Mrs. Pompadour

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Mrs. Pompadour is a character in Tri Force Heroes.[2]


Mrs. Pompadour is friends with Ms. Drawers and they can often be seen gossiping with each other. She will talk about how a black ghost has been seen in town lately,[3] as well as the Drablands Diary that is becoming popular in town,[4] among other things.[5] She also mentions she feels regret not telling her friend that she has spinach stuck in her teeth,[6] and how she finds the Faux Hero's round ears to be very odd.[7] She is also married, and her husband apparently keeps Volume 6 of the Drablands Diary under his pillow.[1]

After Link lifts Princess Styla's curse, both women come to realize that true fashion and beauty is what is on the inside.[8] If Link wears the Kinda Cursed Tights and speaks with them, they will believe him to be the black ghost haunting the town.[9][10][11][12][13][14]


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  1. 1.0 1.1 I found this under my husband's pillow. Shall I read it aloud? — Mrs. Pompadour (Tri Force Heroes)
  2. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 305
  3. Goodness, have you heard? Apparently, a black ghost has been appearing in town lately. — Ms. Drawers (Tri Force Heroes)
  4. Have you heard about the book? You know the one! The book everybody's talking about! — Ms. Drawers (Tri Force Heroes)
  5. Have you heard the rumors about the curse? — Ms. Drawers (Tri Force Heroes)
  6. I...wasn't able to tell her. About the spinach in her teeth. Did I fail her as a friend...? — Ms. Drawers (Tri Force Heroes)
  7. That noisy child over there... He seems to have a lot of friends, even though his ears are round. Hasn't anybody told him? Seeing him reminded me that I think it's rather odd... — Ms. Drawers (Tri Force Heroes)
  8. The secret of fashion is making sure your whole self is beautiful... starting with the person inside! — Mrs. Pompadour (Tri Force Heroes)
  9. Goodness gracious me! Is that... — Ms. Drawers (Tri Force Heroes)
  10. Oh! Aren't those... — Mrs. Pompadour (Tri Force Heroes)
  11. THE BLACK GHOST!!! — Ms. Drawers (Tri Force Heroes)
  12. H-Hurry! P-p-press Home Button quickly! — Mrs. Pompadour (Tri Force Heroes)
  13. H-h-hold on! I'm trying! Is it this one?! — Ms. Drawers (Tri Force Heroes)
  14. H-hey, that's the START Button! Calm yourself! — Mrs. Pompadour (Tri Force Heroes)