armos, Like Likes, Keese, or Gels will not be counted.[5]
↑Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 208 & 209 (TLoZThe Legend of Zelda | TAoLThe Adventure of Link | ALttPA Link to the Past | LALink's Awakening | OoTOcarina of Time | MMMajora's Mask | OoSOracle of Seasons | OoAOracle of Ages | FSFour Swords | FSAFour Swords Adventures | TMCThe Minish Cap | TPTwilight Princess | PHPhantom Hourglass | STSpirit Tracks | ALBWA Link Between Worlds | TFHTri Force Heroes)
↑ 4.04.1Tektite Resembling a pond skater in action, this creature hops across the surface of water, jumping higher every third hop. — Notebook (Echoes of Wisdom)
↑ n.a., Forced Drops , redcandle.us, published n.d., retrieved August 17, 2017.
↑"It's an underground entrance. We're being attacked!" — Princess Zelda (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 6)