The Isolated Plateau

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The Isolated Plateau

Quest Giver Old Man
Location Great Plateau
Reward Paraglider
Previous QuestNext Quest
"Follow the Sheikah Slate""Seek Out Impa"
"Destroy Ganon"

"The Isolated Plateau" is a Main Quest in Breath of the Wild.[1]


A screenshot of the Old Man using the Paraglider to glide toward Link.
The Old Man Paragliding to Link

After Link descends the Great Plateau Tower, the Old Man glides in on his Paraglider to talk with him. Seeing the Tower, he notes that the two of them have an enigma in front of them.[2] When Link activated the Great Plateau Tower, it emerged from the ground along with the rest of the Sheikah Towers.[3] The Old Man likens it to a long-dormant power suddenly awakening.[4]

The Old Man asks Link if anything odd happened on top of the Great Plateau Tower.[5] If Link tells him that he heard a voice,[6] he asks if Link recognized it.[7] He is disappointed to hear that Link does not know the voice.[8]

Changing the subject, the Old Man points out Calamity Ganon circling Hyrule Castle.[9] He explains that, 100 years ago, the Calamity brought Hyrule to ruin.[10] It appeared suddenly, destroying many innocent lives.[11] While it has been just barely trapped in Hyrule Castle for a century, it has been building its strength and will soon be free.[12]

The Old Man asks Link if he intends to go to Hyrule Castle.[13] However, he informs Link that the Great Plateau is surrounded on all sides by sheers cliffs,[14] and the only way down would be with a Paraglider.[15] The Old Man notices Link's interest in it, so he decides to offer him a trade.[16][17] This activates the Main Quest.

The Old Man has Link follow him to a nearby hill.[18] He shows Link Oman Au Shrine,[19] saying it began to glow when the Sheikah Towers emerged from the ground.[20] He believes there might be a treasure inside and tasks Link with retrieving it in exchange for the Paraglider.[21]

Once Link has completed his first Ancient Shrine on the Great Plateau, the Old Man appears to congratulate him for obtaining a Spirit Orb.[22] When Link is confused as to how he knows this, he chalks it up to clairvoyance.[23] He explains that the older one gets, the more difficult it can become for them to see what it right before their eyes, but things that were once hidden can become crystal clear.[24] However, he acknowledges that this may not be true for everyone.[25]

According to the Old Man, the appearance of the Sheikah Towers and the awakening of the Ancient Shrines are connected to the Sheikah Slate.[26] He reveals that it has been some time since I last saw the Sheikah Slate.[27] He explains that, long ago, a highly advanced race known as the Sheikah lived in Hyrule,[28] and their wisdom saved the kingdom several times over.[29] It is said that their Ancient Technology disappeared,[30] but it is interesting to him that items have survived hidden away in Shrines.[31]

The Old Man continues, saying there are more Ancient Shrines hidden all over Hyrule.[32] He reveals there are three more Shrines on the Great Plateau, asking for the treasures in each of them in exchange for the Paraglider.[33] If Link points out that this was not what he agreed to, the Old Man claims to have changed his mind.[34] If Link asks why he needs more now, the Old Man recalls that he never said there would only be one treasure.[35]

Feeling generous, the Old Man gives Link a tip for finding more Ancient Shrines.[36] He tells Link that it is best to survey the area from a high point, suggesting he try the top of the Great Plateau Tower.[37] When Link asks if he is joking, the Old Man shares another trick with him.[38] Link can open the Map on the Sheikah Slate to instantly Warp to Travel Gates he has activated.[39] He claims to have heard this some time ago, but he does not know if that is actually how it works.[40]

After Link completes the fourth Ancient Shrine, the Old Man Paraglides down to meet him outside.[41] He decides it is time to tell Link everything.[42] He tells Link to imagine an "X", with each of its points being one of the shrines, and to find the spot where the lines intersect.[43] There, he will be waiting for Link.[44] He asks Link if he understands as he disappears into green lights.[45]

A screenshot of King Rhoam as a Spirit within the Temple of Time. Text on-screen displays his name, along with the title "The Last King of Hyrule".
King Rhoam revealing his true identity to Link

The location the Old Man is referring to is the Temple of Time. He can be found in the room on top of it, waiting. When Link arrives, he congratulates him and says it is time to share his true identity.[46] The Old Man reveals himself to be King Rhoam, the last king of Hyrule.[47] With a flash, the Old Man's appearance changes to that of King Rhoam.

When the Great Calamity struck, King Rhoam lost his life.[48] Since then, he has remained on the Great Plateau in the form of a spirit.[49] The reason he kept his identity a secret from Link was to not overwhelm him while he memory was still fragile.[50] He believes that Link is now ready to hear the tale of what happened 100 years ago.[51]

In an age long past, Calamity Ganon was once a man, but he has since been transformed into Malice.[52] Stories of Ganon were passed down in the form of legends and fairy tales.[53] There was also a prophecy,[54] stating "The signs of a resurrection of Calamity Ganon are clear. And the power to oppose it lies dormant beneath the ground."[55]

Following the prophecy, excavations began on large areas of land.[56] In the process, they found the Divine Beasts, giant machines made to be piloted by warriors.[57] In addition, they found the Guardians, which coincided with ancient legends.[58] Their research also informed them of an ancient princess with a sacred power and a knight chosen by the sword that seals the darkness,[59] who were able to seal Calamity Ganon away with the power of the relics.[60]

A screenshot of Princess Zelda and the Champions' silhouettes at the Sacred Ground Runs.
The princess and the Champions

100 years ago, a princess was set to inherit her sacred power, with a knight by her side.[61] Four Champions were selected and tasked with piloting their Divine Beasts.[62] Just as the princess, the knight, and the Champions were on the brink of sealing away Calamity Ganon,[63] he responded with his own plan.[64] Appearing from below Hyrule Castle, he took control of the Guardians and Divine Beasts.[65] The Champions and those residing in the Castle lost their lives,[66] and the appointed knight collapsed while defending the princess.[67] Hyrule Kingdom was devastated by the Calamity.[68]

The princess survived and faced Calamity Ganon on her own.[69] The princess can be seen using her power on Calamity Ganon, telling Link he is their final hope and the fate of Hyrule rests with him.[70] King Rhoam reveals that the princess was his daughter, Zelda,[71] and Link was her fallen knight.[72] When he collapsed, he was taken to the Shrine of Resurrection, which brought him back 100 years later.[73]

The voice Link has heard since he woke up is that of Zelda,[74] calling out to him as she keeps Calamity Ganon restrained.[75] Soon Zelda's power will be exhausted,[76] and nothing will be left to stop Ganon from destroying Hyrule.[77] King Rhoam feels ashamed to ask for Link's help when he could not save Hyrule himself,[78] but he recognizes it is the only thing he can do.[79] He begs Link to save Zelda and anhnihilate Calamity Ganon.[80]

Even after a century, the Divine Beasts and Guardians are still under the control of Calamity Ganon.[81] Considering it reckless for Link to head straight to Hyrule Castle,[82] King Rhoam instead directs him to Impa in Kakariko Village, who can tell him more about the path ahead of him.[83]

After finishing his story, King Rhoam gives Link the Paraglider he promised.[84] Once Link receives it, the Main Quest will be completed.


Stage Description
1 After your descent from the tower, the old man told you that the kingdom of Hyrule was destroyed 100 years ago by Calamity Ganon.

You heard a voice coming from Hyrule Castle, but you cannot reach it unless you leave the plateau using the paraglider.

The old man said that he will give you the paraglider in exchange for a treasure that lies within a hidden location somewhere...
2 The Old Man explained that there are a total of four Shrines on the plateau. He said that he will give you the Paraglider once you have acquired the Spirit Orb from all the of the Shrines.
He told you to survey the plateau from the top of the tower to find the remaining shrines. He also pointed out that you can use your Sheikah Slate if you need to travel quickly.
3 After you acquired the Spirit Orbs from the shrines, the old man told you that he'll be waiting in the place centered amid the four shrines, before mysteriously disappearing...
Complete The old man you were talking to informed you that he was King Rhoam. The voice you heard coming from Hyrule Castle was Princess Zelda.

The princess is trapped inside the castle, which is shrouded in Malice, fighting against Ganon...

The king's ghost left you with one last directive: rescue Princess Zelda and defeat Ganon. He gave you the paraglider now that his duty is done.


Names in Other Regions
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The Isolated Plateau
閉ざされた台地 (Tozasareta Daichi)Closed-Off Plateau
The Republic of ChinaThe Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of ChinaThe Macao Special Administrative Region of China
封鎖的台地 (Fēngsuǒ de táidì) 
The Kingdom of the Netherlands
De Vergeten Hoogvlakte[85]The Forgotten Plateau
The French Republic
Le plateau isolé 
The Federal Republic of Germany
Eine vergessene Welt 
The Italian Republic
L'altopiano isolato 
The Republic of Korea
고립된 대지 (Goripdoen daeji) 
The Russian Federation
«Заброшенное плато» («Zabroshennoye plato») 
Latin America
Más allá de la meseta 
The Kingdom of Spain
Más allá de la meseta 
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.


See Also


  1. "The Isolated Plateau
    Great Plateau
    " — Adventure Log (Breath of the Wild)
  2. "My, my... It would seem we have quite the enigma here." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  3. "This tower and others just like it have erupted across the land, on after another." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  4. "It is almost as though...a long-dormant power has awoken quite suddenly." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  5. "If you do not mind me asking... Did anything...odd occur while you were atop that tower?" — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  6. "[I heard a voice.] Well now! A voice, you say?" — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  7. "And did you happen to recognize this mysterious voice?" — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  8. "[No.] I see. Well, that is unfortunate." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  9. "I assume you caught sight of that atrocity enshrouding the castle." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  10. " Calamity Ganon. One hundred years ago, that vile entity brought the kingdom of Hyrule to ruin." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  11. "It appeared suddenly and destroyed everything in its path. So many innocent lives were lost in its wake." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  12. "For a century, the very symbol of our kingdom, Hyrule Castle, has managed to contain that evil. But just barely. There it festers, building its strength for the moment it will unleash its blight upon the land once again. It would appear that moment is fast approaching..." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  13. "I must ask you, courageous one... Do you intend to make your way to the castle?" — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  14. "Here, on this isolate plateau, we are surrounded on all sides by steep cliffs, with no way down. If you were to try to jump off, well... no death could be more certain. Or more foolish." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  15. "Of course, if you had a paraglider like mine, that would be quite another story." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  16. "[Hand it over!] Oho! Certainly! Why not? But there is no such thing as a free item in this world, you know." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  17. "[Paraglider?] Oho! Piqued your interest, have I? Yes, I didn't come soaring down on my own feathery wings, you know! Worry not—I will happily agree to give you my paraglider. But not for nothing. Let's see now... How about I trade it for a bit of treasure that slumbers nearby?" — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  18. "Come. Let me show you something." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  19. "Do you see that structure there? The one shining with a strange light?" — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  20. "It began glowing at the exact moment those towers rose up from the ground." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  21. "I would think such a place might house some sort of treasure, wouldn't you? Treasure for the paraglider. A fair exchange, I believe." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  22. "It seems you managed to get your hands on a Spirit Orb. Well done!" — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  23. "[How did you know?!] Clairvoance! Oho, or perhaps just something similar." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  24. "As one gets older, it can become more difficult to see what is right before one's own eyes... However, that which was once hidden from view can often be crystal clear." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  25. "But perhaps that is not true for everyone! Oho ho!" — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  26. "The appearance of those towers and the awakening of this shrine... It is all connected to that Sheikah Slate you carry on your hip there." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  27. "It has been quite some time since I have seen that Sheikah Slate..." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  28. "Long ago, a highly advanced tribe known as the Sheikah inhabited these lands." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  29. "The great power of their wisdom saved this kingdom time and time again." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  30. "But their ancient technology disappeared long ago... Or so it is said." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  31. "It is interesting, however, to think... how something like that survived all this time, hidden away in a shrine." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  32. "These shrines are tucked away in numerous places all across this land." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  33. "On this plateau alone, I believe there are still three more. Bring me the treasure from each of those shrines...and I will give you my paraglider." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  34. "[That wasn't the deal!] Oh? Well, I suppose I changed my mind. I'm sure that won't be a problem for a young go-getter like you!" — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  35. "[So I need more now?] I said "treasure," but I never said there would only be one treasure. Whether it's one treasure or four, what's the difference for a young go-getter like yourself?" — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  36. "Since I'm feeling generous, I will also teach you a trick for finding shrines." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  37. "It's always best to survey the area by looking around from a high point. Let's see here... How about you make your way to the top of that tower, again?" — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  38. "[Are you joking?] Oho ho! I am afraid not. But do not worry! I have another little trick to share with you for your effort." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  39. "Take a look at the map on your Sheikah Slate. See those blue icons? You should recognize the cave where you woke, the shrine you came from, and the tower. You can travel instantly to any of those places with the Sheikah Slate." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  40. "Or so I heard quite some time ago... I do not know if it actually works as such." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  41. "With this, you have now acquired all of the Spirit Orbs from the shrines on this plateau." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  42. "That is finally time. Link, it is finally time for me to tell you everything. But first..." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  43. "Imagine an X on your map, with the four shrines as the end points. Find the spot where those lines intersect." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  44. "I shall wait for you there." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  45. "Do you understand? Where two lines connecting the shrines would cross... There...I waiting..." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  46. "Well done there, young one! Now, then... The time has come to show you who I truly am." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  47. "I was king Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule. I was...the last leader of Hyrule. A kingdom which no longer exists." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  48. "The Great Calamity was merciless... It devastated everything in its path, lo, a century ago. It was then that my life was taken away from me." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  49. "And since that time, here I have remained, in spirit form." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  50. "I did not think it wise to overwhelm you while your memory was still fragile. So rather than that, I thought it best to assume a temporary form. Forgive me." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  51. "I think you are now ready. Ready to hear what happened 100 years ago." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  52. "To know Calamity Ganon's true form, one must know the story from an age long past. The demon king was born into this kingdom, but his transformation into Malice created the horror you see now." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  53. "Stories of Ganon were passed from generation to generation in the form of legends and fairy tales." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  54. "But there was also...a prophecy." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  55. ""The signs of a resurrection of Calamity Ganon are clear. And the power to oppose it lies dormant beneath the ground."" — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  56. "We decided to heed the prophecy and began excavating large areas of land." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  57. "It wasn't long before we discovered several ancient relics made by the hands of our distant ancestors. These relics, the Divine Beasts, were giant machines piloted by warriors." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  58. "We also found the Guardians, an army of mechanical soldiers who fought autonomously. This coincided with ancient legends, oft repeated throughout our land." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  59. "We also learned of a princess with a sacred power and her appointed knight, chosen by the sword that seals the darkness." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  60. "It was they who sealed Ganon away using the power of these ancient relics." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  61. "One hundred years ago, there was a princess set to inherit a sacred power and a skilled knight at her side." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  62. "We selected four skilled individuals from across Hyrule and tasked them with the duty of piloting the Divine Beasts. With the princess as their commander, we dubbed these pilots Champions—a name that would solidify their unique bond." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  63. "The princess, her appointed knight, and the rest of the Champions were on the brink of sealing away Ganon..." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  64. "But nay... Ganon was cunning, and he responded with a plan beyond our imagining." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  65. "He appeared from deep below Hyrule Castle, seized control of the Guardians and the Divine Beasts, and turned them against us." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  66. "The Champions lost their lives. Those residing in the castle as well." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  67. "The appointed knight, gravely wounded, collapsed while defending the princess..." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  68. "And thus, the kingdom of Hyrule was devastated absolutely by Calamity Ganon." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  69. "However... The princess survived... to face Ganon alone." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  70. "Link... You are our final hope. The fate of Hyrule rests with you." — Zelda (Breath of the Wild)
  71. "That princess was my own daughter... My dear Zelda." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  72. "And the courageous knight who protected her right up to the very end... That knight was none other than you, Link." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  73. "You fought valiantly when your fate took an unfortunate turn. And then, you were taken to the Shrine of Resurrection. Here you now stand revitalized, 100 years later." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  74. "The words of guidance you have been hearing since your awakening are from Princess Zelda herself." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  75. "Even now, as she works to restrain Ganon from within Hyrule Castle, she calls out for your help." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  76. "However, my daughter's power will soon be exhausted." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  77. "Once that happens, Ganon will freely regenerate himself and nothing will stop him from consuming our land." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  78. "Considering that I could not save my own kingdom, I have no right to ask this of you, Link..." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  79. "But I am powerless here..." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  80. "You must save daughter. And do whatever it takes to annihilate Ganon." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  81. "Somehow, Ganon has maintained control over all four Divine Beasts, as well as those Guardians swarming around Hyrule Castle." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  82. "I believe it would be quite reckless for you to head directly to the castle at this point." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  83. "I suggest...that you make your way east, out to one of the villages in the wilderness. Follow the road out to Kakariko Village. There you will find the elder, Impa. She will tell you more about the path that lies ahead." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  84. "Go on... Here is the paraglider, just as I promised." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  85. "De Vergeten Hoogvlakte" — Adventure Log (Breath of the Wild)