Anouki Village

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The Anouki Village is a location in Spirit Tracks.[1] It is the home settlement of the Anouki tribe, located in the northwestern quadrant of the re-established Hyrule known as the Snow Realm.

Features and Overview

The village, made up of many small huts mostly composed of ice and snow, is one of the most visible areas of activity when Link enters the Snow Realm since it is located immediately south of the Snow Sanctuary. The village is presided over by the chief of the Anouki, Honcho. Overall, there are six members of the Anouki tribe inhabiting the village, including Honcho. According to one Anouki, they settled the Anouki Village after they were told that they couldn't live on the Isle of Frost forever.[2] Located almost in the middle of the village is a Air Stone that can teach the young hero the Song of Discovery. There is also a Stamp Station to the east of the village, hidden behind some trees, where Link can receive a Stamp from it for his Stamp Book.

Link arrives in the village shortly after recovering the Snow Rail Map from the Tower of Spirits and restoring just enough of the lost Spirit Tracks of the Snow Realm to reach the village.

Upon arriving, Link finds the Anouki tribe in disarray due to recent monster activity near the village.[3] When the young hero meets Honcho, he mentions that he is too busy to help Link since he is setting up a village watch; however, if Link can stay and help him find a patrol partner for every Anouki in the village, Honcho will tell the young hero everything he knows about the Snow Sanctuary.[4] Before departing, Honcho warns Link that the Anouki are extremely picky when it comes to who they want as partners, and so his job is to acquiesce to each of the Anouki's preferences in order to successfully pull them all together.[5] After accomplishing this, Link must show his findings to the village chief, who will reward the young hero with the knowledge of how to reach the Snow Sanctuary.[6]

Force Gems

A Goron from Goron Village wishes to experience cold weather and snow. Link can bring him here and he will reward the young hero with a Force Gem. Also, by providing Lumber from Whittleton and bringing the bridge worker to build a fence, an Anouki will give Link another Force Gem. Both of these Force Gems reveal new Spirit Tracks in the Snow Realm.


Names in Other Regions
The People's Republic of China
雪鹿村 (Xuě lù cūn)[12]Snow Deer Village
The French Republic
Village Skimo[9]Skimo Village
Village Anouki[11]Anouki Village
The Federal Republic of Germany
The Italian Republic
Villaggio Eschimù[7] 
Latin America
Aldea Niveosita 
The Kingdom of Spain
Aldea Niveosita[10] 
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  1. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 114
  2. "Hey! You! I know what ya wanna hear. Ya wanna hear our story, doncha! Way back when, us Anoukis lived on an island encased in ice. But one day, someone told us we couldn't just crash there forever. So we packed up our junk and set out in search of a new land to call home. Lotsa stuff happened after that, but we ended up here! Village, sweet village! So how's that for drama? Brings a big, fat tear to your eye, right?" — Anouki (Skyward Sword)
  3. "...Honestly, though, when those tracks disappeared, us Anoukis were shocked. Not only were the tracks gone, but monsters started poppin' up too! We're in a real bind now! There's danger around every corner!" — Honcho (Spirit Tracks)
  4. "So I don't really have time to yak it up about goin' to the Snow Sanctuary. But I might be able to chat more if you'd help this old- timer organize some teams. What do you say, pal?" — Honcho (Spirit Tracks)
  5. "Ya think you're up to the task, buddy? Yeah, ya got a real capable look to ya. Well, do your best, but don't get worked up if the goin' gets a little tough! See, most of the villagers are a little picky about who they'll partner up with. Pairin' them off is gonna be a pain, but I think ya got it under control. Talk with folks in town, and come tell me when you've found the best pairings!" — Honcho (Spirit Tracks)
  6. "Technically speakin', the tunnel that goes there is still intact... But no one's used it since that ginormous monster moved in a few years back. See, us Anoukis are thinkers, not monster fighters. But I can tell you're cut from different cloth than us! Sturdier cloth! Sure, the tunnel to the Snow Sanctuary is scary, but you can handle it! Here's the entrance. If ya decide to use it, be careful in there, OK?" — Honcho (Spirit Tracks)
  7. "Villaggio Eschimù" — Rail Map (Spirit Tracks)
  8. "Anouki-Dorf" — Rail Map (Spirit Tracks)
  9. "Village Skimo" — Rail Map (Spirit Tracks)
  10. "Aldea Niveosita" — Rail Map (Spirit Tracks)
  11. "Village Anouki" — Rail Map (Spirit Tracks)
  12. 塞尔达传说:百科全书, New Star Press, pg. 290
Stations in Spirit Tracks
Aboda VillageTrading PostWhittletonForest SanctuaryRabbitland RescueHyrule CastleCastle TownForest TempleAnouki VillageAnouki VillageSnow SanctuaryBridge Worker's HomeWellspring StationSlippery StationSnowdrift StationSnow TempleSnow TempleTower of SpiritsPapuchia VillagePirate HideoutOcean SanctuaryOcean FloorLost at Sea StationOcean TempleSand SanctuarySand TempleGoron Target RangeFire SanctuaryGoron VillageFire TempleDisorientation StationDark Ore MineEnds of the Earth StationDark Realm

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