Spare Key

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The Spare Key,[1] also known as the Lon Lon Ranch Key,[2] is an item in The Minish Cap.

Location and Uses

When Link visits Lon Lon Ranch, he discovers that Talon lost his key and cannot get inside his House, leaving his only Spare Key inside and locking both him and Malon out.[3][4] Link must enter Talon and Malon's House while Minish-sized in order to retrieve the Spare Key, which is inside a Jar. After showing the key to Talon, he will thank the young hero, allowing him to pass through his House whenever he needs to reach Lake Hylia.[5][6] This also allows Malon to go to Hyrule Town and start selling Lon Lon Milk for 100 Rupees.[7]


Names in Other Regions
The French Republic
Clé de la Ferme[15]Farm Key
The Federal Republic of Germany
  • Schlüssel zur Farm[13]
  • Schlüssel zur Lon Lon-Farm[14]
  • Key for the Farm
  • Key for Lon Lon-Ranch
The Italian Republic
  • Chiave di riserva[8]
  • Chiave Fattoria[9]
  • Same as English.
  • Farm Key
The Kingdom of Spain
  • Llave de repuesto[10]
  • Llave de la granja[11]
  • Llave de la granja Lon Lon[12]
  • Farm Key
  • Same as English.
This table was generated using translation pages.
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  1. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 139
  2. "You got the Lon Lon Ranch key! Now you can open the ranch door!" — N/A (The Minish Cap)
  3. "I lost my key, and I can't get inside. And the spare key's inside the house!" — Talon (The Minish Cap)
  4. "What a pain. And I was thinking of going into town to sell Lon Lon Milk." — Malon (The Minish Cap)
  5. "Oh! Our one and only spare key! I don't know how you got this, but I can't thank you enough! Tell me your name, sonny. Link? That's a great name. If you ever need to go to Lake Hylia, feel free to cut through our house." — Talon (The Minish Cap)
  6. "You really helped me out, sonny. If you ever want to go to Lake Hylia, use the shortcut out behind our ranch." — Talon (The Minish Cap)
  7. "Thank you, Link. Now, I can finally get back into my house. Well, I'd better be going. I have a lot to do before I can leave town." — Malon (The Minish Cap)
  8. "Ho perso la chiave di casa. Ho una Chiave di riserva ma è all'interno." — Talon (The Minish Cap, Italian localization)
  9. "Hai preso la Chiave Fattoria! Ora puoi aprire la porta!" — N/A (The Minish Cap, Italian localization)
  10. "Hemos perdido la llave y no podemos entrar en la granja. Dentro hay una llave de repuesto." — Talon (The Minish Cap, European Spanish localization)
  11. "¡Oh! ¡Pero si es la llave de la granja!" — Talon (The Minish Cap, European Spanish localization)
  12. "¡Has conseguido la llave de la granja Lon Lon!" — N/A (The Minish Cap, European Spanish localization)
  13. "Oh! Wahrhaftig! Der Schlüssel zur Farm!" — Talon (The Minish Cap, German localization)
  14. "Schlüssel zur Lon Lon-Farm erhalten!" — N/A (The Minish Cap, German localization)
  15. "On a perdu la Clé de la Ferme." — Talon (The Minish Cap, European French localization)