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Senza is a recurring character in The Legend of Zelda series.[2][3] He is a dark-skinned, bearded pirate in Tetra's Pirate Crew.


The Wind Waker

Senza can be first seen aboard Tetra's Ship chasing after the Helmaroc King, which has kidnapped the leader of their Pirate Crew, Tetra. Afterwards, he can be seen aboard the ship, anchored a small distance away from Outset Island arguing with Gonzo. After Link rescues Tetra, Senza can be seen tending to their ship's catapult and once Link and Tetra agree to rescue Aryll, he navigates the ship towards the Forsaken Fortress. When he first speaks to Link, he mocks Link's clothing before mentioning that he's seen an outfit like that on a picture inside Tetra's cabin.[4][5]

Senza appears to be the con-man of the crew due to his persuasive skills and, according to Aryll, Senza is also talented at storytelling.[6] He is seen navigating the pirates' ship as it approaches Outset Island while Tetra is being kidnapped by Helmaroc King.

Senza makes a final appearance in The Wind Waker during the game's ending. After Link and Tetra resurface from the sunken Hyrule Castle, Senza, along with the rest of the pirate crew and a few other characters, greet the pair aboard their pirate ship. Gonzo is then seen steering the ship as Link, Tetra, and the rest of the gang of pirates set sail from Outset Island in search of new lands.

Like the rest of the pirates, Senza bears a striking resemblance to a man portrayed in a wall painting hanging in the sunken Hyrule Castle, which heavily hints that the man could be Senza's ancestor serving under the orders of a past Princess Zelda.

Strangely, even though most of the pirates from Tetra's crew make an appearance in Phantom Hourglass, Senza and Nudge are the only two members of the gang who are nowhere to be seen in the game, but it is safe to assume that they're still with the other pirates.

Four Swords Adventures

Senza appears in the Navi Trackers mode exclusive to the Japanese and Korean versions of Four Swords Adventures.


Names in Other Regions
セネカ (Seneka) (TWW)[8]
The French Republic
Sénèque (TWW)[10]
The Federal Republic of Germany
Seneka (TWW)[9]
The Italian Republic
Seneca (TWW)[7]
The Kingdom of Spain
Séneca (TWW)[11]
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  1. "Senza is in charge of keeping the pirate ship in order. He's a mild-mannered speaker, but his persuasive skills are said to be unmatched." — Figurine (The Wind Waker)
  2. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 258 (TWW)
  3. Art & Artifacts, Dark Horse Books, pg. 257 (FSA)
  4. "So, you name's Link, right? Heh heh heh! That's one weird getup you got on, there. So what's the deal? Is that popular back on your island, or what? Now that I think about it, though... I think I've seen an outfit like that before somewhere..." — Senza (The Wind Waker)
  5. "You know, come to think of it, I think there's a picture of someone in an outfit like yours hanging on the wall down in Miss Tetra's cabin..." — Senza (The Wind Waker)
  6. "And as for Senza...his beard makes him look pretty mean, but he tells really cool stories when he gets in the right mood." — Aryll (The Wind Waker)
  7. "Seneca fa un sacco paura con quella barba, ma quando mi racconta le barzellette mi fa ridere. Zucco invece non mi sembra troppo sveglio." — Letter (The Wind Waker)
  8. "セネカ
    性格 おっとりしている
    特技 トーク?
    " — Nintendo Gallery (The Wind Waker)
  9. "Narzo wirkt ein bisschen eingebildet, ist aber auch sehr nett und freundlich. Seneka sieht mit seinem Bart zum Fürchten aus, aber er erzählt lauter lustige Geschichten." — Letter (The Wind Waker)
  10. "Naggi est efféminé et gentil. La barbe de Sénèque me fait peur, mais ses histoires sont très intéressantes. Zucco est un peu mou..." — Letter (The Wind Waker)
  11. "Nati es un poco miedoso, pero parece muy buena persona. Séneca da miedo con esa barba, pero te cuenta unas historias divertidísimas." — Letter (The Wind Waker)