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This page is used to store translations for The Wind Waker HD. You can see the resulting table here.
This page covers: This page does not cover:
· Items and Objects
· Playable Songs
· Items that are also characters or Enemies (see here)
· Objects that cause damage (Traps) (see here)

  1. "Vous aves joué le Requiem de la Tornade!" — N/A (The Wind Waker HD)
  2. Encyclopedia, TOKYOPOP, pg. 141
  3. The Wind Waker HD manual, Canadian French localization, pg. 16
  4. The Wind Waker HD manual, Japanese localization, pg. 16
  5. The Wind Waker HD manual, European French localization, pg. 16
  6. "竜のチンクル像を手に入れた!ホカホカと,なまあたたかい
    " — N/A (The Wind Waker HD, Japanese localization)
  7. "Vous obtenez la statue Tingle du Dragon! Elle est tiède au toucher..." — N/A (The Wind Waker HD)
  8. "大地のチンクル像を手に入れた!ひんやり湿ってカビくさい
    " — N/A (The Wind Waker HD, Japanese localization)
  9. "Vous obtenez la statue Tingle terrestre! Elle est froide, humide, et elle sent le moisi..." — N/A (The Wind Waker HD)
  10. "禁断のチンクル像を手に入れた!ネバネバとした樹液に包まれている
    " — N/A (The Wind Waker HD, Japanese localization)
  11. "Vous obtenez la statue Tingle défendue! Elle est toute poisseuse..." — N/A (The Wind Waker HD)
  12. "神のチンクル像を手に入れた!海水のべタべタが,イヤな感じだ
    " — N/A (The Wind Waker HD, Japanese localization)
  13. "Vous obtenez la statue Tingle divine! Beurk, elle est couverte d'eau de mer, ça colle!" — N/A (The Wind Waker HD)
  14. The Wind Waker HD manual, German localization, pg. 16
  15. The Wind Waker HD manual, Canadian French localization, pg. 16
  16. The Wind Waker HD manual, Latin American Spanish localization, pg. 16
  17. The Wind Waker HD manual, Japanese localization, pg. 16
  18. The Wind Waker HD manual, European French localization, pg. 16
  19. The Wind Waker HD manual, European Spanish localization, pg. 16
  20. The Wind Waker HD manual, Canadian French localization, pg. 16
  21. The Wind Waker HD manual, Japanese localization, pg. 16
  22. The Wind Waker HD manual, European French localization, pg. 16
  23. "妖精さんが このチンクル像を全部 見つけてくれたおかげで またこの世界に
    " — Knuckle (The Wind Waker HD, Japanese localization)
  24. "Lutin, Lutin! Tu as trouvé toutes les statues Tingle! Grâce à toi, j'ai pu revenir ici...!" — Knuckle (The Wind Waker HD)
  25. "Im Besitz befindliche Schatzkarten" (The Wind Waker HD manual, German localization, pg. 10)
  26. "持っている宝のマップの数" (The Wind Waker HD manual, Japanese localization, pg. 10)
  27. "Cartes au trésor obtenues" (The Wind Waker HD manual, European French localization, pg. 10)
  28. "Mapas del tesoro obtenidos" (The Wind Waker HD manual, European Spanish localization, pg. 10)
  29. "風のチンクル像を手に入れた!砂でザラザラと,イヤな感じだ
    " — N/A (The Wind Waker HD, Japanese localization)
  30. "Vous obtenez la statue Tingle du vent! Beurk, elle est couverte de sable et toute râpeuse." — N/A (The Wind Waker HD)