My Fairy

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My Fairy is a game mode in Hyrule Warriors Legends.[1][2] In it, players can befriend Companion Fairies,[3] which serve as partners for Warriors. To befriend a Companion Fairy, Warriors must find the Fairy hidden in a Jar in Adventure Mode.[4] Once found, Companion Fairies can be taken into battles and scenarios in Adventure Mode and Legend Mode. Multiple Fairies can be befriended, but only one per warrior can be taken into a battle at a time. Using Fairy Magic,[5] they are able to conjure powerful attacks. Fairies can be raised and customized in a number of ways. They will level up over time, allowing them to learn new skills and attributes for use in battle. Leveling them up also increases their magic, allowing them to accompany Warriors into harder battles.


Dining Room

Fairies can be fed special Food found in Adventure Mode, which can grant or increase certain skills or statistics. There are three kinds of Foods: bronze, silver and golden ones. After receiving a golden Food in a battle, it becomes possible for enemies to randomly drop it. Fairies can be freely raised in any way the player wishes, allowing them to be raised as balanced battlers, or as specialists in a particular stat or skill.

Personality Traits

10 personality traits exist, but each Fairy can only keep up to five. Each time a Fairy is revived (in which it reverts back to level 1 after reaching level 99), it becomes possible to change its name, as well as one personality trait. This is the only manner of maxing out every trait.

These 10 traits are:

  • Aspiring[a]
  • Dizzy
  • Eager
  • Friendly
  • Relaxed[b]
  • Resolute
  • Shrewd[c]
  • Smiley
  • Sparkly
  • Valiant[d]
  1. Prior to the Ver. 1.6.0 update for Hyrule Warriors Legends,[verification needed] the Aspiring trait was called Dreamy.
  2. Prior to the Ver. 1.6.0 update for Hyrule Warriors Legends,[verification needed] the Relaxed trait was called Soft.
  3. Prior to the Ver. 1.6.0 update for Hyrule Warriors Legends,[verification needed] the Shrewd trait was called Fleet.
  4. Prior to the Ver. 1.6.0 update for Hyrule Warriors Legends,[verification needed] the Valiant trait was called Flashy.

Each Food gives bonuses and a stat decrease: for example, a Delicious Odd Mushroom gives 10 points in Valiant, but decreases Dizzyness by 5 points.

  • Bronze food gives +2 in three traits, -1 in one trait, and nothing to the remaining six.
  • Silver food gives +5 in two traits, +2 in two, -2 in one, and is neutral for the remaining five.
  • Gold food gives +10 in one trait, +5 in two, +2 in two, but also -2 in two, and -5 in another. Neutral for the remaining two.

Food & Fairy type

Each Food has a type. If a Food and a Fairy share the same type, stat bonuses are increased and decreased stats are reduced by less:

  • +10 becomes +12
  • +5 becomes +6
  • +2 becomes +3
  • -1 becomes +2
  • -2 becomes +1
  • -5 becomes -2

A Fairy cannot lose any points in her personality traits if she eats Food of the same type, except if this Food is a golden one, and gives -5 in one of the trait she is currently carrying.

Like Materials, Foods come in three rarities: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Unfortunately, in order to for these Foods to begin dropping from enemies, the appropriate Food and rarity must first be unlocked from Adventure Mode. Captains will only drop Bronze and Silver Food while playable characters and bosses drop Silver or Gold Foods. The difficulty setting also increases the chances of obtaining better quality Food. Additionally, each captain, character, and boss has a specific set of drops.

List of Food

This listing is incomplete.
Reason: Missing stats.
You can help by adding the missing information.
Food Affected Traits Enemy Drop
Name Element Type Bronze Silver Gold Captains Character / Boss

All-Purpose Bait

Feast +2: Friendly, Resolute, Smiley
-1: Valiant
+5: Friendly, Smiley
+2: Resolute, Sparkly
-2: Eager
+10: Smiley
+5: Friendly, Resolute
+2: Valiant, Sparkly
-2: Aspiring, Shrewd
-5: Eager
Big Blin Toon Link

Bee Larvae

Weird +2: ???
-1: ???
+5: ???
+2: ???
-2: ???
+10: ???
+5: ???
+2: ???
-2: ???
-5: ???
Aerolfos Agitha


Weird +5: Eager, +2: Valiant, Resolute
-1: Relaxed
+5: Eager, Valiant
+2: Aspiring, Resolute
-2: Smiley
+10: Eager
+5: Valiant, Resolute
+2: Aspiring, Relaxed
-2: Dizzy, Shrewd
-5: Smiley
Fiery Aeralfos Wizzro

Bottled Water

Drink +2: Shrewd, Friendly, Relaxed
-1: Valiant
+5: Friendly, Relaxed
+2: Eager, Shrewd
-2: Aspiring
+10: Friendly
+5: Shrewd, Relaxed
+2: Eager, Valiant
-2: Resolute, Sparkly
-5: Aspiring
Icy Big Poe Skull Kid


Plant +2: Valiant, Shrewd, Smiley
-1: Sparkly
+5: Shrewd, Smiley
+2: Valiant, Friendly
-2: Resolute
+10: Shrewd
+5: Valiant, Smiley
+2: Friendly, Sparkly
-2: Dizzy, Eager
-5: Resolute
Hylian Captain Impa

Chateau Romani

Drink +2: Valiant, Shrewd, Friendly
-1: Eager
+5: ?
+2: ?
-2: ?
+10: Valiant
+5: Shrewd, Friendly
+2: Eager, Relaxed
-2: Aspiring, Resolute
-5: Dizzy
ReDead Knight Young Link
Chu Jelly

Weird +2: Valiant, Resolute, Relaxed
-1: Aspiring
+5: Resolute, Relaxed
+2: Eager, Valiant
-2: Shrewd
+10: Resolute
+5: Valiant, Relaxed
+2: Aspiring, Eager
-2: Dizzy, Sparkly
-5: Shrewd
Fiery Aerolfos Zant

Deku Nut

Plant +2: Valiant, Friendly, Resolute
-1: Sparkly
+5: Valiant, Friendly
+2: Eager, Resolute
-2: Aspiring
+10: Friendly
+5: Valiant, Resolute
+2: Eager, Sparkly
-2: Dizzy, Shrewd
-5: Aspiring
Goron Captain
Bulblin Captain

Elixir Soup

Drink +2: Friendly, Resolute, Smiley
-1: Valiant
+5: Resolute, Smiley
+2: Friendly, Sparkly
-2: Eager
+10: Smiley
+5: Friendly, Resolute
+2: Valiant, Sparkly
-2: Aspiring, Shrewd
-5: Eager
Stone Blin King Daphnes

Ember Seeds

Plant +2: Eager, Valiant, Shrewd
-1: Friendly
+5: Eager, Valiant
+2: Shrewd, Relaxed
-2: Dizzy
+10: Valiant
+5: Eager, Shrewd
+2: Friendly, Relaxed
-2: Resolute, Smiley
-5: Dizzy
ReDead Knight Volga

Gale Seeds

Plant +2: Valiant, Friendly, Relaxed
-1: Eager
+5: Valiant, Friendly
+2: Shrewd, Relaxed
-2: Dizzy
+10: Valiant
+5: Friendly, Relaxed
+2: Shrewd, Eager
-2: Aspiring, Sparkly
-5: Dizzy
Icy Big Poe Helmaroc King

Great Fairy's Tears

Drink +2: Aspiring, Resolute, Relaxed
-1: Eager
+5: Aspiring, Relaxed
+2: Valiant, Resolute
-2: Friendly
+10: Aspiring
+5: Resolute, Relaxed
+2: Eager, Valiant
-2: Shrewd, Sparkly
-5: Friendly
Darknut Link


Fish +2: Aspiring, Eager, Resolute
-1: Valiant
+5: Aspiring, Eager
+2: Resolute, Relaxed
-2: Friendly
+10: Aspiring
+5: Eager, Resolute
+2: Valiant, Relaxed
-2: Shrewd, Smiley
-5: Friendly
Aerolfos Argorok

Hot Spring Water

Drink +2: Eager, Shrewd, Relaxed
-1: Friendly
+5: Eager, Relaxed
+2: Valiant, Shrewd
-2: Sparkly
+10: Relaxed
+5: Eager, Shrewd
+2: Valiant, Friendly
-2: Resolute, Smiley
-5: Sparkly
Big Poe Tingle
Toon Zelda

Hylian Loach

Fish +2: ?
-1: ?
+5: ?
+2: ?
-2: ?
+10: Eager
+5: Aspiring, Relaxed
+2: Valiant, Resolute
-2: Friendly, Sparkly
-5: Smiley
Aerolfos Midna

Hylian Pike

Fish +2: Eager, Resolute, Relaxed
-1: Aspiring
+5: Eager, Resolute
+2: Valiant, Relaxed
-2: Shrewd
+10: Resolute
+5: Eager, Relaxed
+2: Aspiring, Valiant
-2: Smiley, Sparkly
-5: Shrewd
Darknut Manhandla

Hyoi Pear

Plant +2: Valiant, Friendly, Smiley
-1: Sparkly
+5: Valiant, Smiley
+2: Friendly, Resolute
-2: Eager
+10: Smiley
+5: Valiant, Friendly
+2: Resolute, Sparkly
-2: Dizzy, Aspiring
-5: Eager
Big Blin Tetra

Hyrule Bass

Fish +2: ???
-1: ???
+5: ???
+2: ???
-2: ???
+10: ???
+5: ???
+2: ???
-2: ???
-5: ???
Fiery Aerolfos Argorok

Life Tree Fruit

Plant +2: Eager, Friendly, Resolute
-1: Dizzy
+5: Friendly, Resolute
+2: Eager, Sparkly
-2: Aspiring
+10: Friendly
+5: Eager, Resolute
+2: Dizzy, Sparkly
-2: Shrewd, Smiley
-5: Aspiring
Stalmaster Manhandla

Light Fruit

Plant +2: Eager, Friendly, Sparkly
-1: Dizzy
+5: Friendly, Sparkly
+2: Eager, Resolute
-2: Relaxed
+10: Sparkly
+5: Eager, Friendly
+2: Dizzy, Resolute
-2: Aspiring, Smiley
-5: Relaxed
Moblin Gohma

Lon Lon Milk

Drink +5: Resolute
+2: Eager, Sparkly
-1: Valiant
+5: Eager, Resolute
+2: Friendly, Sparkly
-2: Shrewd
+10: Resolute
+5: Eager, Sparkly
+2: Valiant, Friendly
-2: Smiley, Relaxed
-5: Shrewd
Hylian Captain Sheik

Magic Beans

Plant +2: Eager, Friendly, Saprkly
-1: Valiant
+5: Friendly, Sparkly
+2: Eager, Resolute
-2: Aspiring
+10: Friendly
+5: Eager, Sparkly
+2: Resolute, Valiant, ?
-2: Smiley, ?
-5: Aspiring
Gibdo Lana


Feast +2: Eager, Valiant, Shrewd
-1: Relaxed
+5: Valiant, Shrewd
+2: Eager, Friendly
-2: Dizzy
+10: Valiant
+5: Eager, Shrewd
+2: Friendly, Relaxed
-2: Resolute, Smiley
-5: Dizzy
Dinolfos Ganon

Mushroom Spores

Weird +2: Dizzy, Friendly, Sparkly
+5: Friendly, Sparkly
+2: Dizzy, Eager
-2: Relaxed
+10: Sparkly
+5: Dizzy, Friendly
+2: Eager, Resolute
-2: Aspiring, Valiant
-5: Relaxed
Stalmaster Ghirahim

Mystery Seeds

Plant +2: Valiant, Friendly, Relaxed
-1: Shrewd
+5: Friendly, Relaxed
+2: Eager, Valiant
-2: Aspiring
+10: Friendly
+5: Valiant, Relaxed
+2: Eager, Shrewd
-2: Dizzy, Sparkly
-5: Aspiring
Stone Blin Ravio
Phantom Ganon

Odd Mushroom

Plant +2: Valiant, Friendly, Resolute
-1: Eager
+5: Valiant, Resolute
+2: Friendly, Sparkly
-2: Dizzy
+10: Valiant
+5: Friendly, Resolute
+2: Eager, Sparkly
-2: Aspiring, Shrewd
-5: Dizzy
Gibdo Sheik

Ordon Catfish

Fish +2: Aspiring, Valiant, Relaxed
-1: Resolute
+5: Valiant, Relaxed
+2: Aspiring, Eager
-2: Sparkly
+10: Relaxed
+5: Aspiring, Valiant
+2: Eager, Resolute
-2: Dizzy, Friendly
-5: Sparkly
Darknut King Dodongo

Ordon Goat Cheese

Feast +2: Valiant, Resolute, Relaxed
-1: Eager
+5: Valiant, Resolute
+2: Aspiring, Relaxed
-2: Dizzy
+10: Valiant
+5: Resolute, Relaxed
+2: Aspiring, Eager
-2: Shrewd, Sparkly
-5: Dizzy
Aerolfos Twili Midna

Pegasus Seeds

Plant +2: Eager, Shrewd, Friendly
-1: Relaxed
+5: Eager, Shrewd
+2: Valiant, Friendly
-2: Resolute
+10: Shrewd
+5: Eager, Friendly
+2: Valiant, Relaxed
-2: Aspiring, Smiley
-5: Resolute
Big Poe Helmaroc King


Plant +2: Eager, Friendly, Resolute
-1: Sparkly
+5: Eager, Friendly
+2: Dizzy, Resolute
-2: Smiley
+10: Eager
+5: Friendly, Resolute
+2: Dizzy, Sparkly
-2: Aspiring, Shrewd
-5: Smiley
Shield Moblin The Imprisoned

Pumpkin Soup

Drink +2: Eager, Friendly, Resolute
-1: Dizzy
+5: Eager, Resolute
+2: Friendly, Sparkly
-2: Shrewd
+10: Resolute
+5: Eager, Friendly
+2: Dizzy, Sparkly
-2: Aspiring, Smiley
-5: Shrewd
Moblin Fi


Fish +2: Relaxed, Valiant, Resolute
-1: Aspiring
+5: Valiant, Resolute
+2: Relaxed, Eager
-2: Dizzy
+10: Valiant
+5: Relaxed, Resolute
+2: Aspiring, Eager
-2: Sparkly, Shrewd
-5: Dizzy
Fiery Aeralfos Ruto

Rock Sirloin

Weird +2: ?
-1: ?
+5: ?
+2: ?
-2: ?
+10: ?
+5: ?
+2: ?
-2: ?
-5: ?
Dinolfos Darunia

Sacred Water

Drink +2: Friendly, Resolute, Sparkly
-1: Dizzy
+5: Friendly, Sparkly
+2: Eager, Resolute
-2: Relaxed
+10: Sparkly
+5: Friendly, Resolute
+2: Dizzy, Eager
-2: Aspiring, Shrewd
-5: Relaxed
Shield Moblin Zelda

Scent Seeds

Plant +2: Valiant, Shrewd, Friendly
-1: Eager
+5: Valiant, Shrewd
+2: Friendly, Relaxed
-2: Resolute
+10: Shrewd
+5: Valiant, Friendly
+2: Eager, Relaxed
-2: Aspiring, Dizzy
-5: Resolute
Stone Blin Ganondorf


Weird +2: Aspiring, Valiant, Resolute
-1: Relaxed
+5: ?
+2: ?
-2: ?
+10: Valiant
+5: Aspiring, Resolute
+2: Eager, Relaxed
-2: Shrewd, Friendly
-5: Dizzy
Darknut Phantom Ganon

Stamina Fruit

Plant +2: Eager, Resolute, Sparkly
-1: Friendly
+5: Resolute, Sparkly
+2: Dizzy, Eager
-2: Shrewd
+10: Resolute
+5: Eager, Sparkly
+2: Dizzy, Friendly
-2: Smiley, Relaxed
-5: Shrewd
Lizalfos The Imprisoned

Water Fruit

Plant +2: Dizzy, Friendly, Resolute
-1: Sparkly
+5: Dizzy, Resolute
+2: Eager, Friendly
-2: Shrewd
+10: Resolute
+5: Friendly, Dizzy
+2: Eager, Sparkly
-2: Aspiring, Valiant
-5: Shrewd
Lizalfos King Dodongo

Weird Egg

Feast +2: Valiant, Resolute, Sparkly
-1: Friendly
+5: Resolute, Sparkly
+2: Eager, Valiant
-2: Relaxed
+10: Sparkly
+5: Valiant, Resolute
+2: Eager, Friendly
-2: Dizzy, Shrewd
-5: Relaxed
Goron Captain Linkle


Fairies can also be dressed up in clothing known as Fairy Clothing. These include various articles of clothing and accessories based on characters from The Legend of Zelda series, such as Link's tunic, Zelda's dress, the Fused Shadow, and Fi's shawl and tights, among many others. Some DLC packs will also include additional Fairy Clothing.


In the School, Companion Fairies can change the Rental Skill they are currently using.[6] Some Companion Fairies will have learned one Rental Skill when they are befriended but others will be unable to use a Rental Skill until they learn one. Companion Fairies can also view what personality traits they require to learn particular Rental Skills.[7] If the Fairy has the correct personality traits, they can see how much the trait's value must be increased to learn the skill but if the Fairy lacks a personality trait, the trait will be displayed in red and show what value the trait will need to be raised to if the Fairy later gains that trait after being refreshed.[8]

List of Rental Skills

Rental Skill Personality Trait Requirement Description
First Second Third Fourth Fifth
Fill Special Attack Valiant 75 Sparkly 50 Makes hearts restore your Special Attack gauge as well.
Fill Magic Dizzy 75 Sparkly 50 Makes hearts restore your Magic gauge as well.
Heart Bonds Eager 75 Friendly 50 Health replenishes according to the fairy's Trust.
Special Bonds Smiley 75 Friendly 50 Special Attack gauge replenishes according to the fairy's Trust.
Magic Bonds Dizzy 75 Eager 50 Magic gauge replenishes according to the fairy's Trust.
Hard Worker Sparkly 75 Resolute 50 Replenishes hearts when health reaches 0, but only once.
Dream Sphere Valiant 950 Smiley 50 Creates a shock wave that momentarily stops enemy movement.
Invincible Weakling Resolute 75 Smiley 50 Makes you invincible, but decreases your attack damage.
Health Regain Resolute 75 Eager 50 Replenishes health.
Special Regain Smiley 2125 Friendly 2100 Resolute 2100 Replenishes Special Attack gauge.
Total Focus Eager 2125 Friendly 2100 Resolute 2100 Replenishes health, Special Attack, and Magic gauge when inside allied keeps.
Repair Technician Resolute 2125 Friendly 2100 Sparkly 2100 Replenishes allied Keep gauges while inside allied keeps.
Wall of Water Smiley 2125 Valiant 2100 Sparkly 2100 A barrier appears that protects warriors from all damage.
Keep Keeper Valiant 2125 Resolute 2100 Smiley 2100 Attack damage increases when inside keeps.
Marathon Runner Friendly 2125 Smiley 2100 Sparkly 2100 Allows the warrior being controlled to move from one place to another much faster.
Elemental Magician Aspiring 2125 Eager 2100 Relaxed 2100 Weapon's attribute is overwritten by the fairy's main attribute.
Health Sponge Sparkly 2125 Dizzy 2100 Friendly 2100 Restores health every time you inflict damage on enemies.
Special Sponge Relaxed 2125 Aspiring 2100 Valiant 2100 Replenishes Special Attack gauge every time you inflict damage on enemies.
Magic Sponge Shrewd 2125 Eager 2100 Relaxed 2100 Replenishes Magic gauge every time you inflict damage on enemies.
XP Master Dizzy 2125 Eager 2100 Resolute 2100 Increases experience gained from defeating enemies.
Rupee Master Relaxed 2125 Shrewd 2100 Friendly 2100 Increases Rupees gained from defeating enemies.
Material Master Aspiring 1225 Resolute 1225 Valiant 1200 Relaxed 200 Increases rare material drop rate.
Food Master Eager 1225 Relaxed 1225 Aspiring 1200 Resolute 200 Increases food drop rate.
Weapon Master Shrewd 1225 Friendly 1225 Eager 1200 Relaxed 200 Increases weapon drop rate.
Extreme Gusts Friendly 75 Valiant 50 Creates a shock wave that makes enemies get blown away when running.
Extreme Evasion Sparkly 2125 Eager 2100 Valiant 2100 Creates a shock wave that makes enemies trip when evading.
Extreme Crush Valiant 1225 Smiley 1225 Friendly 1200 Sparkly 200 Creates a shock wave that knocks down surrounding enemies.
Glass Cannon Dizzy 1225 Friendly 1225 Resolute 1200 Sparkly 200 Increases attack damage, but reduces your health and defenses to 1 hit.
Special Fountain Valiant 1225 Sparkly 1225 Eager 1200 Resolute 200 Special Attack gauge stays maxed out.
Magic Fountain Eager 1225 Shrewd 1225 Valiant 1200 Relaxed 200 Magic gauge stays maxed out.
Wall of Water+ Smiley 1225 Sparkly 1225 Aspiring 1200 Valiant 200 A barrier appears that protects warriors from all damage.
XP Master+ Dizzy 1225 Resolute 1225 Eager 1200 Sparkly 200 Increases experience gained from defeating enemies.
Rupee Master+ Relaxed 1225 Dizzy 2200 Shrewd 1200 Friendly 200 Increases Rupees gained from defeating enemies.
Food Master+ Eager 0255 Aspiring 0225 Resolute 0225 Relaxed 0225 Valiant 200 Increases food drop rate.
Material Master+ Resolute 0255 Aspiring 0225 Valiant 0225 Relaxed 0225 Smiley 200 Increases material drop rate.
Weapon Master+ Friendly 0225 Eager 0225 Shrewd 0225 Relaxed 0225 Dizzy 200 Increases weapon drop rate.
Special Fountain+ Sparkly 0255 Eager 0225 Valiant 0225 Resolute 0225 Aspiring 200 Special Attack gauge stays maxed out.
Magic Fountain+ Shrewd 0255 Eager 0225 Valiant 0225 Relaxed 0225 Aspiring 200 Magic gauge stays maxed out.
Extreme Crush+ Smiley 0255 Valiant 0225 Friendly 0225 Sparkly 0225 Resolute 200 Creates a shock wave that knocks down surrounding enemies.


Here, the player can get an abilitie for one of his fairy, or share one. This functionality requires two players to connect locally.


This listing is incomplete.
Reason: Missing names.
You can help by adding the missing information.

When first obtained, a Fairy is given a randomly generated name, picked from a pool of names that corresponds with their Element. Fairies may also be renamed when they are first obtained, and again when they have reached Level 99.

Light Darkness Fire Water Lightning
  • Brill
  • Caydee
  • Chiara
  • Clara
  • Contra
  • Daye
  • Dimidia
  • Harper
  • Irene
  • Kari
  • Leesha
  • Leflee
  • Len
  • Letti
  • Lofti
  • Lumine
  • Magnolia
  • Nae
  • Neris
  • Pell
  • Phos
  • Punkin
  • Reflet
  • Sanshi
  • Seli
  • Shine
  • Spectra
  • Tenn
  • Blanche
  • Bline
  • Chomp
  • Cobalt
  • Esdeath
  • Fana
  • Gandora
  • Imp
  • Kiyo
  • Loyla
  • Meara
  • Null
  • Palu
  • Plum
  • Rida
  • Romi
  • Shayla
  • Snorre
  • Tarde
  • Tina
  • Twy
  • Violet
  • Webb
  • Zan
  • Bolaire
  • Boley
  • Cinder
  • Deker
  • Ember
  • Flickr
  • Hearth
  • Hesty
  • Julia
  • Krackle
  • Lalla
  • May
  • Milli
  • Pona
  • Puck
  • Pyrolule
  • Rooke
  • Ruby
  • Sage
  • Scarlet
  • Shalla
  • Torch
  • Vesta
  • Viola
  • Wick
  • Zori
  • Becka
  • Bo
  • Buckler
  • Foam
  • Gullia
  • Isla
  • Lazuli
  • Leanne
  • Marie
  • Misty
  • Pearl
  • Presilla
  • Pressi
  • Rioa
  • Rochel
  • Seles
  • Tream
  • Tyda
  • Angie
  • Anji
  • Ariel
  • Avelle
  • Celeste
  • Cielle
  • Daniela
  • Klim
  • Krone
  • Luna
  • Madge
  • Mina
  • Nimbelle
  • Peek
  • Shell
  • Sorin
  • Spark
  • Stormy
  • Thundre


Fairy Clothing

Video Gallery

My Fairy trailer


Names in Other Regions
The French Republic
Jardin des fées (HWDE)[11]Fairy garden
Jardin des fées (HWDE)Fairy garden
The Federal Republic of Germany
Feen-Gefährten (HWDE)[10]Fairy Companions
The Italian Republic
Fatine (HWDE)[9]Fairies
Latin America
Hadas (HWDE)[12]Fairies
The Kingdom of Spain
Hadas (HWDE)Fairies
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.


  1. "My Fairy" — N/A (Hyrule Warriors Legends)
  2. "My Fairy" — N/A (Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition)
  3. "Companion Fairies are partners who use powerful magic and skills to help you on your adventure." — Tutorial (Hyrule Warriors Legends)
  4. "You will meet all kinds of fairies during Adventure Mode battles. These fairies are hidden in various jars in enemy keeps during these battles. If you find fairies in jars, they will become your companions. Gather lots of fairies, and work with them to overcome challenges on your adventures!" — Tutorial (Hyrule Warriors Legends)
  5. "Bringing a companion fairy into battle allows you to use Fairy Magic. The effects of the magic will become more powerful as the fairy's level increases." — Tutorial (Hyrule Warriors Legends)
  6. "In the School, you can change your companion fairies' Rental Skills." — Tutorial (Hyrule Warriors Legends)
  7. "Fairies can learn different Rental Skills depending on which of the five of the different fairy personality traits they have. You can check the personality traits and their current values on the radar chart." — Tutorial (Hyrule Warriors Legends)
  8. "Any personality traits that the companion fairy doesn't have will be displayed in red. You can change one of the fairy's personality traits each time you refresh her." — Tutorial (Hyrule Warriors Legends)
  9. "Fatine" — Select Mode (Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition)
  10. "Feen-Gefährten" — Select Mode (Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition)
  11. "Jardin des fées" — Select Mode (Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition)
  12. "Hadas" — Select Mode (Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition)