Subrosia Market

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The Subrosia Market is a shop in Oracle of Seasons.[1] Located at very center of Subrosia in Subrosia Village, it is the only store in the entire subterranean world. The Market's exterior is designed to resemble a red-robed Subrosian.


In order to reach Poison Moth's Lair, Link must obtain the Ribbon from the Market to go on a date with Rosa,[2] who has the key to the Summer Tower at the Temple of Seasons.[3] The Market trades the Ribbon for a Star-Shaped Ore,[4] which lays buried in the sands of the Subrosia Seaside.[5]

Wares and Pricing

Subrosia Market with its initial wares

Subrosia Market employs a unique trade system to sell its wares. Depending on the item, the Shopkeeper will either sell for Ore Chunks, the standard Subrosian Currency, or trade for Mystical Seeds along with (or instead of) Ore Chunks. Exceptions are the Ribbon and the Big Bomb Bag. In addition, the Market will exchange certain Mystical Seeds for Ore Chunks and vice-versa.

More than half of the items sold at the Market are foreign to its Subrosian Shopkeeper. They are consequently unaware of their actual name and purpose. Hearts are displayed upside down and sold as peaches; a Heart Container is sold as a "Rare Peach Stone." Gasha Seeds, of which the market has an infinite supply, are referred to as "Silver Seeds." A single Wooden Shield is sold as a cutting board.[6] The Shopkeeper trades a Member's Card for a mere five Ore Chunks, not knowing if it has any purpose at all.[7] According to a Subrosian standing south of the Market, the foreign wares were likely obtained from the Temple of Seasons when it fell from Holodrum.[8]

A Big Bomb Bag, represented by a Red Bomb, is sold for 50 Ore Chunks and 10 Bombs.[9] Upon purchasing it, the Shopkeeper instructs Link to lift the bomb.[10] It explodes harmlessly in his hands, increasing his bomb capacity by 20.[11]

Subrosia Market sells four increasingly expensive Magic Rings. They cost 30, 40, 50, and 70 Ore Chunks respectively.

List of Wares

× 50Ore Chunks× 10Bombs
  1. Only four Magic Rings are available. The first Magic Ring purchased will cost 30 Ore Chunks. The second will cost 40, the third will cost 50, and the final will cost 70.
  2. The first Gale Seed purchased will cost 40 Ore Chunks. All subsequent purchases will cost 100 instead.

Order of Sale

Subrosia Market has a total of 11 different wares. However, it has only enough room to sell five at a time. Items are thus sold in a certain order.

The five items for sale at any given time are lined up on the floor against the western wall. Each of the Market's 11 total wares are assigned a specific tile on the floor. Once an item sells out and a tile is freed, the next item assigned to that tile appears for sale upon Link's next visit. The order in which the wares are sold, from northernmost to southernmost tile, is as follows:

First Second Third
Ribbon Big Bomb Bag Gasha Seeds
Piece of Heart Magic Ring ×4 Ember Seeds
Wooden Shield Pegasus Seeds --
Hearts -- --
Member's Card Ore Chunks --

Subrosia Market only sells one Wooden Shield and does not sell stronger shields. Pegasus Seeds thus become available when Link either buys the shield obtains the Iron Shield.

The Market has an unlimited supply of Gasha Seeds, Ember Seeds, Pegasus Seeds, Hearts, and Ore Chunks to trade.


  • Despite Ore Chunks being sold in tens, the Market displays a blue Ore Chunk (value of 1) rather than a red one (value of 10).
  • If Link buys all five wares for sale in one visit, the Shopkeeper brusquely tells him to go home.[12]


Names in Other Regions
The Italian Republic
  • Mercato di Subrosia[13]
  • Market Subrosia[14]
  • Subrosia's Market
  • Same as English.
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.

Other Names

These names, though from official English sources, are not considered Canon by Zelda Wiki as they contradict a name or names from a higher-priority source.


See Also


  1. "Subrosia Market" — Map (Oracle of Seasons)
  2. "Since you're so nice, I'll go on a date with you. Let's go look in that "temple."" — Rosa (Oracle of Seasons)
  3. The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages—The Official Nintendo Player's Guide, Nintendo of America, pg. 25
  4. "A cute Ribbon I'll trade for Star-Shaped Ore." — Shopkeeper (Oracle of Seasons)
  5. "You can dig up treasure on this beach... Star-Shaped Ore!" — Subrosian (Oracle of Seasons)
  6. "A cutting board? I'll trade for 5 Ember Seeds." — Shopkeeper (Oracle of Seasons)
  7. "It's shiny and it has "Member's Card" on it. I don't know... I'll trade for 5 Ore Chunks." — Shopkeeper (Oracle of Seasons)
  8. "Lately, Subrosia Market has begun carrying lots of weird things. I think they get it all from the "temple."" — Subrosian (Oracle of Seasons)
  9. "A Big Bomb Bag I'll trade for 10 Bombs and 50 Ore Chunks." — Shopkeeper (Oracle of Seasons)
  10. "OK, pick up this Red Bomb." — Shopkeeper (Oracle of Seasons)
  11. "You can carry more Bombs now. Plus you get free Bombs." — Shopkeeper (Oracle of Seasons)
  12. "I traded away all my stuff. I'll have more later. Go home." — Shopkeeper (Oracle of Seasons)
  13. "Il Mercato di Subrosia ha cominciato ad offrire molte cose strane. Penso che le prendano dal "tempio."" — Subrosian (Oracle of Seasons, Italian localization)
  14. "Market Subrosia" — Map (Oracle of Seasons, Italian localization)
  15. Official The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons & Ages Perfect Guide, Versus Books, pg. 32 (OoS)
Regions in Subrosia
Sword and Shield MazeTemple of SeasonsSubrosian SmithySubrosia MarketSubrosian Dance HallGreat FurnaceHouse of PiratesSubrosia CemeterySubrosia SeasideLava LakeSubrosian WildsTreasure GroveSubrosia VillageSubrosian Volcanoes

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