History of the Zora, Part Seven

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The History of the Zora, Part Seven is an Object in Breath of the Wild.[1]

Location and Uses

The History of the Zora, Part Seven is one of several Stone Monuments. Two iterations of this Monument exist. One is located at the back of the Sleeping Chamber in Zora's Domain, where Jiahto can be seen looking at it. The other can be found on Ruto Mountain, due west of Ruto Precipice. Link needs to read one of them for the Side Quest "Zora Stone Monuments".[2]

Exposure to the elements over time has lead to this Stone Monument becoming worn.[3] It tells of a hero who fought the Lynel on Ploymus Mountain.[4] There is also a hint for the location of the Zora Helm.[5]


H---ory of the Zor-, Part S-ven
The H-ro Who D-feat-ed the Ly--l
As T--d b-y King Dorephan

T--re was a time when the p--ple of the land were thre--ened by the dr--- beast Ly-e- who lived on Pl--mu- M--ntain.

But one Hy---n drove th- beast back an- re--ored p--ce to the do--in.

Th- Zora helm w-n in th-s fight i- no- north of --- in the r--ns near ---- L-ke.

It re--s ther- to h--or the d--ds of the he-- L---.



Names in Other Regions
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See Also


  1. H---ory of the Zor-, Part S-ven
    The H-ro Who D-feat-ed the Ly--l
    As T--d b-y King Dorephan
    — History of the Zora, Part Seven (Breath of the Wild)
  2. After hearing Jiahto's request, you agreed to search for the stone monuments in the area surrounding Zora's Domain.

    Not counting the monument in Zora's Domain, there are 10 to find in total.
    — Adventure Log (Breath of the Wild)
  3. Time has taken its toll on this... — Game Screen (Breath of the Wild)
  4. T--re was a time when the p--ple of the land were thre--ened by the dr--- beast Ly-e- who lived on Pl--mu- M--ntain. But on Hy---n drove th- beast back an- re--ored p--ce to the do--in. — History of the Zora, Part Seven (Breath of the Wild)
  5. Th- Zora helm w-n in th-s fight i- no- north of --- in the r--ns near ---- L-ke. — History of the Zora, Part Seven (Breath of the Wild)
  6. Link came to visit me. It had been ages. I told him the Lynel of Ploymus Mountain has been terrorizing everyone lately. When I said that, he started walking toward the mountain, without a word. Spellbound, I followed him there. — Mipha's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  7. When we were almost there, he told me to turn back. He insisted he would be fine on his own. I stubbornly stayed. While I argued, the Lynel attacked us from behind! I was sure we had met our end. How silly of me to doubt. — Mipha's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  8. With a sure hand and a fierce gleam in his eye, Link unsheathed the sword that seals the darkness and defeated our foe. — Mipha's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  9. Link. Do you recall the time we went off to defeat that monster together? The Lynel of Ploymus Mountain was terrorizing us all. But then you came along. — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)
  10. You and I fought as one and... Does any of that sound familiar? — Mipha (Breath of the Wild)