Abandoned Kara Kara Mine

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The Abandoned Kara Kara Mine is a location in Tears of the Kingdom.[1]

Features and Overview

The Abandoned Kara Kara Mine is an Abandoned Mine in the Gerudo Desert Depths. It is located directly beside the Tatayam Lightroot. Along the grounds of the Mine, Link can find Decayed Constructs which can be searched for Zonai Charges. Link can also find Crystallized Charges, Poes, Large Poes, and a Grand Poe. A Forge Construct can be found in the southeastern building of the Mine. This Construct will open a Shop that processes Zonaite once spoken to.[2] A Steward Construct can also be found near the center of the Mine, awaiting activation.[3] Once Link has obtained the Autobuild Ancient Power, the Steward Construct will grant him a Schema Stone with the Schematic for an Instant Scaffold.[4][5] At that point, the Steward Construct will also add four Stone Slabs to the platform behind it so that Link can test out the new Schematic.[6]

There is a Yiga Footsoldier disguised as a Researcher near the western side of the Mine. This Yiga Footsoldier can be found alongside a lit Campfire and a machine fashioned from a Wing, a Fan, and a Steering Stick. When spoken to, the Researcher will inform Link that the Mine contains Crystallized Charges and Constructs, but remarks that they cannot allow him to take anything.[7] They then announce that they will kill Link and drop their disguise to attack.[8] This Researcher will not attack Link if he is wearing the Yiga Clan Gear, instead asking him to look around for resources.[9]


Forge Construct's Shop


A fragment of crystal made by condensing Zonai charges processed from zonaite. Said to be used for Energy Cell improvement.


A large piece of crystal, made by condensing Zonai charges processed from zonaite. Equal to 20 normal crystallized charges.


A material used as a power source for constructs and other devices. Put it in a Zonai device dispenser, or use it to recover a small amount of power for a Zonai Energy Cell.


A Zonai charge with massive energy stored within. Put it in a Zonai device dispenser, or use it to temporarily prevent a Zonai Energy Cell from losing power.


A fragment of crystal made by condensing Zonai charges processed from zonaite. Said to be used for Energy Cell improvement.

A large piece of crystal, made by condensing Zonai charges processed from zonaite. Equal to 20 normal crystallized charges.


A material used as a power source for constructs and other devices. Put it in a Zonai device dispenser, or use it to recover a small amount of power for a Zonai Energy Cell.

A Zonai charge with massive energy stored within. Put it in a Zonai device dispenser, or use it to temporarily prevent a Zonai Energy Cell from losing power.

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Restocks daily.


Treasure Chests

Treasure Chest
-3231, -2477, -0474

At the center of the Mine

Treasure Chest
-3201, -2441, -0439

Atop the ledge behind the Steward Construct

Treasure ChestContentsCoordinatesNotes
-3231, -2477, -0474

At the center of the Mine

-3201, -2441, -0439

Atop the ledge behind the Steward Construct


Names in Other Regions
The Republic of ChinaThe Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of ChinaThe Macao Special Administrative Region of China
卡拉卡拉廢礦 (Kǎlā kǎlā fèikuàng)
The People's Republic of China
卡拉卡拉废矿 (Kǎlā kǎlā fèikuàng)
The French Republic
Mine abandonnée Assek
Mine abandonnée Assek
The Federal Republic of Germany
Verlassene Wüstenbasar-Mine
The Italian Republic
Miniera abbandonata di Arsur
The Republic of Korea
카라카라 폐광
The Kingdom of Spain
Mina abandonada de Sekken
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.

See Also


  1. "Abandoned Kara Kara Mine" — Map (Tears of the Kingdom)
  2. "These are materials that have been processed from the ore. I am willing to accept zonaite in exchange for processed materials." — Forge Construct (Tears of the Kingdom)
  3. "Authorizer verified." — Steward Construct (Tears of the Kingdom)
  4. "Welcome. This was once a busy refinery where a great deal of zonaite was processed. My task here is to manage designs for mining equipment. Please hold on one moment." — Steward Construct (Tears of the Kingdom)
  5. "I have confirmed that there is a schema stone you do not yet have. Allow me to rectify that." — Steward Construct (Tears of the Kingdom)
  6. "I will also prepare the parts required to test it via Autobuild." — Steward Construct (Tears of the Kingdom)
  7. "Can you believe this?!" — Researcher (Tears of the Kingdom)
    "[What is it?] Look around you! None of this is naturally occurring, right? And do you see that? That's a construct! They're really real! Which means this is an abandoned mine! I know that doesn't sound exciting, but they're the crown jewels of the Depths! Not only are they full of crystallized charges, but if you talk to a construct, I hear they'll give you treasure! So yeah! I obviously can't let you take all these riches from me, can I, Link?" — Researcher (Tears of the Kingdom)
  8. "I'll have your life!" — Researcher (Tears of the Kingdom)
  9. "Ah, great timing! Get a load of this! Another abandoned mine! Can you believe it?! There should be a big crystallized charge somewhere around here. If you're free, would you mind taking a look? There's more constructs here too. Wonder if we'll ever actually learn to activate 'em..." — Researcher (Tears of the Kingdom)