Drablands Diary

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The Drablands Diary, also known as the Worn Diary,[citation needed] is a series of books found around Hytopia in Tri Force Heroes.[1]

Location and Uses

The diaries detail the journeys and findings of a writer named Four Eyes visiting the Drablands.[2] The author ventures into the Drablands and writes about his findings to fulfill a long wish of becoming a writer.[3] The writings documents the creatures he meets and the obstacles he must overcome. The author makes a point of taking a picture of his findings, and one of his photos can be found on the wall in the Miiverse Gallery.[4] There are a total of 8 volumes. A few of the volumes can be read from the libraries in the lobbies of Hytopia Castle, while others are hidden in town.[5] Vol. 7 even requires the use of the Light Armor to be read.[6] The books are fairly popular with the townsfolk, who are known to swap Volume 6 among each other and excitedly offer to read it to Link.[7] Once Princess Styla's curse is lifted, however, the volume will no longer be in their possession and no one will offer to read it anymore.

The diaries also point out several scenic spots that can be found within the Levels of their respective Areas,[8] such as a green butterfly that can be found in the Woodlands, or a painting of Link in The Dunes.[9] The diaries suggest to take a picture of these secrets using the Camera; however, there is no significance to doing this.

Vol. 0

Vol. 0 is located in the library of the multiplayer communications lobby.

Diary Location Subject
Hytopia Castle
Multiplayer Lobby
Hytopia Castle / Drablands

I got a job at the castle! I'm so happy. It's just... Does this mean I'll never achieve my dream of being a writer?

Does it? That's it. I need to go on a journey of awakening and write a book no one else could write. MY book.

Maybe I'll venture into the Drablands with only a pen, a camera, and a bit of old-fashioned stick-to-itiveness.

That's it! Genius! Here goes nothing. My potentially horrific but hopefully also beautiful adventure begins...now.

Vol. 1

Vol. 1 is located in the library of the multiplayer communications lobby.

Diary Location Subject
Hytopia Castle
Multiplayer Lobby

My mind can hardly comprehend what my eyes behold. An uncharted jungle of danger and intrigue!

Even the birds don't sing here. They merely screech and occasionally hiss. Apparently birds can hiss.

I feel a persistent presence ever in my wake, following me everywhere. The slightest noise makes me jump.

Maybe coming here alone was a fool's errand. Maybe it's to be my greatest achievement. Probably the first one.

This area is crawling with Blobs and Totem Dekus. There are also signs of a strong Moblin presence.

Blobs are a joke. They're so blobby, my sword makes quick work of them. And by sword... I mean butter knife.

Totem Dekus and Moblins attack from a distance, though. That makes things a tad trickier. I tried throwing some rocks and grass at a Totem Deku, but to no avail. If only I had a Bow and some arrows...

I was feeling pretty down, and the injuries made it hard to move, but then I saw it—a single butterfly.

Seeing such a sweet and delicate life flourishing in this pit of doom steeled my resolve. If it can survive, I can too!

As it fluttered off, I quickly snapped a photo with  . It's my lucky charm and a reminder to keep fluttering on.

Vol. 2

Vol. 2 is located in the library of the Coliseum Lobby.

Diary Location Subject
Hytopia Castle
Coliseum Lobby

This place is gorgeous! An oasis of sparkling water! This must be the rumored reservoir of the Drablands.

Still, as lovely as it is here, I must not let my guard down. Danger lurks in these pristine waters.

Luckily, I just so happen to be a master swimmer. I've been swimming since birth. Maybe longer.

Though I'm mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted, I still managed my specialty—the water spin.

This smooth move allows me to dodge enemies while fighting against this merciless current.

On a related note, I keep imagining that some of the rocks here are... well, moving. I know it sounds crazy.

Not sure what that whole business is about, but I should probably get some sleep and forget about it.

Vol. 3

Vol. 3 is located in the library of the Coliseum lobby.

Diary Location Subject
Hytopia Castle
Coliseum Lobby

UGH. It's so hot here... I feel my blood is literally boiling. Nature's power is truly awe inspiring.

Touching the lava, even just for a second, sends me running from the burn. I guess that's to be expected.

I keep wishing for an icy wind to come along and put out these roaring flames. So far, no dice.

This place was not meant for humans and certainly not for sheltered writer types. Just saying.

Still, coming here has at least offered me the rare chance to explore these ancient ruins. So ancient. Such ruin.

The bones I've found here are so old, yet still brimming with life and untold stories. And LOTS of dust.

I feel that when I close my eyes, I can hear them whisper... "Get out while you can." It's probably just the heat.

My sweaty hands are a stark contrast to the bone-dry sound of my poor camera's shutter when I press  .

My kingdom for a glass of lemonade...

Vol. 4

Vol. 4 is located in the library of the Hall of the Doppels.

Diary Location Subject
Hytopia Castle
Hall of the Doppels

A tall castle wall surrounded by a deep abyss of foreboding. This is surely the most fortressy fortress I've ever seen!

My heart was full of fear as I tried to sneak past all the soldiers. I feel so alive! Yet terrified! I think I love it.

Just when I was about to give up, again salvation found me in the form of a tiny bug.

It was scaling a wall, without a fear in its little heart. Seeing its struggle gave me the strength to keep going myself.

As a sign of respect to my little friend, I snapped a photo. He and his struggle will now live on for all eternity.

Vol. 5

Vol. 5 is located in the library of the Hall of the Doppels.

Diary Location Subject
Hytopia Castle
Hall of the Doppels
The Ruins

What ARE those colorful beings that smile without restraint? I can't shake the feeling they are not of this world.

They swing their blades at all who approach. For what? For whom? We may never know.

Perhaps they used to dwell in this ruin of ancientness... Or perhaps they're out-of-towners.

Fumbling through the darkness, I came upon mysterious green handprints. That's just creepy, it just is.

Are these markings related to those awful creatures? There's no way to know for sure.

As a requiem to all who came here before me, and to this mysterious green omen, I solemnly pressed  .

Vol. 6

Vol. 6 can be found in the possession of several people in town. It can sometimes be found in the possession of Mrs. Pompadour, Mimi, or the Beret Boy. Mrs. Pompadour says she found it under her husband's pillow.[10] The Beret Boy, when it is in his possession, will read it to one of the cats laying on a bench.[11] This volume will no longer be in their possession once Princess Styla's curse is lifted.

Diary Location Subject
Town Ice Cavern

I have survived my slumber in the embrace of the cold night air. It got to -25 degrees... Cold. Very cold.

I thought I was going to die, but being this cold might be even worse. All is frozen... The only life is monstrous.

Yet even in this cold abyss, I found an adorable goddess. The sight warmed my heart, even in this frigid place.

Such fragile beauty...

Vol. 7

Vol. 7 is located inside the blue tent next to the Street Merchant's stall. Because it is too dark to see inside, Link must wear the Light Armor to read it.

Diary Location Subject
Street Merchant's tent
The Dunes

Here the sands bare their venomous fangs and the dead demand ransom for a soul's safe passage...

If you dare to cease your forward momentum, those sadistic sands will drag you into the land of the dead.

I had to get out as fast as possible. Never to return, I pressed   as fast as I could. I left and never looked back.

I was exhausted, dehydrated, and on the verge of passing out into a state of eternal delirium. I was in bad shape!

That's when the hero appeared before me. He was so sublime...so dapper...as though pulled from a fairy tale!

Was it a dream? Or could it really have been...HIM?

Vol. 8

Vol. 8 is located in the book shelf in the Miiverse Gallery.

Diary Location Subject
Miiverse Gallery
Sky Realm

The endless, blue sky here is truly mesmerizing. This can only be the final area of the Drablands...

Sadly, I have run out of time for my little adventure. I've come so far... It's such a shame to say good-bye.

Still, as sad as it is to see my journey come to an end, I must admit that is likely for the best.

Beneath this gorgeous sky is a land of pure evil and no quarter. I shudder to think what awaits those who enter.

This is a place that only heroes dare go... and a hero, I am not.

I hope someone more courageous than I captures this place on camera one day. What a sight that would be!

I feel can finally put my dream of becoming a writer to rest. I came. I saw. I wrote. It's time to go home.

I will always remember this pilgrimage. I hope my musings serve as a guide to those who follow in my footsteps.

Be as the butterfly, my dear reader.

Regards, Four Eyes


  Names in Other Regions  
Diary from the Drablands[18]
魔境巡り (Makyō-meguri)[13]
Périple en contrées maudites[14]
Périple en contrées maléfiques[19]
Streifzüge durch das Lumpenland[16]
Cronache della Terra dei mostri[12]
데빌랜드 순례 (Debillaendeu Sunlye)[17]
SpanishLALatin American
Guía de Harapia[15]
Guía de Harapia[20]
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.


Scenic Objects


  1. All she can talk about is a book called the Drablands Diary. Chicks are so unpredictable, amiright? — Boy (Tri Force Heroes)
  2. Be as the dear butterfly, dear reader. Regards, Four Eyes — Vol. 8 (Tri Force Heroes)
  3. I feel can finally put my dream of becoming a writer to rest. I came. I saw. I wrote. It's time to go home. — Vol. 8 (Tri Force Heroes)
  4. This picture from the Drablands says "Photo by Four Eyes." Weird... — N/A (Tri Force Heroes)
  5. "We've hidden volumes one to eight of the "Diary from the Drablands" in various places outside the Drablands proper." —Hiromasa Shikata (Tri Force Heroes Miiting part 2.)
  6. "You'll need to be wearing specific outfits to read some of the diary volumes, though." —Hiromasa Shikata (Tri Force Heroes Miiting part 2.)
  7. This book is apparently taking the world by storm... — Boy (Tri Force Heroes)
  8. "Yes, every level has a secret scenic spot. We designed them to be inconspicuous when you're playing normally, and as a result they're pretty tough to find." —Hiromasa Shikata (Tri Force Heroes Miiting part 2.)
  9. "In The Dunes, you can find a mural of Link straight from The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds." —Mikiharu Oiwa (Tri Force Heroes Miiting part 2.)
  10. I found this under my husband's pillow. Shall I read it aloud? — Mrs. Pompadour (Tri Force Heroes)
  11. Mimi lent me a book! I was so happy, I read it to a cat. The cat liked it! Do you want to hear it too? — Beret Boy (Tri Force Heroes)
  12. "Cronache della Terra dei mostri, vol. 1" — Drablands Diary (Tri Force Heroes)
  13. "『魔境巡り -1-』" — Drablands Diary (Tri Force Heroes)
  14. "« Périple en contrées maudites »" — Drablands Diary (Tri Force Heroes)
  15. ""Guía de Harapia, vol. 1"" — Drablands Diary (Tri Force Heroes)
  16. "Streifzüge durch das Lumpenland, Band 1" — Drablands Diary (Tri Force Heroes)
  17. "『데빌랜드 순례 -1-』" — Drablands Diary (Tri Force Heroes)
  18. "Diary from the Drablands, Vol. 1" — Drablands Diary (Tri Force Heroes)
  19. "« Périple en contrées maléfiques »" — Drablands Diary (Tri Force Heroes)
  20. ""Guía de Harapia, Vol. 1"" — Drablands Diary (Tri Force Heroes)