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Rapids are a recurring trap in The Legend of Zelda series.[1][name references needed]


Ocarina of Time

Rapids appear on the Zora's River and in parts of the Water Temple. They may also appear alongside Whirlpools. The Iron Boots can be used to prevent being pushed along by Rapids.

Oracle of Seasons

Rapids are found in Spool Swamp during Spring. They push Link in a given direction, often towards other Rapids that move in a different direction. Much like Deep Water, Link will drown in Rapids without having obtained the Zora's Flippers. Navigating Rapids is required to obtain a Piece of Heart.

Four Swords

Rapids appear in the Chambers of Insight and may also appear in the Sea of Trees, Talus Cave, and Vaati's Palace. They quickly sweep the Links away in a given direction and prevent movement against the Rapids' flow.


Names in Other Regions
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See Also


  1. You will also find currents and rapids in the water. If you exert some effort, you can swim against currents, but you'll never get past rapids. — Stray Fairy (Four Swords)
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