Meat and Seafood Fry

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Meat and Seafood Fries are recurring Meals in The Legend of Zelda series.[1][2]

Location and Uses

Breath of the Wild

Meat and Seafood Fries can be made by Cooking any Meat and Seafood together in a Cooking Pot. Their default version can be made by using Seafood with contradicting effects. Alternatively, Seafood without any effects can be used, such as Hyrule Basses and Sanke Carps. When eaten, these Meals will heal some Hearts to Link's Life Gauge. These dishes are noted to be filling and have fresh ingredients.[1]

In his diary, the Old Man writes about making Spicy Meat and Seafood Fry, claiming it restores health and keeps him warm in the cold.[3] Using this dish, he claims he will no longer need his Warm Doublet.[4] However, on the next page, he laments the fact that he did not write down the recipe, only remembering that he used Raw Meat and Spicy Peppers.[5] Though it seems unlikely to him, if anyone were to know the final ingredient, he would give them his Warm Doublet.[6] Link can make Spicy Meat and Seafood Fry for the Old Man, and he will be rewarded with a Warm Doublet if he shares the recipe.[7][8] He will later write in his diary about how Link is a fine young man who he sees potential in, as well as transcribing the recipe.[9]

Based on the type of Seafood used and whether additional ingredients are added, the following variations of Meat and Seafood Fry can be made:

  • Enduring Meat and Seafood Fry:[12] Made by adding enduring ingredients. When eaten, they will completely refill and overfill Link's Stamina Wheel.[12]
  • Hasty Meat and Seafood Fry:[14] Made by adding hasty ingredients. If eaten, they will increase Link's speed for a short period of time.[14]

Tears of the Kingdom


Names in Other Regions
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See Also


  1. 1.0 1.1 Meat and Seafood Fry
    A filling dish made by cooking fresh seafood and meat together.
    — Inventory (Breath of the Wild)
  2. Meat and Seafood Fry
    A filling dish made by cooking fresh seafood and meat together.
    — Recipe Book (Tears of the Kingdom)
  3. On this desolate plateau, the only pleasure that brings me comfort is cooking. And today, I outdid myself! Truly, I created the perfect dish. I call it... spicy meat and seafood fry. This recipe not only restores health, but it also keeps me warm, even when traveling in the snowy mountains. — The Old Man's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  4. With this dish on my side, I no longer have need of that itchy warm doublet. — The Old Man's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  5. I do not know how I allowed this to happen, but it seems I forgot to write down a very important recipe. I know it contained raw meat and spicy pepper. However... I simply cannot remember what else I used! My age is catching up to me. — The Old Man's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  6. Sadly, on this lonely plateau, I have only my own knowledge and memory to rely on. Still... If I did find someone who knew the missing ingredient, I would happily reward them with my warm doublet. However, it seems unlikely that such a miraculous wish will ever be fulfilled. — The Old Man's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  7. Wait... Is that... That looks just like my signature perfect dish, spicy meat and seafood fry! But how did you-?! Well, I suppose that is not important. Can I trouble you to share the recipe? — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  8. Well done! Now, please allow me to reward your culinary efforts with this warm doublet. — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  9. To my surprise and delight, I did happen upon someone who was able to re-create my spicy meat and seafood fry. I gave him my warm doublet, and I was happy to do so. He is a fine young man with great potential, that one. Ah, and I will now write down this perfect recipe so that I will never forget it. Place some raw meat, spicy pepper, and hyrule bass in a pot, and then turn up the heat. Voilà! — The Old Man's Diary (Breath of the Wild)
  10. 10.0 10.1 Chilly Meat and Seafood Fry
    Grants low-level heat resistance.
    A filling dish made by cooking fresh seafood and meat together.
    — Inventory (Breath of the Wild)
  11. 11.0 11.1 Electro Meat and Seafood Fry
    Grants low-level electricity resistance.
    A filling dish made by cooking fresh seafood and meat together.
    — Inventory (Breath of the Wild)
  12. 12.0 12.1 Enduring Meat and Seafood Fry
    Restores and overfills your Stamina Wheel.
    A filling dish made by cooking fresh seafood and meat together.
    — Inventory (Breath of the Wild)
  13. 13.0 13.1 Energizing Meat and Seafood Fry
    Instantly refills some of your Stamina Wheel.
    A filling dish made by cooking fresh seafood and meat together.
    — Inventory (Breath of the Wild)
  14. 14.0 14.1 Hasty Meat and Seafood Fry
    Grants a low-level movement-speed boost.
    A filling dish made by cooking fresh seafood and meat together.
    — Inventory (Breath of the Wild)
  15. 15.0 15.1 Hearty Meat and Seafood Fry
    Restores your health and temporarily increases your maximum hearts.
    A filling dish made by cooking fresh seafood and meat together.
    — Inventory (Breath of the Wild)
  16. 16.0 16.1 Mighty Meat and Seafood Fry
    Grants a low-level attack-power boost.
    A filling dish made by cooking fresh seafood and meat together.
    — Inventory (Breath of the Wild)
  17. 17.0 17.1 Sneaky Meat and Seafood Fry
    Grants a low-level stealth boost.
    A filling dish made by cooking fresh seafood and meat together.
    — Inventory (Breath of the Wild)
  18. 18.0 18.1 Spicy Meat and Seafood Fry
    Grants low-level cold resistance.
    A filling dish made by cooking fresh seafood and meat together.
    — Inventory (Breath of the Wild)
  19. 19.0 19.1 Tough Meat and Seafood Fry
    Grants a low-level defense boost.
    A filling dish made by cooking fresh seafood and meat together.
    — Inventory (Breath of the Wild)