Guidelines:Tears of the Kingdom

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Revision as of 07:16, 21 March 2024 by TriforceTony (talk | contribs) (→‎Other Sections)
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We are assuming that Tears of the Kingdom works like Breath of the Wild does when it comes to the World Level. To cover content as accurately as possible, it is highly recommended that participants use a "pacifist" file with minimal progression. Because killing enemies often adds a hidden value to the game's data which determines what type of enemy you see (such as when Blue Bokoblins start appearing where normal red ones have before), this impacts the accuracy of data collection. The contents of Treasure Chests are also known to scale to provide more formidable weaponry or equipment with added effects.

Playing without killing enemies is the best-recommended option for collecting data. As Nintendo accounts are free to create, we recommended that you create a separate account for pacifist accounts if you wish to help in this way.

If you are interested in contributing to the Tears of the Kingdom project as part of a team, you are welcome to join our #tears-of-the-kingom channel on the Zelda Wiki Discord.


It is best to cite the subtitled text instead of the spoken words when citing from Memories and cutscenes.

Coloration and Styling

Text Colors
TotK Channel BlueThe Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Channel
TotK Gray
TotK MapMap
TotK Map BlueShrine of Light, Towns
TotK Mysterious VoiceMysterious Voice
TotK Purah PadPurah Pad interface
TotK Red
TotK TealThis is an estimate. Should be replaced with the hexadecimal used in the game files.
TotK White
TotK Yellow



Taking Screenshots

For guidelines on how to take screenshots, please refer to the File Guidelines.

Standards for Screenshots

To keep our content as accurate to official media as possible, we have provided a list of the ideal conditions to capture screenshots based on direct video from trailers and official artwork, including conditions that specifically involve Link or Link's Horse. As a general principle, screenshots of locations should not include Link in the shot. Other conditions are as follows:

  • The HUD mode should be set to Pro. This removes all HUD elements from the game screen and allows for much clearer screenshots.
    • This can be done by going to the System menu (press + then scroll to the far right), selecting Options, and switching HUD mode to "Pro" at the bottom of the menu.
  • Unless it's necessary to have it otherwise, shots should be taken during the daytime (ideally between 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM).
  • If a screenshot requires the Paraglider to be shown, use the default fabric. If you have a different fabric, you can change back to the default fabric at the Kochi Dye Shop in Hateno Village.
  • The weather should be sunny, unless otherwise necessary. You can verify the weather by setting the HUD mode to Normal and looking at the gauge underneath the current time.
  • The environment in view should not be tampered with (such as any Trees being cut down, Treasure Chests opened, or any items/objects in sight that do not naturally belong there).

If there is ever a case where the HUD cannot be set to Pro, these standards should be met for the HUD:

  • Link should have a maximum of 3 Hearts, and they should be full. If you have more than three hearts, you can remove them by selling them to the Horned Statue in the Royal Hidden Passage beneath Lookout Landing. Temporary Hearts are also not acceptable.
  • Link should not have any active effects on-screen from Elixirs. These appear underneath the Life Gauge if one is active.
  • The Sheikah Sensor should be disabled on the map, which removes it from the HUD.

To see which combinations of equipment are acceptable for a screenshot under a specific situation, click on one of the tabs below.

GeneralGreat Sky IslandScorching ClimatesFreezing Climates
Any of the Weapons listed above may be used.

As there are no specific standards for Desert Heat, you should take screenshots that involve Link while he is at full health and without any Foods that grant Heat Resistance, as they cause a timer to appear on the screen. For screenshots not involving Link, it is acceptable to wear any necessary attire to ensure that Link's Hearts don't decrease.

Tips for Screenshots

  • Try to take shots that capture the front of a subject, head-on. You should try to keep as much of the subject in the frame as possible, but also try to be as close to the subject as possible when doing so.
  • If Link is up next to an object and you place the camera between Link and the object, you can turn Link "invisible" in order to take screenshots without him in them. Walls, cliffs, and Trees are your allies. Just be sure not to get any foliage in the way of the shot.
  • Slightly higher ground usually allows for better shots of the subject. You can climb nearby Trees, position the camera to face the sky to hide Link and then slightly readjust the camera until you get the angle you want. This is possible for all Trees, but it's more difficult for thinner Trees.
  • Springs are particularly effective Items that you can use to create a barrier to position Link against, as they can be collected in large numbers and deployed from the Inventory at will. They can also be stacked to create taller structures. Zonai Capsules with Springs can be spawned at Device Dispensers such as those at the Digdogg Suspension Bridge and North Necluda Sky Archipelago.


When writing articles for characters, you should begin their biography section with information on a character's species and, if applicable, whatever equipment they are carrying. Then, you should document the character's role in Link's adventure from when Link can first and last meet them. It's usually easiest to carefully document lines of dialogue from them and assemble them in a logical, chronological order. From there, you can assemble a narrative and begin writing while citing passages accordingly. Due to the complexity of this game, there are often several branches of dialogue. It's recommended that you save before speaking to a character so that you can reload and explore various paths of dialogue. Remember to make use of the Big, Small, and Color templates where appropriate when citing text.

Some characters have unique lines of dialogue in certain situations, such as: when they are rescued from Monsters, when rain forces them to take shelter, when you approach them without any Armor that covers Link's chest, when you wake them up at night, when you surprise them by waiting inside their house close to the door as they return home, and when they are walking to and from home to their daytime/nighttime locations. Try these out when speaking to characters, as you may find something new.

If a character operates a shop that isn't tied to a given location, include a Wares and Prices section that lists what they sell.


It is recommended that you progress far enough to obtain the Camera as it will allow you to quickly identify Creatures, Monsters, Materials, and Equipment. In lieu of this, you can refer to the listing on the Hyrule Compendium page.


Features and Overview

For the Features and Overview section, articles should follow the following format:

  • The first paragraph should contain general details, such as where the location is situated and what features are unique to the area. These include characters (travelers, while not unique, should be mentioned as passing through), searchable objects which grant Materials (such as the Decayed Constructs), and monster camps.
  • The second paragraph should contain information on what events took place between Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom and then whatever happens in a location during the course of the game. If a Memory can be recovered here, mention the details of the Memory and then state that Link is able to recall these events with the Recall Ancient Power. If none of these details are applicable, simply skip to the next paragraph.
  • The third paragraph should contain information regarding special details such as Yiga Clan members in disguise. Any other Enemies (including Guardians and Lynels) must be placed in the Enemies section. If a given location doesn't have any of these, skip to the next paragraph.
  • The fourth paragraph should contain details for what Treasures can be found there. In addition to Treasure Chests, Ore Deposits should also be mentioned here. Mentions of Treasure Chests should be put in a Treasure Chests section.

Other Sections

The sub-sections following the Features and Overview section should be as follows (where applicable):

  • Areas
    • [Character]'s [Shop Type]
    • Device Dispenser
  • Creatures
  • Enemies
    • Sub-Bosses
    • Bosses
  • Materials
  • Equipment
  • Zonai Devices
  • Treasure Chests
  • Korok Seeds

Where relevant, each section should be a gallery that lists each applicable subject in alphabetical order. These galleries should be created using the Gallery List template.


{{Gallery List|Locations

This section should only be included if a location contains other locations in it. Named locations should go in a Gallery List template, while unnamed locations should go beneath this as a sub-header.

  • If a location of a particular type (General Store, Inn, Armor Shop, Jewelry Shop) exists but has no name, it is acceptable to phrase the header as "OWNER's TYPE OF SHOP". For example, Ardin runs an unnamed General Store in Gerudo Town that specializes in Mushrooms. The section for her Shop is consequently known as Ardin's General Store. As this isn't truly a term, this section cannot be split into its own article.
  • Named locations that are listed must include the {{Main}} template alongside a brief description of the store. Locations that go unnamed but would otherwise be listed on a town's page should contain any necessary details that a separate article might, including a Wares and Prices sub-section.
  • Location types such as Device Dispensers also should be put as sub-sections here in alphabetical order alongside Shops. For example, the subsection for Ardin's General Store would go before a subsection titled Device Dispenser. A subsection for Mubs's General Store would go after the subsection titled Device Dispenser.


{{Gallery List|Creatures

Though bugs and other critters also serve as items, they should only be placed in the Creatures section and not the Materials section. Because they cannot be found universally by cutting Grass or lifting Rocks, Creatures found this way may be placed in this section. Monsters that are not Enemies (such as Naydra or the Light Dragon) should be included here.


{{Gallery List|Enemies
  • If an Enemy is equipped with a Weapon, Shield, or Bow, please use the Equipment template to clarify. Though Enemies are listed alphabetically, please use the in-game ordering when arranging the same Enemies by equipment (so that two Bokoblins are listed as one wielding a Traveler's Sword then one with a Traveler's Bow, respectively). A simple rule of thumb is to put One-Handed Weapons before Two-Handed Weapons, and those before Spears. Ensure that a single space is placed between the Enemy name and any additional details via code, such as the Equipment template. No spaces should be placed between instances of the Equipment template.
  • If there are Enemies of the same type that do not bear any equipment, please list them first. Additionally, if there are two Enemies with the same Weapon and one has a Shield, list the one without the Shield first. When listing an Enemy with a Bow, be sure to also include any Materials it attaches to the Arrows. Unlike Breath of the Wild, it is not necessary to specify the kind of Arrow, as there is only one.
  • If there are two Enemies with the exact same Bow but different types of Arrows, list the Materials in the in-game order (so that an Enemy with Chuchu Jellies is listed before an enemy with Red Chuchu Jellies). For more information, please consult the Equipment template page.
  • Enemies that have different models should be listed in the file's numerical order (e.g. File:TotK Chuchu Model.png should place before File:TotK Chuchu Model 2.png. There are often a number of variations between Enemy models, so please consult Enemies in Tears of the Kingdom if you are unsure which to use.
  • Please specify Enemy numbers with [Qty:] before using the Equipment template. Enemies which spawn under variable conditions (such as Stal Enemies at nighttime or random Chuchus during the daytime) should not be counted. These should only be counted if there are any that have pre-determined spawn locations (such as a 100% spawn rate dropping from a Tree). Like with the Equipment template, a space should separate the Enemy's name and the [Qty:], but there should not be a space between the [Qty:] and the Equipment template.
  • In rare cases (such as with Temples), locations may have sub-locations within them. Any details that are found exclusively in the sub-location(s) should be specified with the [Sublocation:] function ahead of the [Qty:] function (e.g. an Enemy only found on Wind Temple 1F should have [Sublocation:Wind Temple 1F] used in the Gallery List template on the Wind Temple article. If there are more than one sublocation where this is true, separate them with a colon and list them alphabetically (e.g. [Sublocation:Wind Temple 1F:Wind Temple B1]). If the parent location also has the Enemies independently, do not include the Sublocation function. The purpose of this function is to prevent redundant information from appearing with the Spawn Locations template.

Sub-Bosses and Bosses

{{Gallery List|Enemies
  • Sub-Bosses should be listed before Bosses, and both should be listed as distinct sub-sections to the Enemies section even if the Enemies section is otherwise empty.
  • If there are multiple unrelated (see Trilby Valley#Sub-Bosses) (Sub-)Bosses, use a Hatnote template to specify how many fights there are and then use the Listing Container template to encompass the sub-section's content and then place each (Sub-)Boss fight in a separate Listing Item template. The title (which may sometimes be a location name) and name should then be used as the header in the Listing Item template. If the title is not simply a location name, it should be italicized. An example is provided below:
Code Result
{{Hatnote|There are two {{Term|TotK|Sub-Boss}} fights in this location.}}
{{Listing Container|
{{Listing Item|perrow= 1|header= {{Small|Trilby Valley}}<br/>Stone Talus|content= 
{{Gallery List|Enemies
 |TotK= Stone Talus [Qty:1]

{{Listing Item|perrow= 1|header= {{Small|Trilby Valley}}<br/>Flame Gleeok|content= 
{{Gallery List|Enemies
 |TotK= Flame Gleeok [Qty:1]
There are two Sub-Boss fights in this location.

Trilby Valley
Stone Talus

Trilby Valley
Flame Gleeok

  • Sub-Bosses that are composed entirely of normal Enemies should also by default be contained in a Listing Container, with their collective title and name placed as the Listing Item header. If the title is not simply a location name, it should be italicized. An example from Yiga Clan Hideout Chasm#Sub-Bosses is provided below.

Guardians of the Hideout
Yiga Clan Enforcers

  • (Sub-)Bosses with regular Enemies in their entourage should list the (Sub-)Boss first, and then list the Enemies in the same Gallery List template after that. Some Sub-Boss fights are simply groups of Enemies fighting as one, and so should be listed as normal. An example from North Hyrule Plain#Sub-Boss is provided below.
  • If the Gallery List is not inside a Listing Item, (Sub-)Bosses with titles that are not simply groups of Enemies should interject their titles with <br/>''title'' immediately after the Qty function (before the Equipment template). If the "title" is only the location name, it should be ignored. Examples from Mipha Court#Sub-Bosses and Coliseum Ruins#Sub-Bosses are provided below.
Sub-Boss with title
(Mipha Court)
Sub-Boss with location name
(Coliseum Ruins)


{{Gallery List|Materials

Materials obtained from cutting Trees do not qualify for the Materials section. This is because they are universal features of all Trees. However, Materials found growing on or atop of Trees (Acorns, Apples, Bird Eggs, Chickaloo Tree Nuts, Courser Bee Honey, Hearty Durians, Mighty Bananas, Palm Fruits) do qualify as long as they weren't obtained by destroying the Trees.


{{Gallery List|Equipment

Only equipment found in the open should be included in this section. Equipment found inside of Treasure Chests should not be placed in this section. Additionally, equipment held by enemies should not be counted, as most equipment held by these enemies tend to scale alongside them. Equipment obtained from cutting down Trees and bushes (Korok Leaves, Tree Branches) do not qualify for this section. This is because they are universal features of all Trees.

The files for each item on a list should come out as File:TotK NAME Model.png, even if that particular subject does not yet have an image. You should not substitute it for its icon just to ensure it has an image.

Zonai Devices

{{Gallery List|Zonai Devices
  • Only Zonai Devices found on the ground or open in the world should be included in this section.
  • Zonai Devices in Capsule form should be listed separately from their default counterparts and specified with [Capsule] at the end of the name in order to display their Capsule icons.
  • Zonai Devices that are held and used by Enemies should not be included.

Treasure Chests

Korok Seeds

Korok Seed Puzzle typeNotes

The coordinates should be as close to the Acorn Jar as possible. You can stand beneath the Jar and find the X and Y coordinates that way. By climbing beside the Acorn Jar, you can find the Z coordinate.

The coordinates should be at the point the Korok appears.

The coordinates should be at the point below the Puzzle.

The coordinates should be at the point atop the Stump.

The coordinates should be on the ground at the center of the structure.

The coordinates should be on the ground where the Dandelion Bud is found.

The coordinates should be atop the Cork that is stuck.

The coordinates should be at the center of the Cube Pattern. If stuck on a wall, stand on top of the Pattern.

The coordinates should be at the center of the Ring.

The coordinates should be taken while Link is climbing on the center of the Puzzle.

The coordinates should be taken as close to the Fairy Dust as possible.

The coordinates should be taken where the Fairy Dust begins moving. You can save and reload the game to find this.

The coordinates should be on the ground at the center of the structure.

The coordinates should be taken at the spot where the first Flower appears. Ideally, you should provide additional information detailing the coordinates of where the Flower appears as you chase it (see here).

The coordinates should be taken at the spot where Food is offered. If a Puzzle has more than one empty plate and requires multiple offerings, the position between them will work.

The coordinates should be taken as close to the Balloon as possible. If possible, you can Ascend through a Balloon to stand on top of it.

The coordinates should be taken at the site where the Pinwheel appears.

The coordinates should be at the center of the stump where the Puzzle begins. Ideally, you should also provide the coordinates where the Race ends (see here).

The coordinates should be taken as close to the Bell as possible.

The coordinates should be taken where the Rock sits.

The coordinates should be taken where the Rock sits.

The coordinates should be taken at the center of the Pattern.

The coordinates should be taken where the Rock sits.

The coordinates should be taken where the Rock sits.

The coordinates should be taken where the Rock sits.

The coordinates should be at the center of the stump where the Puzzle begins.

The coordinates should be at the center of the stump where the Puzzle begins. Ideally, you should also provide the coordinates where the Target sits (see here).

The coordinates should be where the first Korok sits. Ideally, you should also provide the coordinates of the other Korok (see here).

Specific Location Types

This is a breakdown of the main body portion of various types of location articles:


When working on articles for bridges, you should form an imaginary cuboid that extends the full length of the bridge in question. Then, its sides should extend all the way up and down. Anything that appears within this imaginary cuboid should be counted for the article. If there are any pieces of a bridge that appear outside of this shape, you can consider the area leading up until that piece as part of the bridge as well.

Features and Overview (H2)

  • List features and characters present along this bridge.
Creatures (H3)
Enemies (H3)
Materials (H3)
Equipment (H3)
Zonai Devices (H3)

Skyview Towers

As a general principle, the area directly surrounding a Skyview Tower can be considered as part of that Tower's location if that location surrounding it does not have any other name.

Features and Overview (H2)

  • Begin by mentioning where the Tower is located and what happens when the Tower is activated. List features and characters present on this Tower. If the characters present provide any Quests, briefly mention them.
Creatures (H3)
Enemies (H3)
Materials (H3)
Equipment (H3)
Zonai Devices (H3)


Features and Overview (H2)

  • List features and characters present in and around this Stable. If the characters present provide any Quests, briefly mention them.
Creatures (H3)
Enemies (H3)
Materials (H3)
Equipment (H3)
Zonai Devices (H3)


Features and Overview (H2)

Areas (H3)
Creatures (H3)
Enemies (H3)
Materials (H3)
Equipment (H3)
Zonai Devices (H3)


Quest articles should follow a simple progression. The infobox should contain an image that pertains to the name or theme of the Quest, rather than one specific thing that happens in the Quest. The infobox also provides an option to list previous Quests and any Quests that follow. These should be any Quests that must be started or completed before the Quest in question can be started. An example of how to make a good Quest article can be seen here.

The Overview section should cover how to obtain the Quest, as well as how the Quest unfolds. Some Quests have multiple starting conditions and multiple ways to progress and resolve. Each one should be documented and cited thoroughly. If the Quest leads to another Quest, mention the following Quest(s) at the end of this section. Additionally, if a Quest has any consequences (such as Yiga Clan members showing up throughout Hyrule as a result of finishing the "Seek Out Impa" Main Quest), those should be mentioned at the end of whichever condition causes the consequence to occur.

The Objectives sub-section should list, in order, the various stages of a Quest.
