Angular Isles

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The Angular Isles are islands in The Wind Waker.[1]

Features and Overview

Fishman's Commenthide ▲
Fishman says:

Northeast of here is the Forest Haven... They say a truly unique kind of firefly is indigenous to that place. You heard of it, small fry? It emits bursts of light in seven colors! Supposedly it's as beautiful as a rainbow!

If you want to capture one though, you'd best have a bottle to keep it in.

Tingle's Commenthide ▲
Tingle says:

Angular Isles

Whoa! The Angular Isles are there!

The Angular Isles are two islands created out of blocks. Link can ascend the larger island by moving blocks and climbing on them. At the top is a chest containing a Piece of Heart. To reach the second island, Link can either latch onto its tree with the Hookshot or glide there with the Deku Leaf. This island has a Secret Cave with a block puzzle that can only be completed with the Mirror Shield. The prize for completing the puzzle is a chest containing 200 Rupees.

Although the isles are uninhabited at the time of The Wind Waker, they are the birthplace of the Great Fairies[2] and Salvage Corp.[3] It is also home to many Gyorgs, meaning that travel through the waters surrounding the island can be difficult for the unprepared traveler. Lastly, a Piece of Heart can be unveiled from the sea after finding and opening a Treasure Chart found in Forbidden Woods.

Minor Enemies



While the Japanese name for the island uses カク (kaku), which means "angle" or "square", a fitting description of its blocky appearance, the word カクカク (赫赫, 赫々) (kakukaku) means "brilliant", "bright", or "glorious". This place, being the birthplace of the Great Fairies, makes this secondary meaning have notable significance.

Names in Other Regions
カクカク島 (Kakukaku Shima) (TWW)[5] 
The French Republic
Ilots Kif Kif (TWW)[7] 
The Federal Republic of Germany
Treppstieg-Insel (TWW)[6] 
The Italian Republic
Isola Cube (TWW)[4]Cubes Island
The Kingdom of Spain
Islas Cuadri (TWW)[8] 
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.


  1. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 260
  2. "Great Fairy — Birthplace: Angular Isles" — Nintendo Gallery (The Wind Waker)
  3. "Salvage Corp. — Birthplace: Angular Isles" — Nintendo Gallery (The Wind Waker)
  4. "Isola Cube" — Map (The Wind Waker, Italian localization)
  5. "カクカク島" — Map (The Wind Waker)
  6. "Treppstieg-Insel" — Map (The Wind Waker)
  7. "Ilots Kif Kif" — Map (The Wind Waker)
  8. "Islas Cuadri" — Map (The Wind Waker)
Islands in The Wind Waker
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Forsaken FortressStar IslandNorthern Fairy IslandGale IsleCrescent Moon IslandSeven-Star IslesOverlook IslandFour-Eye ReefMother and Child IslesSpectacle IslandWindfall IslandPawprint IsleDragon Roost IslandFlight Control PlatformWestern Fairy IslandRock Spire IsleTingle IslandNorthern Triangle IslandEastern Fairy IslandFire MountainStar Belt ArchipelagoThree-Eye ReefGreatfish IsleCyclops ReefSix-Eye ReefTower of the GodsEastern Triangle IslandThorned Fairy IslandNeedle Rock IsleIslet of SteelStone Watcher IslandSouthern Triangle IslandPrivate OasisBomb IslandBird's Peak RockDiamond Steppe IslandFive-Eye ReefShark IslandSouthern Fairy IslandIce Ring IsleForest HavenCliff Plateau IslesHorseshoe IslandOutset IslandHeadstone IslandTwo-Eye ReefAngular IslesBoating CourseFive-Star Isles

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