Crenel Road

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Crenel Road is a recurring location in The Legend of Zelda series.(TotKTears of the Kingdom)[1] Crenel Road goes unnamed in Breath of the Wild.

Features and Overview

Breath of the Wild

Crenel Road can be found on the southeastern edge of the Crenel Hills in Hyrule Field. Orsedd Bridge is located at its western end.



Tears of the Kingdom




Crenel Road is named after Mount Crenel from The Minish Cap.[2] In The Minish Cap, the "Crenel" name is also used by Mount Crenel's Base and the Crenel Wall. In both Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom, the name is used by the Crenel Canyon Mine, the Crenel Hills, the Crenel Hills Cave, Crenel Peak, and the Crenel Peak Cave.

Names in Other Regions
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See Also


  1. Crenel Road
    Battle Talus
    — Game Screen (Tears of the Kingdom)
  2. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild—The Complete Official Guide, Piggyback Interactive Limited, pg. 351