Ancient Oven

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The Ancient Oven,[2] also known as Cherry,[2] is a character in Breath of the Wild. Most of its biography is documented in Robbie's Memoirs.


The Ancient Oven is a reworked Guidance Stone who can be found in the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab. It was originally a Guidance Stone that was used in Kakariko Village but was taken by Robbie to the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab during the second Great Calamity.[3] The Guidance Stone was later remodeled into the Ancient Oven to automate the process of refining Ancient Materials for research in order to lessen the load of Robbie's daily routine.[4] He named the machine Cherry after his first love.[5]

Eventually, Robbie had an idea that could further increase Cherry's capabilities by automating the manufacturing process alongside the refining process, as well as giving it the ability to speak.[1] The process of upgrading Cherry was extremely difficult, and Robbie even had to leave the idea for a short time.[6] It wasn't until Jerrin arrived that she was able to improve Cherry's designs and give it a voice alongside the ability to manufacture ancient equipment.[7][8] At some point during this time, Jerrin and Robbie got married.[9] After a while, Robbie realized that his interactions with Cherry and him calling it Cherry was hurting Jerrin, so he took it upon himself to remove it's advanced voice programming and rename it to the Ancient Oven.[10] From then on, Robbie vowed to stop calling the Ancient Oven "Cherry" as it would make Jerrin mad.[11]

When Link first arrives at the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab 100 years after the second Great Calamity, the Furnace outside the lab is extinguished, making the Ancient Oven nonfunctional.[12] During the Side Quest "Robbie's Research," Link can carry the Blue Flame and relight the Furnace to activate the Ancient Oven, giving him access to the shop.

Wares and Pricing

When provided with Ancient Materials and Rupees, the Ancient Oven dispenses to Link Ancient Soldier Gear and the Ancient Set.[13][14] The Ancient Oven appears to not recognize Link, referring to him as "FamiliarNameMissing" instead.[15]

All Ancient Soldier Gear Price

Ancient Arrow
Rupees x90
Ancient Screw x2
Ancient Shaft x1
Arrow x1

Ancient Arrow x3
Rupees x250
Ancient Screw x6
Ancient Shaft x3
Arrow x3

Ancient Arrow x5
Rupees x400
Ancient Spring x5
Ancient Shaft x5
Arrow x5

Ancient Short Sword
Rupees x1,000
Ancient Spring x15
Ancient Shaft x5
Ancient Core x2

Ancient Shield
Rupees x1,000
Ancient Gear x10
Ancient Spring x15
Giant Ancient Core x1

Ancient Bladesaw
Rupees x1,000
Ancient Screw x15
Ancient Shaft x5
Ancient Core x2

Ancient Spear
Rupees x1,000
Ancient Gear x15
Ancient Shaft x5
Ancient Core x2

Ancient Bow
Rupees x1,000
Ancient Gear x10
Ancient Spring x15
Giant Ancient Core x1

Ancient Helm
Rupees x2,000
Ancient Gear x20
Ancient Shaft x5
Ancient Core x3

Ancient Cuirass
Rupees x2,000
Ancient Gear x20
Ancient Screw x5
Ancient Core x3

Ancient Greaves
Rupees x2,000
Ancient Gear x20
Ancient Spring x5
Ancient Core x3


  • The Ancient Oven shares a resemblance to Dogū figurines from Japan and was likely based on these figurines.


Names in Other Regions
シーカーレンジ (Shīkārenji)
The Republic of ChinaThe Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of ChinaThe Macao Special Administrative Region of China
希卡爐 (Xīkǎlú)
The People's Republic of China
希卡炉 (Xīkǎlú)
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  1. Since the Ancient Oven is a robot, it has no gender. However, Robbie does refer to the Ancient Oven as female.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 "My research didn't end with the creation of Cherry, not at all! I realized that if she was able to refine the ancient materials... There was no reason she couldn't also manufacture ancient soldier gear, too! Anyone could make ancient equipment! I also decided that I wanted to be able to give her a voice so she could speak." — Robbie's Memoirs (Breath of the Wild)
  2. 2.0 2.1 "Hm? Hmmmmmm?! Don't TELL're Link?!" — Robbie (Breath of the Wild)
    "[That's right!] Whoa! Today is eventful, hm? Yes, downright crazy! To think I'd get to see Link 100 years after he went to sleep. On top of that, Cherry...I mean, my ancient finally up and running again!" — Robbie (Breath of the Wild)
    "[The furnace is lit.] Thank you, hm! Heh, though at first I truly believed she started working again by the power of my love..." — Robbie (Breath of the Wild)
    "[Who are you?] Hm? Me? Are you serious?! It seems I got so excited I forgot to introduce myself! I'll start over, hm? I am the lead Guardian researcher and director of the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab. Doctooooor...Robbie!" — Robbie (Breath of the Wild)
  3. "I returned to Kakariko Village to collect the remaining Guidance Stone, then I immediately set out for Akkala." — Robbie's Memoirs (Breath of the Wild)
  4. "It's difficult to say how much progress I made on my research. The routine demanded so much focus, day after day. But then I had a clever thought! I realized I could automate the entire refinement process! It took significant work, but I was able to successfully remodel the Guidance Stone. Thanks to my effort, it can refine any ancient material inserted into it and offer something in return." — Robbie's Memoirs (Breath of the Wild)
  5. "I named this machine Cherry, after the first girl I ever loved..." — Robbie's Memoirs (Breath of the Wild)
  6. "Automating the manufacturing process was extremely difficult. It took me decades to figure it out. I'll spare you the details of all the things that went wrong... But I will say it was complex enough that I had to put my desires to remodel Cherry on the back burner for a while." — Robbie's Memoirs (Breath of the Wild)
  7. "I would have been lost in my work even then... But around that time, a young woman named Jerrin arrived. She'd first trained with Dr. Purah, then Lady Impa had sent her to aid me. She quickly proved herself quite capable. She carried the blue flame from Tumela Heights and even reworked and improved my designs for Cherry." — Robbie's Memoirs (Breath of the Wild)
  8. "Thanks to Jerrin's redesign, Cherry was soon crafting ancient soldier gear perfectly and speaking beautifully." — Robbie's Memoirs (Breath of the Wild)
  9. "Her intellect, her spirit... In hindsight, is it any surprise that we eventually ended up married?" — Robbie's Memoirs (Breath of the Wild)
  10. "She spoke better than any machine I'd ever heard. It would have been hard to tell she wasn't a native Hylian. If I said, "Good morning," she'd respond with a sweet, "Good morning, Robbie." And she was helpful! "Cherry, where'd I leave my book?" "It's the third book from the right on the second shelf, Robbie." She also knew to ask if she needed something. "Robbie, could you increase the furnace heat a little?" I'd always go personally to fetch more blue flame from Tumlea Heights. I didn't realize our interactions hurt someone... That someone...was Jerrin. Perhaps it was due to her namesake, but my exchanges with Cherry hurt Jerrin. Despite the fact that she knew Cherry was only a machine, she still felt uneasy with my interactions with her. She was in tears when she told me. She knew it made little sense, and yet she couldn't help how she felt. I was devastated. I hadn't even realized the pain I was causing. Although Jerrin had designed Cherry, she was now being hurt by her own creation. We agreed to restore Cherry to her original, mechanical way of speaking. I took it upon myself to make the changes. From then on, I was careful to not refer to her as Cherry. Doing so would anger my wife. Instead, I called her... ancient oven." — Robbie's Memoirs (Breath of the Wild)
  11. "My wife...isn't as crazy about her as I am. Yes, when I call her Cherry, my wife gets angry and throws things. That's why I call her the ancient oven now." — Robbie (Breath of the Wild)
  12. "Cherry...erm, the ancient oven... creates ancient soldier gear. But I fear that she's out of sorts at the moment. Hm. I'm afraid someone will have to bring the blue flame from the ancient furnace again." — Robbie (Breath of the Wild)
  13. "Cherry...that is, the ancient oven... is a machine I made to create ancient soldier gear." — Robbie (Breath of the Wild)
  14. "Insert materials and rupees.
    Receive ancient equipment in exchange.
    " — Ancient Oven (Breath of the Wild)
  15. "Hello, *zzzt*, FamiliarNameMissing! Welcome!" — Ancient Oven (Breath of the Wild)