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General information

Zelda.com is the official Zelda site, owned by Nintendo. It has gone through many different designs and incarnations, upon the release of new games. The site layout uses flash.

Bad reputation amongst fans

Zelda.com is also known to be a poor resource of Zelda information, often mixing canon with fanfiction and providing statements that contradict the games. Some examples of this are:

  • For several years on the home page of Zelda.com, the Twilight Princess link along the right navigation links to the Minish Cap section of the website.
  • Says Agahnim imprisoned sages, but he actually imprisoned the maiden descendants of sages.
  • Says that Agahnim's magic broke the Seal on the Sacred Realm when it was in fact his imprisonment of the maidens that did so.
  • States that the power of the seven cyrstals in A Link to the Past were needed to break the barrier around Ganon's tower. The cyrstals held no such power, and were simply used as holding cells for the imprisoned maidens.
  • Says the Bombers have nothing better to do than cause trouble and goof around. The Bombers spent their time helping people.
  • Says the Carnival of Time is to remember every second should be savored.The game only states that it's a celebration of the alignment of the sun and the moon.
  • Says that in Four Swords Adventures, there is a dark tribe sealed in the Dark Mirror. The Japanese text for the game says they were just sealed by the mirror, and not necessarily in it.
  • Says Ganon escapes the Sacred Realm on multiple occasions, and each time is re-sealed by Link and the Seven Sages. Ganon is only known to be sealed by Seven Sages on one occasion.
  • Says Ganondorf was the only male ever "allowed in" to the Gerudos, as opposed to one male being born every 100 years.
  • Says Gleeock is a two*headed dragon, but in several games he has three.
  • Says the Golden Land was forever changed into the Dark World because of Ganon. It was not forever changed, because Link turned it Golden again in A Link to the Past.
  • Says that the The Wind Waker Link's grandma gave him his tunic to help him on his journey. It was actually given to him as a tradition, and unrelated to his journey.
  • Says Koholint Island is off the coast of Eastern Hyrule. Japanese text refers to Koholint as a "southern" island.
  • Claims Medli was a Rito Princess. In reality she was just an apprentice to be Valoo. Komali is the Prince of the Rito
  • Claims that "Megaton" is a brand name of hammers in Hyrule. However it is the name of a LEGENDARY hammer used by a Goron hero.
  • Claims the portals to the Dark World in A Link to the Past was caused by the magic mirror. No such thing is implied.
  • Creates a factless story to connect Majora's Mask to A Link to the Past

"Pendants of Virtue

The Pendant of Courage, the Pendant of Power and the Pendant of Wisdom are collectively known as the Pendants of Virtue. When Link returned from his adventure in Termina, hundreds of years had passed in Hyrule and the Master Sword was hidden within the Lost Woods. To re-prove himself and demonstrate that he was worthy of the Master Sword, Link had to collect all three Pendants of Virtue."

  • Calls Saria an "elfin child of the Kokiri Forest". Kokiri are spirits, not elves.
  • They make up Fan-fiction to explain the creation of Termina, which is never explored in-game.

"When Hyrule was created by the three goddesses at the beginning of time, there were certain side effects of its creation which Din, Nayru and Farore did not anticipate. As the three holy women breathed life into the world and chased away Emptiness, their potent breath slipped through tiny cracks in the folds of space and created millions of alternate worlds in the process. One of these worlds became the land known as Termina."

  • Claims Zola are violent female Zora. Oracle of Ages says they are the same race, just live in different environments.
  • Claims Zoras were made because the Godesses blessed Zora's Domain. Never mentioned in any game.

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