Key Items in Breath of the Wild

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Key Items

Item Description

Sheikah Slate
A mysterious tablet with a glowing center. You've never seen this device before, and yet...there's something familiar about it.

Mipha's Grace
A restorative Power born from the spirit of the Champion Mipha. When your hearts run out, you'll automatically be resurrected with full health plus temporary bonus hearts.

Mipha's Grace + (TCBThe Champions' Ballad Downloadable Content)
Champion Mipha's divine gift. If your hearts run out, you'll automatically be resurrected with full health plus temporary bonus hearts. It now requires less time to recharge.

Revali's Gale
A Blusterous power born from the spirit of the Champion Revali. Creates an upward draft that carries you into the sky. Activate by charging jump with X Button.

Revali's Gale + (TCBThe Champions' Ballad Downloadable Content)
Champion Revali's divine gift. Creates an upward draft that carries you into the sky. Activate by charging your jump with X Button. It now requires less time to recharge.

Daruk's Protection
A protective power containing the perfect defense of the Champion Daruk. It will automatically protect you from all manner of attacks as long as you're holding ZL Button.

Daruk's Protection + (TCBThe Champions' Ballad Downloadable Content)
Champion Daruk's divine gift. So long as you're holding ZL Button, it will automatically protect you from all manner of attacks. It now requires less time to recharge.

Urbosa's Fury
A destructive power born from the unbridled anger of the Champion Urbosa. Summons powerful lightning to the surrounding area. Trigger with a charge attack by holding Y Button.

Urbosa's Fury + (TCBThe Champions' Ballad Downloadable Content)
Champion Urbosa's divine gift. Summons powerful lightning to the surrounding area. Trigger with a charge attack by holding Y Button. It now requires less time to recharge.

An item that you received from the king on the Great Plateau. It allows you to sail through the sky. Press X Button while you're in the air to use it.

Korok Seed
This small seed was given to you by a Korok. It has a distinct smell. If you gather a bunch of them, you never know what may happen...

Hestu's Gift
A gift of friendship given to you by Hestu. It smells pretty bad.

Spirit Orb
A symbol of courage given to those who have overcome the challenges of a shrine.

Medoh's Emblem (TCBThe Champions' Ballad Downloadable Content)
The commemorative symbol of a wind trial's completion by one who wishes to control a Divine Beast. Collecting three emblems will lead to a new challenge.

Naboris's Emblem (TCBThe Champions' Ballad Downloadable Content)
The commemorative symbol of a lightning trial's completion by one who wishes to control a Divine Beast. Collecting three emblems will lead to a new challenge.

Rudania's Emblem (TCBThe Champions' Ballad Downloadable Content)
The commemorative symbol of a fire trial's completion by one who wishes to control a Divine Beast. Collecting three emblems will lead to a new challenge.

Ruta's Emblem (TCBThe Champions' Ballad Downloadable Content)
The commemorative symbol of a water trial's completion by one who wishes to control a Divine Beast. Collecting three emblems will lead to a new challenge.

Hestu's Maracas
Hestu's beloved maracas. He's been shaking them since he was two years old.

Thunder Helm Becomes a wearable head Armor after the Side Quest "The Thunder Helm"
A precious heirloom passed down among the Gerudo. It deflects lightning strikes and is traditionally worn only by the Gerudo chief.

Classified Envelope
Inside the envelope is a picture of a beautiful young woman of the Sheikah tribe.

Medal of Honor: Talus
A medal presented by Kilton in somber honor of having defeated every Stone Talus. Taking the life of a monster is a solemn act, but at times it must be done.

Medal of Honor: Hinox
A medal presented by Kilton in somber honor of having defeated every Hinox. Ending a monster's life is never an easy task, but at times it is a necessary one.

Medal of Honor: Molduga
A medal presented by Kilton in somber honor of having defeated every Molduga. Slaying a monster is a heavy burden to bear. You must steel yourself to carry that weight.

Picture of the Champions (TCBThe Champions' Ballad Downloadable Content)Can be permanently placed in Link's house after completion of the Side Quest "Hylian Homeowner"
A picture of Zelda and the five Champions, taken after the inauguration ceremony at Hyrule Castle. Kass gifted you this precious item after completing The Champions' Ballad.

Knight's Bridle
Hyrulean knights once outfitted their horses with this bridle. It boasts additional armor to protect the horse's head and neck.

Royal Bridle
This bridle is well known for being a favorite of the Hyrulean royal family. Its gold ornamentations leave an impression, but its true value lies in its solid craftsmanship.

Extravagant Bridle
Most often used in festivals, this gem of a bridle is decorated with some charming little feathers. It's great for adding just a splash of color to any horse.

Monster Bridle
This bridle was handmade by Kilton, but it looks like he may have hand some monstrous horse in mind when he made it. It includes a mask that conceals the horse's head.

Traveler's Bridle Obtained by using the Link (Rider) amiibo
A standard bridle. The design doesn't really stand out, which is why it's well suited for any type of horse. A favorite among peddlers and travelers alike.

Ancient Bridle (TCBThe Champions' Ballad Downloadable Content)
A mysterious bridle made with forgotten ancient technology. Equipping a horse with this will maximize their abilities, increasing the number of spurs associated with them.

Knight's Saddle
Hyrulean knights favored this saddle. Only the most elite among them were allowed to outfit their mounts with it.

Royal Saddle
The shimmering emblem design of this saddle signifies its origins with the Hyrulean royal family. They say Princess Zelda herself once used this saddle for her own beloved horse.

Extravagant Saddle
This ornamental saddle is used in festivals. The delicate embroidery and arrangement of gems leaves a lasting impression. It's perfect for those who want to stand out.

Monster Saddle
Kilton hand made this saddle. Apparently he had some sort of monstrous horse in mind as he worked on it. It looks strange but is certainly usable.

Traveler's Saddle Obtained by using the Link (Rider) amiibo
A standard saddle designed for comfort during long journeys. Its durable materials hold strong in all sorts of weather, which has made it a favorite among travelers.

Ancient Saddle (TCBThe Champions' Ballad Downloadable Content)
A mysterious saddle made with forgotten ancient technology. Equip a horse with this and use D-Pad Down Icon to call them even when they are far away.

Travel Medallion (TMTThe Master Trials Downloadable Content)
This mysterious tool was made using forgotten ancient technology. Place it by opening your pouch and registering your current location as a travel gate.