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The Basement is a location in Ocarina of Time.[1]

Features and Overview

The Basement is the lowest part of the Forest Temple. After Link defeats all four of the Poe Sisters, a pedestal will rise in the center of the Main Room, which will descend into the Basement when he stands upon it. An octagonal red rug sits at the center of the room, and four colored carpets stretch out from its sides. Two of these carpets are fuchsia,[note 1] one is blue, and one is yellow and blue. Two doorways stand on opposite sides of Link when he enters the Basement, along the two blue carpets. However, both are initially blocked by bars.

If Link pushes the portion of the Basement's wall that is sticking out, he will cause all of the surrounding walls to rotate. This causes the doorways to shift, allowing Link access to a Floor Switch in the northwestern chamber. Pushing the Floor Switch raises the set of bars over the eastern chamber, and when Link pushes the walls to access it, he will find another Floor Switch that raises a set of bars over the southern chamber when pressed. This final Floor Switch releases the bars blocking the blue and yellow carpet, where Link can find the Forest Temple's Boss Door.

In the Master Quest mode, the Basement is slightly altered. A Crystal Switch can be found hanging from the ceiling over the entrance to the western chamber. When struck, it raises the bars blocking the chamber, allowing Link to press the Floor Switch inside, which unlocks another set of bars. The southeastern chamber now contains a row of four Jars, which Link can use to replenish his supplies. The southern chamber holds a golden Eye Switch on the entrance-side wall. When activated, the bars to the Big Door will lift.


Master Quest

Treasure Chests

Treasure Chest

In the southwestern chamber

Treasure ChestContentsCoordinatesNotes

In the southwestern chamber

Master Quest
Treasure Chest

In the northeastern chamber

Treasure ChestContentsCoordinatesNotes

In the northeastern chamber

Golden Skull Tokens

There are no Golden Skull Tokens here in the Master Quest mode.
Gold Skulltula

On the wall inside the southwestern chamber

Gold SkulltulaLocation

On the wall inside the southwestern chamber


Names in Other Regions
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See Also


  1. The fuchsia carpets are red in all versions of Ocarina of Time prior to Ocarina of Time 3D.
