Black Wolfos

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Black Wolfos are enemies in Cadence of Hyrule.[1]


Black Wolfos are a stronger variety of Wolfos. Like other Wolfos, they can only move to the beat of the music on every two music beats, along with being able to attack in all eight directions, including diagonally. Before moving and attacking, they will always crouch down and bare their long, saber-tooth-like fangs for one beat before hopping onto another tile, dealing damage to anyone who's standing in their way.

Despite their strength, they will always hop away from either Cadence, Link, Yves, or Zelda, whenever any of the heroes looks directly at them, and won't attack until the heroes turn around or until the Black Wolfos moves to a position either behind or adjacent to the hero where they cannot see them.


Names in Other Regions
The French Republic
Wolfos noir[4]Same as English.
Loufos noir[6]Black Loufos; corruption of loup (wolf).
The Federal Republic of Germany
Schwarzer Wolfos[3]Same as English.
The Italian Republic
Lupo nero[2]Black wolf
Latin America
Wolfos negro[5]Same as English.
The Kingdom of Spain
Wolfos negro[7]Same as English.
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.

See Also


  1. "Defeated By: Black Wolfos" — Game Over (Cadence of Hyrule)
  2. "Causa della sconfitta: Lupo nero" — Game Over (Cadence of Hyrule, Italian localization)
  3. "Besiegt von: Schwarzer Wolfos" — Game Over (Cadence of Hyrule, German localization)
  4. "Défaite causée par: Wolfos noir" — Game Over (Cadence of Hyrule, European French localization)
  5. "¡Fin de la partida! Causa: Wolfos negro" — Game Over (Cadence of Hyrule, Latin American Spanish localization)
  6. "Défaite causée par: Loufos noir" — Game Over (Cadence of Hyrule, Canadian French localization)
  7. "¡Fin de la partida! Causa: Wolfos negro" — Game Over (Cadence of Hyrule, European Spanish localization)