Mushroom Men

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Mushroom Men (or Toadstool Men) are Enemies that appear in Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland.[name references needed] They are toadstools that can pop out of the ground and walk. They usually tend to move when Tingle is at a distance. They are the only source for Mushroom ingredients.

Characteristics and Variations

Mushroom Men

Standard Mushroom Men appear in Lon Lon Meadow. They are hard to catch in battle if Tingle is on his own, and catching more than one in battle is very challenging. They will however drop Aroma Toadstools when defeated.

Mushroom Mean

Mushroom Mean only appear in the Deku Forest. When in the ground, they spray a purple gas that confuses Tingle, making him walk the opposite direction he is currently going. They tend to drop Misty Toadstool or Glowing Spores when defeated.

Mountain Mushroom Mean

Mountain Mushroom Mean appear on the foothills of Mount Desma. They have a purple coloration to their stalk and legs and are stronger than regular Mushroom Men, but do not release any poisonous gas like those found in the forest. They tend to drop Aroma Toadstools when defeated.


Names in Other Regions
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